chapter 11
Ashlyn's pov
I was out the next day buying a new outfit for my date tonight "you are so lucky ash, I mean the guy well turtle you love asked you on a date" keke says as I look at dresses. I find the perfect one and by it and as we walk out of the store I bump into someone "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" i say and I look at her. she has fair skin, purple lips, dark blue straight curly long hair with turqouise blue highlight streaks, she has indigio sapphire ocean blue eyes. Shes wearing a pinkish purple short sleeved jacket with an aqua greenish blue short sleeved shirt, a light sapphire blue skirt with a light and dark blue sunset trim at the bottom of the skirt while wearing a rainbow like locket necklace dark purple charm bracelet, plus ankle high boots with the color of sapphires with teal aqua greenish blue trim from top to bottom. She smiles a little "that's fine, my names maya what are you names?" She asks "oh I'm Ashlyn and this is keke" I say. Maya asks to join us for lunch and we let her and got to know her a little better "so Ashlyn what's with the dress?" Maya asks "she's has a date tonight" keke says and I smile just knowing it's true. "Oh who's the lucky guy?" She asks "well he's the most amazing guy I've ever met, he and his brothers know ninjutsu so I know he'll always protect me when I need it" I say smiling. We all exstanage numbers and I go to get ready for my date woth Donnie "well Ashlyn you sure are one lucky girl, I just hope they never find out about.......her" I say to myself flinching at the memory of that day. You see when I was about 13 I ran away after a fight with my foster parents and the reason I had foster parents was because I for some reason wasn't aloud to live with April. Anyway I snapped and become this demon called nightmare moon, she toke over me and almost made me destroy new york but something stopped her. Wait a mintute now that I'm thinking about it what really stopped her were these....4.....young......turtles, I knew I'd seen the guys somewhere else before now I know. I can't belevie it was them this hole time "Ashlyn you okay?" April ask snapping me out of my thoughts "yea I'm fine April, just a little nervous for my date" I say "you shouldn't be nerouvs, Donnie adores you and if he ever hurts you, I don't care that he's a ninja I will kick his ass" she says. I smile and have my shower then got into the dress I brought (a/n-the picture above is what she wears on the date) I look at myself in the mirror "well Ashlyn it's almost time" I say to myself as there's a nock at my window. I take a deep breath and open the window "wow" Donnie says "is it to much?" I ask "No it's just you look so beautiful" he says making me blush. He helps me out the window and picks me up "ready?" He asks "yea I'm ready" I say and he runs over the roof tops After a mintute he stops and I see this.
"Omg donnie this is amazing" I say as he pulls a chair out for me, I can say with out a dought that I'm completely in love with this turtle. About half way through the date Donnie looks at me "hey can I ask you something?" He asks "yea sure what's up?" I say and he seems hesitant to say. I place my hand on his "are you okay?" I ask feeling worried "well ummm I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" He asks in a whisper but thanks to my hearing I heard it. I smile "of course I do Donnie" I say and he looks me right in the eyes smiling "i love you so much" he says making me smile more "I love you too" I say and we just talked more but now we're talking as a couple.
(A/n-MayanMoonlightArende I hope you like how I introduced your oc to the story)
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