Twenty-Seven: Games & Dinner
I hated this.
I hated that despite the traumatic attacks, the arguments, the stalking, and overall flipping of my world, that standing in the shower washing my hair, my thoughts kept drifting back to Jay and his intention to take me out.
No, I will not get excited over him. He is my friend. He's barely even that. Do not go in with expectations, that'll only set you up for heartbreak.
My wolf argued back countless times saying that he was our mate and he couldn't hurt us. But when she said couldn't I heard wouldn't, meaning it was still possible for him to do so if he wanted. It was hard for me to believe Jay even took this seriously. All his actions with other girls leading up to meeting me said he hadn't.
My water had turned cold pulling me out of my thoughts. Drying from my shower, I dressed in the cozy sweater and sweats. Tiredness swept over me and Jay's bed greeted me with open arms. Crawling into the fluff of the comforter, I let is swaddle me and my thoughts.
Again thoughts of Jay and the past days carried me off to sleep.
My eyes opened on their own, and I woke surprisingly refreshed. A clock on Jay's side table altered me that I had slept for three hours.
Instinctually my hand went searching for my phone, only to remember it was likely still in Jay's car.
Jaci was kind enough to give me a pair of jeggings that turned out to be leggings with the appearance of washed blue jeans and a ruffly tunic cut shirt. Brushing through my honey gold hair, I threw it up in a messy bun then went the extra mile of braiding a cord of hair to wrap around the bun. Slipping on a pair of Jaci's loaned black Tom's I was good to go.
I skipped downstairs-trying to keep myself from breaking, knowing that keeping a cool face and keeping my act together was the best thing to do in this situation-and searched for Jay.
The Mat and Terrence lounged and played in the living room on the nice black leather sectional couch, playing and yelling at the TV that appeared to be a shooter game displayed on it.
"Hey, do you guys know where Jay is?" I asked leaning up on the counter of the kitchen.
Mat grunted and fell back onto the couch from his crouched position. He looked over to me with his pouty lips and whined, "Syd! You got me killed!"
"Oh boo who. I hate to say it Matty, but you were never a good player, to begin with." The words rolled off my tongue nonchalantly.
"Woah! You did not just go there, Syd! You did not just go there!" Mat sobbed.
"Oh, yes I did," I sassed back.
"Girlfrien' you shouldn't start a fight you can't end." Mat said in a mockingly feminine voice.
I chuckled. "Okay, scoot over and let me show you who's boss. Terrence, would you mind giving me the sticks for a sec?"
Terrence smiled cockishly and nodded. "I would pay to see Mat get his ass whipped by a girl. It'd put him in his place."
"What are you saying, Terrence?" I asked, cocking my head to the side looking for a challenge.
"Nothing Cinderella, nothing at all," Terrence said shaking his head in dismay.
He handed over the silver platinum X-box controller.
"Get ready to be beaten into the ground, Hills."
Mat's head snapped to me. "Did you just downgrade me to a last name friend?"
I smiled at me knowing my smile answered his question.
He smiled back. "Bring it on Watkins. I'm going to put you in your place."
Three games of free-for-all later, I was laughing and dancing.
"You lost, you lost!" I jingled at the shameful Mat.
I pinched Mats cheek for good measure, this only causing him to get angrier. "Oh, fuck off Syd. I just let you win."
Jumping beside him pulled him into a half hug half attempt to strangle him.
"Sure Hills sure you did! But you know I still love you, even with your lack of video game playing skills."
A throat was cleared.
All of our heads snapped to a Jaycen who stood in the doorway. He didn't look angry, but there was something with how his jaw was clenched that said otherwise.
"Ready to go, Star?"
"Yep, "I nodded and hopped over to him.
"Alright, then let's go." Jay held out an elbow to me. "M'lady?" He asked in a fake British tone.
Laughing I hooked my arm through his.
I remember the last time we were in his truck. The memories of Jay's problem and trying to hide it with his jacket brought back warmth to my cheeks.
"So where are we going for our outing?" I inquired.
He shook his head but kept his eyes on the road. "Can't tell Star. I am sworn to secrecy."
"By who?" I shot back smugly.
Turning his head he gave me a toothy smile. "Myself," Jay said like I should have known that.
Letting out a groan for frustration Jay laughed at my reaction. "Sorry Star."
"Oh, I'm sure you are."
Slapping a hand over his heart he cried, "Scouts honor!"
Chuckling I answered back with, "I don't believe you."
"Star! Your words wound my pride!"
"I'm sure they do Jay. But still I don't believe you."
Jay let out a sigh and faked hurt when he said, "Don't trust me then, Star."
"Oh Jay, did I hurt your little feelings?" I asked in a childish voice, squeezing his knee before I realized what I was doing.
His breath stuttered and his body tensioned.
I quickly pulled my hand away thinking, does he not like me touching him? I mean I was the one who said we should start off being friends, but did that cause him to hurt and his sudden feelings for me to disburse?
When Jay realized I asked a question he quickly said, "Yes you did. Nah I'm kidding. I never was a boy scout anyways."
Helping get over the awkward moment, I gasped and clapped a hand over my mouth. "Jaycen, you're telling me you lied on the scouts' honor?!" I cried.
We both laughed at my 'shocking' revelation.
"Well, we're here."
Looking out the front window I saw we came to a very fancy Italian restaurant. A reputable restaurant that, from my parent's experience took about two months of reservation.
Turning to look at Jay my jaw nearly touching the floor in shock.
