She's A Rescue
"It's so nice to meet one of Yasu's friends! I'm Nana, but everyone calls me Hachi to avoid confusion! Please, make yourself comfortable and don't be afraid to ask me for anything at all!"
I blinked a few times, leaning back as the peppy little lady bounced up and down on her heels in my face. I glanced to Nana as she ambled past me, and she caught my eye.
"Don't mind her. She's a rescue."
Ah. So like Hachiko. Got it. Makes sense.
"Thank you, Hachi. Sorry for dropping by unannounced." I smiled to the girl before following Yasu over to the table, sliding in after him. Immediately, I was closed in by Shin, who had stuck close by ever since he had exited the concert venue.
"Give the poor woman a break, man." Nobu sighed, shaking his head as he sat down across from us.
"She doesn't mind! Do you, (Y/N)?" When Shin turned to me there was no way I could resist his puppy-dog eyes, no doubt a trick he had perfected after plenty of practice.
"He's not bothering me. I've made it perfectly clear I won't be seeking...whatever services he was trying to sell." I chuckled, giving him a friendly nudge with my elbow. The young man beamed at my response, though I didn't miss the cheeky tongue he poked out to his bandmate.
"So!" Nana certainly knew how to make entrances as she all but threw herself into the seat beside Nobu, sliding a can of beer over to where my hand was resting. "All I know about you is that you were a little shit as a kid! Come on, share with the class! Just how close are you to our favourite Baldy, here?!" this chick.
"Nana, keep your voice down. Any more complaints from the neighbours and they'll evict you." Yasu heaved a sigh, though there was no mistaking his fondness of her attitude.
"Like he said before, we grew up together. I was the youngest of the group, so Yassun here was my knight in shining scalp." I teased, rubbing my friend's shaved head.
"Of the group?" Hachi came over from the kitchen, setting down what appeared to be the first wave of a heck of a lot of food.
"Yep. We were a trio. Me, Yasu and Re-"
"Wait, you know Ren?! Well shit, of course you do if you grew up with Yasu! Hang on, Hachi, give me your phone!"
I just shut myself up, cracking the tab of the beer she had handed me and taking a sip, looking up to Yasu in question.
"Ren and Nana are dating. Again." He answered my silent question casually, and my brows shot up. "It's a long story."
Small world. Hey, maybe that's how Yasu and Nana became friends? It would make sense.
"Hey, Ren, you'll never guess who we found loitering in the alley after our gig." Nana, with the phone to her ear, smirked over at me, and I returned in kind, nearly bouncing in my seat at the thought of possibly getting to see Ren again too. I had obviously known how he was doing, since he had shot to stardom, but I had never actually tried to reach out, knowing just how busy it could get. "Here, try to guess."
Nana tossed the phone over to me and I caught it after a slight fumble, pulling it to my ear.
"I still haven't forgiven you for raiding my candy stash, you no good lanky bastard." I tried to sound angry, but my excitement leaked through my facade, and a long silence greeted me.
"What the fuck?" Ren's voice was rougher than I remembered it, but equally as perplexed as I had expected it to be. "Give me twenty minutes." With that, he ended the call, and I snorted, handing the phone back to Hachi.
"Uh, I guess he's coming over?"
"Oh, then I should make some more food! Will he be bringing anyone else?! From Trapnest, maybe?!" Hachi turned to skitter back to the kitchen, only for Nana to grab the ribbon of her apron.
"Heel, girl. You've made more than enough." The pair started to bicker between themselves, dragging Nobu in despite his pleas for mercy.
I glanced up to Yasu again, catching his head turning away slightly. Had he been looking at me? Why would he pretend not to be?
"So what has my dear Mr. Takagi been up to aside from the whole music scene? Are the rumours true? Did you finally become a big, bad mafia boss?" I pivoted in my seat to be mostly facing him, smirk playing on my lips.
"Quite the opposite. I'm a paralegal now. Sorry to disappoint." He spoke in his usual, serious manner, but I could never miss the slight upturns at the corners of his mouth. I hummed to voice my mock suspicion, leaning back a little to address Shin, who had started toying with the ends of my hair.
