Chapter Twelve
"So, on the topic of being honest, I have a funny story for you."
They were no longer embracing despite the irking pull inside of him that begged for him to never let her go. Now Sydney was sitting on his bed and he was leaned against the wall beside his door. Her eyebrow quirked up indicating for him to continue.
"I may or may not have your phone." Jay confessed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Huh?" Sydney asked, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
A light smile graced his being at how cute she looked.
'She is the sun, radiant in all her beauty. She is our perfect match.'
"When you and your friends were running away from us after that little scheme you guys pulled on us, you dropped your phone. I wanted to see if I could find out a little more about you..." Jay answered Sydney, now fully embarrassed of how creepy he sounded.
After a moment of silence, Sydney burst into seemingly equally embarrassed laughter. Jay smiled as he felt heat rush to his cheeks.
"Goodness you're embarrassed over keeping a girls' phone at your place, I'd hate to see how you are after your scandalous rendezvous with girls."
He saw sadness and annoyance flash in her eyes, and he wondered if she had provoked her own jealousy. While they both didn't want to jump the gun just because of their connection, Jay also knew better than to add fuel to the fire, "You do realize you're making yourself jealous for no reason, cause there will be no fooling around with other girls on my end while you and I are trying to sort our matters out."
She snorted, "I was not making myself jealous! I was merely stating the obvious. And why should that matter to me, you said so yourself, we didn't get a say in our connection, if you want to still get around then it shouldn't be my concern. And how do you know I don't already have myself a loyal and attractive boyfriend?" She ended her tirad by completely collapsing on the bed. Her hair sprawled around her as she looked towards the ceiling.
In his mind Jay felt her words stir the possessiveness in his wolf. Between the alluring sight of her lounging across his bed, Jay was also waring with the idea of her with someone other than him.
'She is ours alone, despite the foolishness you two humans talk about this belief in choosing otherwise.'
"Do you have a lover then Sydney? Someone who should be concerned that you're in my bedroom and stretched across my bed?" She quickly pushed herself up into a seated position, and despite believing she didn't have a boyfriend, a hot flash flooded Jay that maybe she did and he had missed something. "Don't tell me that omega has brought you into his bed be-"
"Oh god no! And stop calling him that, Mat and I are just friends, we have been forever and will always be. I don't know what your issue is with him, but we have been friends for years, and just because you and I have this connection, does not mean I'm automatically going to take your word over his."
He gave her a curt nod before pushing off the wall. He didn't want to start another argument and he could appreciate her loyalty even if it was to the omega. He walked to the other side of the bed and mirrored what she had done before he mentioned her position on his bed, laying on his back staring at the ceiling of the room. "Fine, if you say there is nothing there then we're good. Like I said before, yes I don't believe in thoughtlessly accepting who has been chosen as our mate, but I was us to be cordial and be friends. Obviously something big is happening, and we need to stand united against whatever it might be."
"Now that's something we can agree on," she laid back on the bed as well, their heads no more than ten inches apart. "Now to more pressing matters, what the hell is this something big coming, and what was last night?"
"I wish I knew completely, but all I know is the person that attacked you, his name is Elliot." At the mention of his name, he knew Sydney was tense, and he wanted to alive some of that anxiety, "I will not let him near you again Sydney, I can promise you that much."
"He seemed to know we were mates, how did he know that, if you didn't find out until the night of the prank? The night of the prank was the first time you realized right?"
Jay nodded, eyes still looking at his ceiling, as though the answers would be there. Frustration and a hint of helplessness was biting at him, but he refused to let those two take over, "That night was the first time I realized we had a connection, and I talked to my father about why that might be..."
"And that is...?" Sydney prompted.
A sigh escaped his chest, "My father thinks your impending attack might have triggered me sensing our connection?"
Her head turned towards him and her eyes pierced him. "You're meaning to tell me
werewolves can't just have human mates? That last night I was attacked in order to have this connection?"
A frown overtook his lips, "I have never heard of a werewolf mating with a human, but I would much prefer the gods didn't choose to have you attacked just so we could be together."
She turned her attention back upwards, "And who the hell are these gods, or whatever that is controlling the couplings for mates? Mean what if someone fell in love with a human? Or what if someone wasn't hetersexual? I mean that's terrible! Wait are there-"
Jay felt a slight grin spread across his lips, "Yes Sydney there are nontraditional couplings, the gods aren't entirely overbearing on a person's life, but again I've never heard of someone choosing someone over their mate, I like to think I am in control of all my actions including choose who I want to be with for the rest or even part of my life." With a flick of his eyes over to Sydney, he saw she was also lightly smiling. "But as for the gods you were referring to, many werewolves believe it is actually one entity alone: Nature, the over-seeing power."
This seemed to pique Sydney's interest as she turned towards him, and propped herself up on an elbow. "Interesting, please continue."
"Legends have it that hundreds of years ago Nature saw the beast that man was becoming, conquering one and other, devouring everything the Earth had to offer, materials, food, air, water, and that something needed to be done to stop it. So, Nature wanted to craft a coupling that taught humans the respect they ought to have towards the Earth, and that whatever the coupling should be, should be a fear of the humans for punishment. And thus werewolves were born."
