Chapter 8: Scare Fess -_o
Lewis, Fangz, Aiden, and I walked to my place.
Ashley: I can't believe school ends tomorrow.
Aiden: Don't get me reminded.
Fangz: Sad much?
Aiden: Maybe.
Fangz: I'll take that as a yes.
Aiden: I never said that.
Fangz: Well it felt like it.
Aiden: That's what you thought.
Lewis: Lol.
We're right in front of the my house. I got my keys and opened the door.
Ashley's Mom: Hello Jewel, Lewis, Aiden, and Ashley.
Everyone: Hello.
Fangz: I prefer Fangz.
Ashley's Mom: Okay, Hello Fangz.
Fangz: Hi.
Ashley: Come on lets go to my room.
Aiden, Fangz, Lewis, and I goes to my room.
Lewis: Where's your sister?
Ashley: My sister is um.. Actually where is my sister?
Chloe: Deez nuts
Ashley: Get out.
Chloe: Why? I just got here.
Ashley: You could come in later.
Chloe: Fine. *Leaves the my room*
Fangz: You didn't need to be harsh.
Ashley: I wasn't. Believe me, she does that too.
Aiden: True.
Lewis: *Turns on television, and goes on channel news*
Everyone: *Sees a ship sunk in the middle of the ocean*
Lewis: Wow who knew what happen to that ship.
Aiden: Waves?
Fangz: Probobly.
Ashley: Whales?
Aiden: No, whales don't do that.
Ashley: Or can they?
Lewis: Who cares.
(2 hours later)
Ashley: So, can you please tell me why you were acting strange on the bus?
Lewis: Uh okay, but I don't know how to tell you this, but im leaving to Paris in a month, and I'm not coming back here unless I visit.
Everyone: *Looks at Lewis*
Fangz: Why didn't you tell the others?
Lewis: Cuz I was to afraid to.
Ashley: Don't be. But I'll miss you a lot.
Lewis: I am too. And everyone else.
Chloe: Boo!
Lewis: Don't do that.
Chloe: Haha!
Ashley: Chloe!
Chloe: *Runs, and leaves the room quickly*
Aiden: She got us good.
Fangz: True.
Ashley: Not.
Lewis: Eheheheh. *Sticks tounge at Ashley*
Ashley: *Sticks tounge at Lewis*
Aiden: Why do you guys do that?
Lewis: Cuz we can!
Ashley: Duh.
Aiden: I'm done. *Walks out the room*
Fangz: Think he's coming back?
Lewis: Yeah.
Ashley: Watch this.
I put on this Wherewolf mask I wore for Halloween, and try to guess whats gonna happen next.
Fangz: Oh no.
Ashley: Here.
I went to my closet and found a vamlpire mask for Fangz. Then, I found a scarey zombie mask for Lewis. This is gonna be entertaining.
Lewis: This is gonna be hilarious.
We walked downstairs to see where Aiden is. I found him in the kitchen getting a snack. At the same time:
Ashley: RAWR!
Fangz and Lewis: BOO!
Aiden: *Jumps* Don't ever do that ever again.
Ashley, Lewis, and Fangz: *Cracks up*
Fangz: Gotcha good.
Ashley's Mom: Lewis, Fangz , and Aiden your parents are here!
I walked Lewis, Fangz, and Aiden out of the house, and to say bye.
Aiden: Okay bye! I'm getting out of this Scare Fess.
Fangz: Wow. okay bye!
Lewis: See you later or tomorrow, bye Ashley!
Ashley: Bye Guys!
I saw them get in there cars. And see them leave. I went back to my room and saw Chloe there.
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