"I'm not really buying that. What say you, Shin? Is he secretly a Yakuza boss, fronting as a paralegal? You think he's hiding gang ink under that suspiciously fancy dress shirt of his?"
Drawing out his own hum, Shin leaned to settle his chin upon my head, an arm loosely hanging over one shoulder to hold the other in a kind of embrace from behind.
"You know, come to think of it, I've never seen Yasu without a shirt on...You just might be onto something..."
Shaking his head, eyes likely fondly rolling behind tinted lenses, Yasu pulled a dark packet of cigarettes from his pocket and placed one between his lips.
"You two act the same age, and I'm not so sure how I feel about that."
Narrowing my eyes, I partially tilted my head back, tapping on the arm Shin had wrapped around above my clavicle.
"You're how old again?" I asked suspiciously.
"Fifteen." He chirped back cheerfully, and I gasped in mostly mock offence, bapping Yasu on the arm.
"Uncalled for! Don't compare me to a baby! I'm like three years younger than you are, old man!"
Oh. Oh, yikes. I'd only been teasing when he said he was a kid. I thought he was freshly eighteen. That makes our first interaction way more concerning...
In retaliation, the second he lit his cigarette I pinched it from his lips, bringing it to my own to take a deep draw. I hadn't at all expected to be assaulted with a sickeningly sweet burst of flavour, and I began to cough, immediately trying to hand the cigarette right back over to him.
"They aren't that bad, you drama queen." With a much heartier chuckle, Yasu took his cigarette back, returning it to its rightful place.
"They really are, though." Nana returned to slip in beside Nobu, and I took a large swig of beer to rid my mouth of the overly sweet taste. "(Y/N), what do you do with yourself when you're not hunting down my drummer? Got a job?"
Ah, questions. My weakness.
Fetching out my own bad habit, thankfully not laced with the overwhelming sweetness of a stone fruit, I toyed with my lighter for a few moments.
"Yeah, I do a little of this, a little of that. I'm in the music industry myself, so I bounce around a lot." I replied, lighting up and blowing upwards and away from the teen who had finally released me to sit normally.
"Intern work? Production? Oooh, do you play?!" Shin had made himself almost a little too comfortable around me, daring to steal a sip from my beer, but I decided to hold my tongue for the time being since nobody said anything about it.
"I dabble, but instruments have never really been my strong suit...I guess you could say I-"
Much to my delight, I was interrupted by the door knocking, and I all but rammed the teen out of my way with headbutts to the shoulder so I could stand up. Hachi, just like the faithful pup she was nicknamed for, pranced to the door, opening it to issue her cheerful greeting.
"Nice to see you again, Ren! O..Oh, and you well, Takumi..!"
The second she stepped aside, there was no stopping either of us. Ren took two steps inside before pointing directly at me with a fierce intensity. I mirrored his pose, just counting the seconds before one of us decided to move.
"Get the hell over here before I get all emotional and shit." I had began to move before Ren had even finished speaking, putting likely a little too much faith in me when I laughed myself right at him. Luckily for both of us, he was prepared, and lifted me up into a full three-sixty spin before squishing me against his chest. "Six years and not so much as a phone call? You wound me, (N/N)."
I tried to peel myself away, not wanting our closeness to bother Nana, but Ren wasn't having any of that. He awkwardly waddled along until we reached the table, plopping down into one of the chairs Hachi had pulled up to fit the extra guests.
"I sent a few letters, but never heard back from you guys. Then you went and got yourself all stupidly famous, so I knew anything I sent would just get lost amidst the fray of fan mail." I shrugged, managing to weasel my way off of his lap. Flashing a quick glance to Nana, she didn't seem at all annoyed by it, which was a relief.
"We never got any letters." Yasu's mouth slipped into a frown, but I waved him off, not wanting anything to blemish the mood for everybody else.
"Who knows what happened to them. I was in some crappy little town in another country, so the post office probably lost them or something." I shrugged, poking at the stiff tips of Ren's gelled-up hair.