"I've never heard anything like that before. It wasn't the separation of the founding family of vampires gone arie or the punishment of Zeus or a genetic mutation?"
He laughed, "Honestly Star I don't know what to believe, not with you throwing a curveball into everything I know and have been raised to expect, so for all I know that story is a crock of shit."
"So when did the mate part come into the story if Nature wanted to punish humanity?"
"Originally Nature refused to let any of the first wave of people born werewolves allowed to form a meaningful connection, as their sole purpose was to acknowledge and correct the corruption that humanity has brought to Earth. Over the years she saw the werewolves were slowly correcting some of the mistakes and taking stands for the Earth, and that the werewolves were becoming almost a higher standard of humanity. With Nature apparently pleased and wanting to give them a show of appreciation, it's gift was that their descendents were allowed one true connection, their mate."
Sydney was quiet, seeming to think on this, but when it was becoming silent for much too long for Jay's liking, he joked, "Not that I don't appreciate the gesture of Nature, but damn my wolf is so much more chatty now that you're around."
This seemed to break her from her train of thought and she lightly snorted, "Yeah that's funny Jay."
"What? Isn't it the same for you? I mean, I know that you haven't been raised with it so you don't have a way to gauge it, but after you shifted last night, I'm sure your wolf is yammering on about their undeniable connection."
This caused Sydney to frown deeply. Jay decided he didn't like that look on her lips.
"What do you mean I shifted?"
Jay lifted himself from the bed, and asked concernedly, "You don't remember?"
"No! I told you the last thing I remembered was you in your wolf form and Mat trying to help me on to you. I think I would remember something as important as that!"
"Damn, alright well you did shift."
"No shit sherlock! Is it bad I don't remember?"
Jay tried to rationalize what may have happened, "No no, afterall you were bitten into werewolfhood and attacked, so understandably you were in shock and don't remember."
"Will I shift on like the full moon or will anything trigger me?"
He lighty laughed, "No, occasionally intense emotion would provoke the shift, but Nature didn't want thoughtless beasts running amuck."
"Oh, ok, that does make some sense. But you're saying your wolf like talk talks to you?"
"Yeah, mine in particular doesn't really like to shut up. Actually I'm pretty sure quiet is not in his dictionary. Does yours not?"
Sydney looked worried, "No, I haven't heard any voices in my mind that aren't mine Jay. Is something wrong with me?"
'Sooth her!'
He tried to give her his most convincing grin, which wasn't terribly difficult, he had done it for the past two years on the lacrosse team against opponents he knew they were going to take a beating from. "Everything is fine Star, I'm sure everything that has happened in the last 24 hours has shocked your body, and your wolf is probably just adjusting itself. Most people honestly don't survive being changed, since it doesn't happen oft-" While he had meant it motivationally, he immediately realized that was not what she wanted to hear and the fear flooded her eyes, "Aye aye, no no, please no more tears," one slipped down her cheek and he swiped in way, "No tears Star. All this means is you're strong, and clearly Nature has plans for us, but has a lot of faith in you."
She tried to return a reassuring smile to Jay, but it was struggling to convenience Jay of her true feelings. He slid his hand down her arm and pulled her hand to him. Placing a gentle kiss on her fingers, he smiled as warmly and protectively as he could possibly muster.
"We are going to sort everything out together here okay Sydney, we're a team."
"Thank you Jay."
"Alright, now let me get you your phone, and why don't you go shower and decompress. I'll get you to your house in the morning, then it's up to you if you want to skip school or what's next."
'Then we need to talk to alpha if we really should be concerned with her lack of memories and connection to her wolf.'
She laughed softly and started to slip off the bed, "Okay Jay, if I knew you were this sweet on girls from time to time, I might've considered sitting with you in your English class."
He barked out a laugh as he too got off the bed, "Oh I see, so you did know I was there, and were just avoiding me. Okay Star, I see."
"Oh hush you were the one who bombarded me at the entrance! I thought you knew about the prank and were trying to intimidate me."
At his closet door he grabbed her phone from in there, "Well I did know you pulled that horrendously smelly prank on us, but no, I wanted to investigate my little chosen partner."
He returned to her, phone in hand and saw a light blush covering her cheeks.
"Stop trying to flirt with me! We're just friends!" She sntached her phone from his hold but mumbled a 'thank you.'
"You said so earlier I was allowed to flirt with my friends..." Jay teased.
She huffed but refused to take the bait, "Oh my baby I've missed you. I thought I was going to have to replace you with an older gen or that you were lost to the elements." Jay smiled as he watched her, "I'm sure my messages have been blown to smithereens by Rachael." She said, sounding more like 'innocent-teen' her. She attempted to click it on, but the screen remained black from being dead. "Dang, do you by chance have a charger?"
"On the nightstand. Also, do you need another thing of clothes?" He asked her looking her over.
She glanced down at herself briefly, but then took a double take. "Oh sorry for just taking these." She smiled sheepishly. "But if you could. Seeing as I was tossed to the ground, I don't want this getting all over the bed."
