Twenty-Eight: Glowing White
"Brendon! I didn't know you worked here!" I expressed my shock and confusion.
I snuck a glance at Jay to see his take on the situation. His face revealed nothing.
"Yeah, well band gigs don't pay the bills, Syd. But why don't you introduce me to your friend over here?" He asked pointing the top of his pen towards the very tense Jay.
"Brendon, this is my uh, friend Jaycen. Jay, this is Brendon a guy in another band."
"Nice to meet you Jay," Brendon said offering up a hand.
Jay sat there and scowled him. "No, the pleasure is mine."
Ehh this doesn't feel to be going over well.
Brendon frowned but carried on. "Okay...So Sydney, I was wondering if you could lend us a hand next gig this Friday after your gig. We're short a guitarist, and you're the best I know."
"Ahh, yeah sure. Text me later all the details. I might be interested."
"There will be absolutely none of this texting later." Jaycen's wolf aimed his thoughts to me, making me nearly jump out of my skin.
I shooed him away from my mind.
"Will do Princess." Brendon winked at me.
Princess? What's Brendon up to? He never flirted with me before. Had he expressed this before I had my run-in with Jay I might've been interested in him, but now with Jay across from me, I was uncomfortable with him flirting with me.
The reason that you are uncomfortable with the waiter flirting with you is that our mate is sitting right in front of us.
Looking to Jay I saw that his fists were tightened and look he was holding back his anger.
With a soft sigh Brendon asked, "Anyways, can I take your orders?"
I look at Jay to see who was going first.
"Go ahead Sydney," Jay invited, not as tense as he was seconds ago.
I recited what I wanted to eat. "Oh, and for my drink I'll just take an icy water."
Then Brendon smiled at me and said, "Something to chill the sexiness radiating from you."
I dropped my head in embarrassment and anger of the way he was talking to me. Knowing how it must sound to Jay I went to 'mind-chat' him as I called it.
"Jay, I know what it sounds like but I have no-" I was cut off by the flow of Jay's thoughts flooding into my head.
My mind was scattering for what was going on.
I was sitting in front of myself, and I quickly identified it from lunch detention. I was sitting in Jaycen's position.
"So, Star, you never answered my question. Do you have a boyfriend?" Jay asked memory me.
I turned towards Jay and said, "No, I don't."
I felt Jay's locked up body relaxed slightly at the good news.
Then memory me tacked on, "But I do have my eye on someone."
Jay was on full lock up.
"Who is he?" I asked but it came out in Jay's rough voice.
"Someone that you wouldn't know. He doesn't go to this school." "You don't know that. What's his name?"
"You wouldn't know him. He doesn't run in your crowd."
I felt Jay's anger and fury rush through me and before I even realized what Jay was doing he was grabbing the Brendon by his collar and punching my friend in the face.
Launching into action, I ended up in a fury of motion and was suddenly brushed to the side.
When I fell into the floor I looked up at Jay, and mentally plead with him to calm down. I went to tell him I was okay when a figure over his shoulder behind him drew my attention because there stood none other than Logan.
Not dream stalker or eerie messager.
Logan in the flesh.
☽Moments Earlier☾
All I could see was red. Anger raced through me like a snake's poison; striking me in the heart.
I raised my clenched fist again and again striking the kid in his face.
What am I doing?!
Behind me, Sydney screamed and mentally plead against my actions but this only fueled my anger more.
Why does she want me to stop! This was for her! Did she want this fucking human!? The wild and dark side of my wolf demanded slithering out of my normally chilled wolf.
"No! Jaycen, please, that's not why I want you to stop! He doesn't mean anything like that to me." Sydney's voice yelled in my head. "Jaycen, stop! You are going to get hurt!"
I threw her an angry glare before turning back to punching the kid. I mind-linked Sydney saying, "Yeah fucking right! Like he cou-" I was shut up by being thrown off the lean boy went stumbling into Sydney and my table. Glass and plates break crashed and shattered.
A crowd had formed to peer into the doorway. But in front of the crowd and standing directly in the frame of our private space was a tall blonde hair boy. Something evil glinted in his eyes. The next thing I knew was he was stomping towards me, but Sydney lept and intercepted the larger man.
"Get the fuck out of my way, Sweetheart." Mystery man demanded.
Sweetheart? Who the fuck does he think he is, talking to my mate that way. Menace oozed in my wolf's voice.
"No. I will not stand aside while you go after my mate," Sydney shot back.
Wow. That toned my anger down a notch.
"No can do Sweets. I'm going to tear him limb from limb for hurting my-"
Before he could finish Sydney was pouncing on him and ready to tear him to shreds.
"No, Sydney!"
This time my vision was saturated with red. I stalked towards him, ignoring the boy's pleas to not hurt his friend, and plead that mystery man would kill me and Sydney.
Even though Sydney had gotten in a few good punches the man briskly grabbed Sydney and lifted her off her feet and to his face. He harshly whispered to Sydney something that I couldn't hear. Then he tossed her like a rag doll and Sydney went crashing into a wall.
He. Hurt. My. Mate.
A growl erupted from me and I felt my eyes start emitting light. It was the complete opposite of what normally happened. Instead of my eyes darkening they were glowing.
Putting that aside, I charged at the man who harmed my mate and everything went black.
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