Chapter 2
The old man smiles evilly, and happily as he had just gotten the last of his victims to enter the house before it had gotten demolished. Instead of getting up and going to the mayor, saying he is ready, or gathering anything of his, he just sits there and looks at everyone as they walk by, "The whisper house is closed." He says loudly. Some people stopped and realized what he meant; They knew that he had let people into the whisper house. A young girl backs up before turning around and running to city hall.
Jesse groans and slowly opens her eyes, "...Where am I...?" She asks herself before slowly turning her head so she could look around. Her body is in pain, from the drop and she was definitely hurt but it wasn't life threatening, rather it was just some cuts from the rough wooden planks she landed on and some bruises from the fall impact. Jesse blinks before looking around and sitting up. She could see nothing but endless darkness and a single torch. She stands up and coughs before heading to the torch and grabbing it. "Lukas...?! Petra..?! Axel?! Olivia?! ...Anyone?!" Jesse calls out and holds the torch up. She looks around before hearing foot steps behind her, "Hello...?" Jesse slowly walks toward the footsteps but she stops herself when she hears a low growl. "..." She slowly backs up before backing up against a wall and biting her lip.
After the growling had stopped, Jesse felt like she could finally breathe again. She starts walking around and holding the torch up, looking at the walls, making sure she didn't miss a single thing. She sighs as she walks, "That man said there was five rules... but what were they?" Jesse asks herself before spotting three levers on a wall and a book. She holds the torch up and opens the book before reading it aloud, to herself, "You have three choices... Each of these levers opens a door. Choose one and choose wisely. Lever one leads opens a room of safety; however, there is little to no supplies. Lever two opens a dimly lit room with a single light source; no guarantees of it being good, or bad. Lever three opens to an unknown room. It will either be safe and have supplies or it will be full of death." Jesse, knowing she is unable to fight anything off, takes a deep breathe and pulls down on lever two. A small opening appears and Jesse slowly walks toward it before squeezing through the opening.
Once inside the room, Jesse looks around for some supplies. A few bandages, or water to help with her injuries. She could use anything really. Jesse walks over to a small fire that is giving off the dim light and she sits down in front of it. She stares into the flames and exhales, trying to remember what that old man said. "Fives rules... What were they?" Jesse asks herself. The only thing she DOES remember is the old man saying, "Only one person gets out... Alive. Good luck." Then everything else blanked out for her. Jesse slowly stands up and holds the torch in her hand. She knew she needed to search around if she was to remain alive. Jesse looks around and breathes softly. She finds a chest and sighs in relief, but as she goes to open it, she hear a deep growling sound from right behind her. Out of fear for her life, she drops the torch and starts running aimlessly in the dark. She runs as fast as her legs can take her bit she can hear many sets of footsteps behind her. As she starts to pant from all the running, she see's three paths; The first one leads to an almost broken looking bridge. The second leads into a pitch black area. The third path leads into the unknown; Jesse could see light but thats all she COULD see. Just a bright light. Jesse pants hard as she gets closer to the paths. She had to make a choice and she had to make that choice now.
A) Go down path 1
B) Go down path 2
C) Go down path 3
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