"Ren, you're really not going to introduce me?" I had heard that voice more than once, on the radio and on television interviews. Turning a little, I couldn't not recognise the famous bassist of Trapnest, moving to stand behind the other chair that had been pulled up.
"Oh, right. (N/N), Takumi, Takumi, (N/N)."
Tall, dark and handsome, just like the posters. Takumi gave me a suave smile, and in return I offered him a small wave.
"(Y/N). Pretty sure we've met." I turned my attention back to Ren, poking at a slight bulge in his jean pocket. "That better be the start of a payment plan I'm seeing."
Chuckling to himself, Ren reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of lollipops, handing them to me from over his shoulder.
"Over eight years and you still can't let that go, huh? Make them last, or you'll get fat." Snatching the bag of treats, I finally parted from him, scurrying back to squish myself into the booth seat between Yasu and Shin again.
"You really aren't helping your argument about your maturity, (Y/N)." Nobu snorted, watching as I tore the packet open, hunting for my favourite flavour. Handing one off to Shin, who seemed extatic, I smirked.
"I can be mature when the time calls for it. This is no such time."
I shimmied happily in my seat when I located my favourite flavour, unwrapping the colourful wrapper and popping it into my mouth.
"You know, before you mentioned it, I had forgotten we had met before." Takumi crossed one leg over the other as he studied me closely, and I wasn't sure if it made me uncomfortable or not.
"I mean, we all grew up in the same town, so it makes sense that you would have crossed paths." Yasu answered on my behalf, and I nodded along in agreement.
"Yep, your hair was a little shorter, and I don't think I ever saw you without Reira tripping over your heels, but I definitely saw you around."
Not much has changed.
"Oh, no, that's not what I mean." The bassist waved a hand slightly, a strangely polite smile etched into his face. "A little over a year ago. We exchanged pleasantries while waiting for our interviews down at Crossbeat for their indie special. Naoki begged for your number...and your autograph."
Ah, shit.
I had almost completely forgotten about that. I had been so psyched when I had heard Trapnest was going to be interviewed the same day as me, but when Ren hadn't been there I had kind of shut everything out.
The sudden weight of silence started to crush me, and I forced out a laugh.
"I think you must have me mixed up with someone else. I've never been to, what was it? Crossbeat? Let alone been interviewed or asked for an autograph." I spoke around the curve of my lollipop, resisting the urge to crush it between my teeth.
"Nope, it was you. I recognise the voice." Leaning forward a bit, Takumi lifted his hand and closed one of his eyes, obviously trying to picture what his memory had already shown him. "The hair and eyes, too. You're definitely Enyo, just missing your little disguise."
I will jump out that window and drag you along with me!
I glared daggers at Takumi for outing me, but the second I felt everyone's eyes I began to slide myself down as far under the table as I could. That was until Yasu dragged me right back up by the scruff. The meanie.
"YOU'RE ENYO?!" Everyone, save for Yasu and my new nemesis Takumi, shouted in unison as I squirmed in Yasu's grip.
"As in the elusive, sexy masked indie rock goddess Enyo?!" Nobu was all but launching himself over the table.
"Launched to fame in the UK before migrating to Japan two years ago and stirring up the music scene Enyo?!" Shin latched onto my arm, eyes bright with pure excitement.
"Like...the Enyo? Enyo Enyo?" Nana was absolutely flabbergasted, and I was pretty sure Hachi was having some kind of seizure.
"Could we...maybe stop saying Enyo so much..?" I laughed nervously, peering up at Yasu. His expression wasn't giving much away, as per usual, but he did seem genuinely surprised.
"Sorry, I didn't realise it was that big of a secret among friends." Takumi apologised, though I couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. My bets were on the not.
"I am genuinely offended that, one, you didn't tell me, and two, you could have paid for your own candy." Ren placed his hand over his heart in mock offence, and I did feel a little bad. At least regarding him and Yasu.
"Well...I did try, but you never got the letters..." I murmured, finally squirming free of Yasu's grip on my collar. Shin, however, wasn't about to let go of my arm.
This isn't a great situation...Yeesh...
