Twenty: Conversation With a Wolf
After we went back to the little deck platform in the tree and retrieved our clothes Sydney shifted back and got dressed back into the very sexy outfit. I stayed in my wolf skin and nudge at her hip once she was dressed
"What is it, Jay?" She asked softly petting my head.
I purred and leaned into her welcoming hand.
Jay, can I-can I talk to her while she's in this form? My wolf asked me.
Of course. I said softly to my wolf knowing this is one of his biggest dreams in life. To talk to his mate.
Some werewolves' didn't like their wolf half talking to their mate. Whether it be because of fear of embarrassment or just because werewolves usually kept their halves separate, many people had their excuses. I was never opposed to the idea of my wolf talking especially to our mate, granted I didn't think I'd find my mate till much later and under much different circumstances.
I mean you're kind of the reason she and I are connected. I told him.
I loosened my power over my wolf a little more.
"Sydney," My wolf said roughly into Sydney's mind.
Sydney flinched slightly at the shock of another voice in her head.
"Hello?" She asked back aloud.
"I-I'm Jay's wolf."
She smiled and sat down in front of me.
"That's freaking insane! You do sound a little different than Jay, I noticed it earlier when my wolf talked to you."
My wolf nuzzled his head into Sydney's belly, savoring the feel of her.
"Jay and I are one of the same, but yes we have differences."
"How come you are talking to me and what happened to Jay?" She asked.
My wolf whined and dropped his head fearful of disappointing his mate's human side. I didn't interfere.
"No, no. I don't mean it like that Puff, I mean it like why didn't you talk to me before? I thought you would be talking to me more in wolf form because that's kind of like um, your comfort zone per se. I mean like I didn't even know you could talk, mean I thought you could in wolf speak, you know like barking an-"
"Darling, calm down." My wolf said soothingly. "And Puff?"
"You're-you know all puffy." Using her hand she made an estimate of how big I was.
My wolf bobbled his head around. "I know what you mean though. Why didn't I talk to you before this time because I was in my natural form?"
Sydney nodded.
"It's because I kind of need permission to talk to you from Jay a-"
Sydney frowned. "But why would you need permission from Jay? Aren't you guys like 50/50 enabling the body? Wow, that just sounds strange."
My wolf gave her a goofy smile. "I understand what you mean, and yes you have the right idea but kind of mixed up. Werewolves are humans with an animal soul. Because of that Jay was the original or I was later added, so Jay has more power over us. In short no, it's more like 60/40."
"Ahh, that makes sense, now enough about Jay what about you? What's your favorite food?" Sydney asked.
My wolf chuckled. "Rabbit, and you?"
Sydney's eyes nearly popped out of her head.
"Uh, that doesn't mean you'll like to try to eat me, does it? Mean if you're on the wild diet." Sydney asked startled.
My wolf barked a laugh out loud, which ended up sounding very strange.
"No Sydney, I will not try to eat you. No matter how cute you may be."
Sydney blushed and dropped her head into my fur.
"Your fur smells nice." She commented on.
"Why thank you, Darling."
"We need to come up with something different for you to call me. Darling's too, normal." Sydney said.
"I agree...Buttercup?" My wolf tried.
"Eh, I don't know." She said out loud.
"Okay, we'll work on it, for now, get on my back. I'll bring you to the car." My wolf said getting up and turning for her to get on us.
"Ah, Jay," My wolf shivered at hearing his name come from out mate. "I'm not too sure if that's the best idea, I mean I can walk."
My wolf growled softly towards her. "Do you think I can carry you?" My wolf was slightly ticked at that thought.
"No, I think you can perfectly carry me, but I don't want you to get hurt or something. Like trip! Then it would be all my fault."
"Sydney come on. Grab my clothes and then we are going." I told her.
"Wow, your voice is so different compared to your wolf's." She said in awe.
"I know. Now get on. My wolf's becoming restless."
"I am not!" He said.
"Whatever you say."
"Hey! Stop embarrassing me in front of my ma-"
"Ah, ah ah! That's my mate too Bud!"
"Whatever." My wolf grouched.
"You guys are soo cute!" Sydney cried and giggled pinching at my fuzzy cheekbone.
My wolf snorted.
"We're men Sydney, not cute," I corrected her.
"Yeah, what he said," My wolf agreed.
"Whatever, you say. I guess I'm just going to walk back to the car then." Sydney said firmly as she started making her way back towards the truck.
"No! No! We're cute, aren't we Jay?!" My wolf cried out for Sydney to hear.
"You're so whipped."
"Come on Sydney," My wolf said completely ignoring me.
Sydney smiled adoringly at my wolf and climbed on our back. She tightened her knees against my ribs and kept her feet near my hips, then made fistfuls of my fur and buried her nose into my soft black fur.
"Hold on Sweetheart. We're gonna run fast." I warned her.
Before she could say anything we took off into the forest leaping and jumping over tree limbs and puddles. My wolf was desperate to impress her with our graceful moves and our stellar strength.
When we finally got to the forest line Sydney was laughing up a storm and she slid off me.
"That was awesome!" Sydney squealed in joy.
My wolf and I were ecstatic that our mate was so happy.
"We should do that again sometime, but for now let's go on our date."
I stood there staring at her waiting for Sydney to turn around to I could change, not that I would mind my mate staring over my body in total awe. The thing was I was pretty sure Sydney wasn't going to stare at me in total awe.
After she didn't turn around I shifted. At first, Sydney's eyes flickered around my body and looked over my fit body. Sydney's second reaction was to freak out and spin on her heals right into a tree.
"Ah! Oh goodness, gracious." She cried holding her face.
I rushed over and grabbed her by her shoulders to make sure she was alright. "Sydney are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine!" She sounded nasally as she held her face in pain, "Get your manly bits off me!"
I laughed but did as she said. "Manly bits?"
"Oh shut up! Put your pants on."
"Will do, Star," I said picking my jeans off from the ground and pulled them on.
"Okay, can you make it to the truck without hurting your face again? That's the second time today."
"Oh, can it, you jerk."
Hand in hand we walked into an ice cream shop.
"Yum! Ice cream on a Wednesday morning." I said joyfully.
I skipped towards a table while Jay just walked and laughed. "Crazy much?"
"Uh, I like to call it enthusiastic."
He chuckled, "Sure you do, and also it's almost noon, so not really morning anymore."
I rolled my eyes.
Jay slide down in front of me in the little booth made for two.
He chuckled. "Whatever you say Star. So what do you want to get?"
"I don't know, let's go up together."
"No, I'll stay here to keep the seat occupied, it's the best spot in the shop. But, here's the money. Can you get me a Mintochip a large Star?"
"Sure," I nodded taking the money from his hand. Before I lost my nerve I pecked him on the cheek then bounded off to the counter.
Once up to the counter I scanned the menu searching for what I might want.
"Hello, Sweetheart, what would you like today?" The guy about my age, if not a little younger.
"Uh hey to you too. I would like to get a Large Mintochip," I said looking over the menu.
He clicked it in. "Anything else?"
"Yes. It's my first time here and my friend is occupying our table." I said pointing to Jay who watched me like a hawk.
"So he's just your friend?" The guy asked.
"Ahh, yeah he's my friend. But anyway what's your favorite on the menu?" I asked leaning against the counter.
"Sweetheart, if you're on the menu there's no competition." The guy said leaning in very close to me.
Before I could tell him off for his offensive and inappropriate comment, there was a menacing growl and a pissed off Jay with glowing eyes.
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