A light growl vibrated from his chest, and Sydney looked a little nervous.
"That was not geared towards you, just an idiot I need to deal with tomorrow, but here," He tossed her another pair of sweatpants and one of his smaller long sleeve shirts, assuming she'd appreciate the feeling of protectiveness and security of more coverage.
"Thank you. Would you mind showing me where the towels I can use are?"
Walking into Jay's deluxe bathroom he gathered her a plush white towel and some washcloths setting them beside the sink.
"There you go."
Jay and her stood in the large bathroom and stared at each other. Her eyes flickered around as she stared into his, as if searching. Jaycen stared at her in wonder. Despite the tremendously emotional events that had happened to her in the last day, everything Jay had told her tonight was true and honest. He thought she was incredibly strong, but now standing together in the small space, he realized she was also mysterious. In passing at school she was a smartass and seemingly a little rude, but here she was quiet and observant when she was trying to get a handle on her situation. Now that he thought a little more about it, she had seemed friendly and passionate about others in class, and Mat had mentioned that she had stayed after to do class work, so she clearly was smart and had ambitions. Jay finally decided there were so many more layers to her than meets the eye.
Sydney broke the eye contact and cleared her throat.
"Ahh, sorry yes, I'll be out of your way so you can get cleaned up. I'm going to run downstairs and talk to my dad for a minute."
A look of uncertainty showed in her eyes. Or no, maybe in this small space so close to her he felt it through this infant bond of theirs.
"I know-I know this sounds silly but-but would you mind just staying in your bedroom till I'm done?" Sydney asked, looking towards her feet. "It would just be reassuring not to be alone too far from anyone."
Closing more of the space between them, his wolf was screaming at him to sooth her, and he wanted to catch her chin under his finger to have her raise her gaze to his, but he was also afraid of frightening her. He settled for touching her arm again since she was becoming accustomed to that and so she could see his hand, then he lightly moved that hand to cup her cheek. There was less hesitation in her this time and there was no way he could deny the pleasure that shot through him when she leaned her cheek further into his hand.
"No Star there is nothing silly about that."
Only standing there for a moment longer, she smiled and nodded, stepping away from his grasp and he nodded and left the bathroom, only to go and sit at his desk and wait for the strong but traumatized girl to finish her shower.
After Jaycen left the bathroom Sydney shut the door in suit and locked it. Turning on the shower steam almost immediately started to flood the massive bathroom.
She dropped all of her clothes-Jay's clothes-she reminded herself, letting them create a pile on the floor around her feet. She saw a hamper off to the side and tossed them all in there. Climbing into the shower, Sydney rinsed her body and slowly worked her fingers through her hair. Taking note of Jay's Head and Shoulders she sighed wishing she might have asked if Jaci had any excess supplies she could use. But nevertheless, this was better than going to be gross.
Washing the remaining dirt from under some of her nails, then scrubbing her blackened feet with a washcloth, something provoked her to investigate her neck.
Gingerly, and almost nervous to feel what was there, she was surprised to find small bumps of scarred skin, all the points of teeth marks Sydney knew grimily, but not the scratches from what felt like the tearing of half her throat like she thought it would be.
Pleased with the lack of gore, she continued showering and after no more than ten minutes turned the stream of water off and pushed the curtain aside to retrieve her towel. Wrapping herself in her towel she stepped out onto the plush mat, when something else on the ground caught her attention. Crimson red was streaked across the floor ending at the carcass of a dead white bird.
A scream tore from Sydney's lungs and as she tore her gaze from the bloody mess on the ground, beady red eyes caught Sydney's in the reflection.
His fangs bared and extended.
A pounding on the door forced Sydney into action, but in her attempt to get to the door she slipped through the bloody trail and went tumbling right as the door flung open and Jayen's arms caught her.
He pulled her tight to him, and she was waiting for him to grab the crazed man from the shower, and when he didn't Sydney went to scream at him to do so.
"What the fuck?" He growled.
"Jaycen! He's in the shower!"
He gently set her to the side against the entry way then tore open the curtains, only for nothing to be there.
"What?! No-no he was there!"
Jay frowned, but his attention went to the bloody mess on the floor. His chest heaved and Sydney saw his fists ball so hard that his veins and tendons looked like they were going to burst.
Sydney's own eyes fell to the mess on the ground and saw the streak ending in her foot prints, and felt bile rise in her throat.
Jaycen turned back to the shower, grabbed something, then crossed the bathroom and swept Sydney up bridal style.
He set her on the bed and with a damp washcloth cleaned the bottoms of her feet. Next, he removed his own shirt and pulled it over her head, and Sydney was grateful he did because the next moment people were bursting through the bedroom door.
"Jaycen!" An older woman cried.
He didn't reply, but he must have done something because the older couple went to the bathroom, and Jaci came rushing over to Sydney's side.
"Oh my goodness Sydney are you alright!?"
Not being able to find words Sydney shook her head no, and Jaci took this as to needing comfort. Jaci wrapped her arms around Sydney, and while she was never one for hugs, she couldn't deny the small ease that swept over her.
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