"Err do you not like Italian?" He asked very nervously. But before he let me answer he struck the steering wheel with his palm. "Damn!" He yelled. "I knew I should've asked you before I brought you here. I just thought you would've liked it. Every girl I have been with before has, but you're not every girl. You are so much fucking perfect, and deserve better than me. I mean I almost lost you in less than a day of knowing y-"
"Hey! Hey!" I yelled catching his fist before he could hit the wheel again. "Jay-Jaycen, calm down!"
His chest heaved with hard raspy breathes. When he turned to look at me his eyes were darkening and anger was radiation off of him. Something about it made me want to cower, but I steeled myself and look him dead in his sea foam eyes that I desperately was trying not to drown in.
"Jaycen, I do like it. I just think I'm a little underdressed," I chuckled nervously looking my outfit over.
"Oh," was all he said.
"Yeah 'oh'. Now let me see your hand."
Even though his hand was in mine I wanted his permission to check it out and see the damage he caused from hitting the steering wheel.
He nodded and turned his head I wasn't really expecting to see anything, I was shocked to see a curved purple bruise arch across the surface of his palm.
"Don't worry. Werewolf mojo. I'll be good in twenty minutes."
Disbelief in my eyes I asked him, "You sure?"
"Very, Star. Now, let's go and eat."
Turning off the truck and taking the keys out of the ignition he jumped out. I turned and got out, closing the door behind me.
"Sydney! You wait in the car till I open it." Jay told.
Smiling softly at him I tilted my head to the side. "Thank you Jay, but I do not expect you to do all of this for me. I can open a door for myself. Plus we are just friends."
Yes, that's all we are. Nothing more, nothing less. Keep telling yourself that Sydney and you wouldn't get hurt. You have to deny this pull that you are starting to feel towards him. If you are going to fall for him, it's not going to be because of this pull.
Jay's face fell a little, but he attempted to cover it up.
Maybe he feels this pull we feel towards him, and he too is struggling to grasp the fact that we are just friends; even if it was my idea...
"Well, Star, would you accompany me to this lovely place of food," Jay said in a funny accent.
I laughed but nodded and looped my arm through the one he offered me.
"Isn't it a little earlier for us to be eating Italian food?"
He shrugged at me. "No, right now is their lunch menu, but they have Italian breakfast here too."
"Oh! Yummy, we'll have to try it one time."
Opening the door, Jay held it open for me and walked me in.
"Ahh, Mr. Ward. We haven't seen you here for a while," An older woman said behind the fancy little counter.
"Yes, I've been busy," Jay told the women tightly.
The woman turned and asked something in a language I didn't know, looking at me out of the corner of her eye hesitantly.
I looked to Jay completely bewildered. Then he did something I did not expect. He answered back.
His tongue rolled back towards her and by the time he was finished, the old woman smiled at him than me.
"Ahh, my young boy has finally grown to be a man. I am happy you have found her and wish you luck." The women turned to leave but looked back to Jaycen and said, "I will go check on the private rooms for you right now. Oh, I just want you to be aware we have two new workers here."
I looked back to Jay to see his eyebrow quirk up as he asked, "And why would the concern me Mrs. Lovett?"
The lady sighed. "I just want you to be aware of. They do not know who you are but one of them is a werewolf. I just ask you do not get your knickers in a twist if one of them makes ogle your lovely companion."
I flushed at what I assumed was a compliment. "Jay," I squeezed his bicep hoping to calm him in front of this old lady.
"Those tables Mrs. Lovett?" He asked.
She nodded and scurried off.
I pulled away from Jay and crossed my arms over my chest and stared at me. "So?"
Jay turned and looked down at me. "So what?"
"What was that little thing going on between you two?"
He smiled and went to pinch my cheek, but I slapped his hand away. "Is a Sydney Freakin' Watkins jealous of a little old woman?"
I slapped his arm. "Oh, shut up Jay. You know that's not what I meant."
"One, oww! Two, then I don't know what you mean then Sydney." Jay's lip pouted out as he batted his eyelashes at me 'innocently'.
"Whatever, but you are so telling me what that was about later."
"Well, Sydney we are just friends." He whispered in my ear.
My face flushed and a look of regret surfaced Jay's face and he went to apologize.
I held up a hand first though, "No, Jay it's fine. I know what I asked for."
Still, he went to say something but the elder women came back.
"This away." Mrs. Lovett gestured.
I trailed behind her sucking in the hurt of what Jay said while one question rang through my head. Why do his words already hurt so much?
My wolf dropped in, and it had been a while since I heard her so I jumped a little at her voice. It's because the more time you spend with your mate the harder it is not to be with them. Both literally and mentally.
"Here you are," The women said bringing us to a private room with a grand view of an expansive forest that divided to overlook a cliff that into a vast lake.
There was a two-person table with a silky white tablecloth on top. On the cloth were two sets of plates, cups, and utensils with two roses in a glass vase in the middle.
I gasped at how amazing this all was.
"I will be back for orders once you two have settled in," the women left the two of us alone.
"Was this too much? I know you said you want to start out as friends but I-"
I cut him off by resting a hand on his toned arm.
"No! This is absolutely amazing, Jay. Amazing," I ended whispering. "Thank you Jay, this was very sweet of you." Without thinking about it, I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.
Jay's cheeks bloomed with blush as his head dropped.
"Let's sit down." He said.
Jay pulled my chair out and pushed me closer to the table once seated. He went and sat across from me.
Both of us started looking over the menu.
"So, what is your suggestion Jay?" I asked over my menu.
Looking over his menu, I saw his lips curve into a bright smile. "Well, I personally like th-"
"Sydney?" A voice interrupted.
Turning in my seat I saw him in the doorway. "Brendon?"
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