Chapter 3: Class Taken
I walked in class and went to my desk. I forgot that on Friday we switched desks around. Now we could sit wherever we want. I sit in a table with my friends, Jewel, Victory, JiJi, Mikey, and Christian.
Christian: Hey Ashley you left this here.
What did I leave? He took it out from his bookbag and showed it to me. It was my charm bracelet! My grandma's mom gave it to my grandma , and gave to my mom, and then my mom gave it to me. I was looking everywhere in the house for it! And Christian had it sinced I forgot it at school!
Ashley: Omg! Thank you Cj! I thought I lost it!
I call Christian, Cj cuz that stands for Christian jr.
Christian: No problemo.
JiJi: I can't believe you lost it.
Mikey: Wait isn't that your bracelet you always wear.
Ashley: Yes.
JiJi: So irresponsible.
Ashley: Look who's talking.
All besides Ashley : You!
Ashley: Just shush.
All besides Ashley: *laughs*
Ashley: Whatever
Jewel: You mad or nah?
Ashley: Nah
JiJi: Sure *winks*
( 2 hour later )
Aiden, JiJi, and I are using laptops at school right now.
We are playing minecraft.
Aiden: I found a wolf.
JiJi: Really?!
Aiden: Nah I'm just playing.
Ashley: Pranks for days.
JiJi: I'm so done right now like seriously.
Mikey: Why you guys playing Minecraft?
Ashley: Cuz we can.
Aiden: Der
Minecraft is my thing and its fun to play.
Mrs.Jame: Line up! It's time for lunch!
Mrs.Jame brang us down to the cafeteria, and now another teacher named Mrs.Trave watches us for recess and lunch.
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