Twenty-One: Ice Cream Chaos
After Sydney kissed me on my cheek my heart about stopped.
I wanted to catch her arm and pull her back to me and feel her lips on mine.
Signing I knew that wasn't going to be an option until she fully understood everything that was going on, and in order to do that, I still might lose her.
Pulling myself from my darkening thoughts, I watched her skip up to the counter swing her cute ass while at it.
"Hello, Sweetheart, what would you like today?" The counter worker asked Sydney flirtatiously.
My wolf growled in my mind. He better watch himself. That's our mate he's talking to.
"Uh hey to you too. I would like to get a Large Mintochip," Sydney said not even paying attention to the kid as she pointed to the ice cream on the menu above.
He clicked the order into the pad on top of the register. "Anything else?"
Sydney nodded, "Yes. It's my first time here and my friend is occupying our table." She turned and pointed to me.
Now he'll know she's ours. My wolf was smug and pleased with Sydney's mention of us. And I thought he was right, but apparently, that didn't detour him from moving in on my girl to be.
"So he's just your friend?" The younger kid probed.
You fucking wish! Get a fucking move on you jackass!
Uh...Bud are you alright? I asked tentatively.
Why would I be!? He's all over my mate!
Hey, just chill. Let's see how this pans out, Sydney's surely a capable young woman.
"Ahh, yeah he's my friend. But anyway what's your favorite on the menu?" Sydney asked leaning against the counter subconsciously. This gave the guy an opportunity that he couldn't pass up and the kids' eyes immediately flew down into her shirt.
"Sweetheart, if you're on the menu there's no competition." The guy whispered huskily, leaning in too close to my mate.
Before I even realized what I was doing I was up and growling, my wolf coming out. I stalked towards the counter focusing on the male who was trying hit on my mate.
I let out a low snarl and went to take another step but was stopped when Sydney enveloped me in a hug.
"Jaycen, relax," Sydney whispered rubbing my lower back and she pressed her cheek to my chest. "It's okay Jay." She soothed.
"He was looked down your shirt and flirting with what's mine." A mixture of my wolf and I growled in her head.
She nodded. "It's okay Jay, let's grab our ice creams and sit outside." Sydney looked at me from inside my arms.
I nodded and walked with her back to the counter where the boy was standing there wide-eyed. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she automatically leaned back into my chest.
"What do you think I might like Jay?" Sydney asked staring at the illuminated menu while I tried to glare the boy to death.
He looked like he was about to piss himself, due to the dominant and powerful vibes coming off of me.
Secretly I hoped the pressure would physically crush him.
"You may like the PeanutButter Twist." I suggested still not looking away from the boy.
"Okay, then I'll take a large one of those," Sydney said to the guy.
"That'll be 6.83." He said dryly.
He swallowed hard and took the money from Sydney. After he mapped it out he gave the remaining money back to Sydney.
"That order will be right up for you two in a moment if you could please step to the side."
I thought we were about to walk away when Sydney hesitated behind, "Frank," Sydney said reading the kid's name tag, "just a warning, don't be a perve, it's distasteful and will ruin not just your career but any real chance at having a relationship."
Finished with her chiding, Sydney grabbed my hand and pulled me over to another little counter where they would give us our order.
I looked down at her, impressed.
It took her a moment to notice, "What?"
"Nothing, I'm just admiring you."
"For standing up for yourself so cooley. I just snapped and lost my temper."
Sydney wrapped her arms around my waist from behind me and slipped my money back into my front pocket, agonizingly slow.
My breath hitched and my pants felt constricting for at least the third time today. After slipping in my money she found the points of my hipbones and continued to massage them soothingly. It was comforting and under different circumstances would have probably fallen asleep with the appeasing touch but I wasn't.
There I was hot and bothered in the middle of the little ice cream parlor. My mates' arms around me and I was there dying to pin her to a wall and let my wolf mark her.
"Uh, your orders ready." The guy from earlier said.
Sydney let go of me and stepped forward to grab our ice creams.
"C'mon Jay," Sydney said in a sing-song voice skipping out the shop to a little table out front so we wouldn't have to deal with the kid.
I laughed.
"Jay you'd better hurry up before I eat both yours and mine!" Sydney said scoffing down her ice cream.
"Damn. Slow down. You'll either get a brain freeze or a bell-"
"Ow! Ow! My belly hurts." Sydney cried.
I laughed. "Are you alright?"
"Damn you for making me order something so good!" She cried out and then started shoving the ice cream into her mouth.
I chuckled at my foolish mate.
"Jay can I ask you something?" Sydney asked suddenly.
"Anything, Star." I said scooping out some of the ice cream.
"Why didn't you tell me the rest of the stuff about us being mates?"
