Shadow Demon
It was impossible to see. The sky was a mass of darkness without a single dot of star or worse, a moon. There were no celestial lighting here. It's like we were underground.
Nate squeezed my hand as we felt around the place, searching for Malik. He should be behind us, but he wasn't.
"Let's check the back." I whispered.
Our hands touched people who were standing or running around. Someone even bumped into Nate and I lost him.
Great. Now I was looking for two people in the dark.
I'd shout quietly, but got no response. I cursed under my breath. The smell in here was getting more and more putrid and I couldn't stand it any longer. I tried my best to step over the dead and alive bodies, but I wasn't successful.
"Nate!" I shouted again and I couldn't hear anything because of some people screaming.
"I confess!" I heard a shout. It sounded familiar.
"Malik?" I called after him, but he didn't respond.
"I'm gay." I heard him say. My mouth was agape and my feet were planted where it stood. I couldn't believe it.
"Laura?" I heard him cry my name. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I'm sorry. I should've told you, I know but..." He apologized, and I wiped my tears.
"Now she's gone and I didn't even get to tell her" He was clearly heartbroken that Sophia, his best friend, died without knowing the truth.
"It's ok, Malik. We know you did what you thought was best." I spoke as I walked closer to where I heard his voice.
I awaited a response, so I could know if I was close, but I got none.
"Malik!" I shouted.
"I have to do this." I heard ahead of me.
"What are you doing?" I shouted after him.
"I can't live like this. I can't... I have to." I heard his mumble. His voice was closeby. I was near to him.
Suddenly, I heard the sharp sound of a knife raising from a soft and gooey substance. "Oh no, no, no no." I prayed that he wasn't holding the knife.
With an outstretched hand, I walked briskly towards his distressed voice. Just a little bit further. Hold on, I'm coming.
I was stopped when someone held my hand and pulled me down on the pile of dead bodies. I was about to scream but he covered my mouth.
"Nate!" I whispered when he removed his hand and I felt his figure.
The sound of a knife ripping through flesh and skin enveloped the train. I knew what that sound meant. "Malik! Noooo!" I cried.
My crying could not cease and then I realized that the train was silent before. Was everybody except Nate and I, dead? "Shhhh" Nate tried to quiet me, but how could I? My friend just committed suicide before my eyes but in the dark. I'm glad it was dark as I could never rid that image out of my mind.
"It's coming." Nate told me and I covered my mouth with both my hands.
I closed my eyes tightly shut and wrapped myself in Nate's arms.
I didn't hear anything, so I opened my eyes. What was floating in front of me were two glowing eyes and a stack of white teeth. It was smiling at us.
"Nate!" I screamed and he saw it.
"Please forgive me, Laura." Nate whispered as he held my hand. What was happening? Why? I wanted to ask, but felt restrained.
"I cheated on you...." He said. Was he confessing again? Did the Shadow thing ask him to? I was confused.
"I cheated on you with.... Sophia" He confessed and my knees felt weaker than before. I rigorously pulled my hand out of his grip.
"Why? Why my best friend, Nate?" I cried and ran farther away from him.
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