I froze and looked at her. "What?"
"You know what I said. Why didn't you tell me everything about us being mates?"
Jay placed his large cup of ice cream down in front of him before clearing his throat. "I don't know what you mean Syd."
I continued to put my ice cream down in front of me as well. "You know damn well what I'm talking about Jay."
Sighing he ran his head through his dark locks. "I don't know what to say."
"How about you tell me why you didn't tell me about in the first place."
His head dropped. "My wolf and I decided not to tell you because you already have to deal with too much. You got attacked and changed into a werewolf. And not just any a white one!"
My jaw dropped. "Okay, wow. You've gone too far. Who are you to decide whether or not I have too much crap on my plate, and what's with this discrimination!"
"What!? No-no! I'm not being discriminatory! No, Sydney. It's hard to explain. You being a white wolf is a good thing in a way." Jay said starting tilting his head as if it wasn't really a good thing.
"Just explain it to me, seeing as you conveniently left that out of our conversation about 'everything but the note and mating and seemingly anything else important' as well."
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest waiting for Jay to answer me.
"You're a white wolf." He said.
"Umm, yes. I got that already."
"A white wolf is a rare thing. They are extremely strong and everything about them is enhanced."
"Uh, that sounds like a normal werewolf to me, aka human for over eighteen years until yesterday..." I drowned off.
"Well, it's not. You are stronger than a normal werewolf. Everything about you is stronger. You have strong physical power; your five senses are stronger. Everything about you is powerful."
"Yes. And because of that people either extremely respect you or they start planning your death."
"Well isn't that just dandy!" I cried sarcastically.
Jay growled at me softly. "Sydney this is serious."
"I know and yet you were avoiding telling me. Now tell me about all this mate stuff."
"Okay. So you know that I'm your mate, you're my mate and because I'm going to be the new alpha you're going to be the new Luciana." I nodded. "Well because you're my mate I feel extremely protective over you. You were made for me and me only." Jay went quiet for a moment before continuing, "And my wolf of course."
"Is there anything else I should know?"
"Well, asides from just the growing connection, there is the marking and the-"
"JAY!" A female's voice cried out.
Both Jay and I turned to see a girl with long black hair and makeup accentuated her gorgeous eyelashes that framed her piercing eyes. Gloss brushed over her lips highlighted her smirk as she approached our table.
Jay stood up about to say something when the girl flung herself into his arms.
She'd better get off our mate this second if she doesn't want to be missing any fingers.
"Jasmine. Jasmine stop." Jay said attempting to push her away.
"What? Wh-Oh, it's you." The girl said coldly.
Oh, that bitch better watch her mouth and keep her hands off our mate. My wolf snarled at her.
Damn wolfie! Someone's got a mouth on them.
"Yes, it's me. And you are?" I asked sounding slightly frantic.
The Jasmine girl snorted at me, "Well, let's just say you aren't the first person to open their legs up to Jay. And probably unlike you, he actually comes back to me."
The bitches' friend chuckled softly.
Oh hell no! I'm not going to get talked down by someone who I didn't even know. And I sure as hell wasn't going to let her open her legs up to Jay again! He's mine.
That last thought was muddled with my wolf's intentions.
"Slow your roll. I don't even know who you are, but you have no right to talk to me that way, and for your information, unlike you, I don't need to have sex with someone to keep their company." I said slyly.
Her friends chuckled while Jay's quirked as he tried not to laugh.
Jasmine's perfect eyebrows pinched together. "Oh, you fucking bitch you-"
"Look who's talking." I interrupted.
The girls' pupils enlarged and her iris start to glow. She went to lunge at me.
"Jasmine stop!" One of her little friends cried.
"NO! She better know who the fuck she's talking to. I'm going to teach her a lesson."
Jay growled at her, he too becoming tense due to the situation. "You watch yourself, Jasmine."
Her fierce eyes snapped to him. "But Jay I thought we were a thing. We even talked about marking each other."
I growled at her when she reached out to him and intercepted them.
She did not just fucking go there! Not in front of us and surely not to our mate!
I on the other hand was perplexed by what the rude bitch was talking about.
What's marking?
Jay hasn't explained everything to us, mar- My wolf was cut off by the talk between Jasmine and Jay.
"No, we didn't Jasmine, and if you don't want me to ban you from the pack I suggest you shut your mouth."
Jasmine pouted and start to have a little tantrum. "But Jay! I thought I was going to be the packs new Luciana, not this nobody." She indicated towards me.
Now that was the last straw.
Let me out Sydney. I'll deal with her. My wolf said.
This time I let her.
My muscles tore and my bones snapped. It came quick and swift.
When everything stopped turning and my eyesight sharpened, I prepared to lunge at the girl threatening not only me but my mate.
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