"Okay, yeah, I'm Enyo, but if any of you say a word, I'll be in huge trouble, so I'm begging you to zip it." I continued, making sure everybody gathered in the room nodded their agreements. "Okay, now that we have that out of the way-"
"Hang on. You can't just drop a bombshell like that and get out of all our feral fan questions." Nana looked positively devilish as she looked at me, cracking open another beer and slowly edging it across the table to sit in front of me.
"I didn't drop any bombshells..." I muttered, bitter as all hell as I flashed a glare towards Takumi.
"No questions. She's obviously uncomfortable, so drop it for now." Ever my hero, Yasu swooped in to rescue me, and I heaved a sigh of relief, leaning my head against his shoulder.
"That's why you're my favourite." I hummed, ignoring Ren's little whine of protest.
*Bzzzp Bzzzp*
As the conversation continued, I pulled my phone out to check my messages, deflating when I saw what had just arrived in my inbox.
From: Asshole Boss
- Where are you????
- You have a shoot at 7am and you're not in your room??
- What did I tell you about running around on your own??
Gritting my teeth, I didn't bother replying, shoving it back into my pocket and waiting for a break in conversation to speak up.
"Uh, sorry to be a buzz kill, but I need to get back to my hotel. Early start, and all that." I apologised, standing up and scooting Shin so I could step out of the booth.
"Which hotel? I'll escourt you back." Yasu, ever the gentleman, moved to follow me, and I offered him a smile.
"At the moment, I'm shacking up at the Aman, over in Chiyoda." I replied, stuffing the packet of lollipops into my bag.
Takumi stood as well, grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair.
"What a coincidence, that's where we're staying as well. Why don't I drive you back? Saves Yasu running around Tokyo and paying for cab fare." He offered, but I was pretty sceptical. Sure, he was close with one of my best friends, and I had met him before, but he was still, essentially, a stranger.
"Uh..." I looked up to Yasu, hoping that he'd refute for me so I wouldn't have to seem rude in front of everyone.
"It's fine. You two just got here." Adjusting his shades, he placed a hand on the small of my back, guiding me a little further towards the door. That was one of the many things I adored about Yasu. He could be assertive.
"Nah, I insist. We have to work early as well, so we wouldn't be staying long anyway. It just makes sense, since it's so far out of your way. Right, Ren?" Takumi kept his smile, walking ahead, right up to the door.
"He's got a point. Don't worry, I won't let him hit on her or anything. I'm a pro at cockblocking." Ren dragged himself out of his seat, leaning over to peck a kiss atop Nana's head.
I can block his cock just fine on my own, thank you...but I won't refuse the help...
Deciding it would be easier to just give in, I turned to Yasu, wrapping my arms around his middle and resting my chin just shy of his chest, looking up at him.
"You have my number, so we need to organise a proper hang out soon, okay? Let's try not to let it get to six years again."
Sighing, Yasu gave my head an affectionate pat and offered a kind smile. The one I had missed seeing day in and day out when we were growing up. The same smile that had put me at ease whenever things had been hard.
"It's a promise. You get home safe now, okay?"
Despite it not being said, there was a string of three simple words that were carried between us, from one to the other. I missed you.
"Come back soon, (N/N)! I wanna hear all the juicy details about life as Enyo!" Shin, using the nickname he had heard Ren call me, snatched me into a tight squeeze before I had even fully stepped away from Yasu, and I laughed, batting at him a little when his cheek began messing up my hair.
"Okay, okay! It was nice to meet you, Shin." I laughed, pulling away and turning to politely bow to everybody else. "All of you, as well. Thank you for having me." I was glad. Yasu deserved good friends, and it seemed like he had found some.
I made sure to stick by Ren once we exited room 707, mainly because I was still bitter with Takumi for outing me as Enyo, but also due to Ren's comment about the likelihood of being flirted with. It wasn't like I was against flirting, but I knew plenty of men like Takumi, and they irked me.
"Hey, So-"
The second Takumi opened his mouth as we descended the stairs, Ren shot out in front of me, spreading his arms wide.
"Cock! Blocked!"
"...I was just going to say we needed to stop for gas on the way back...Jesus christ, man..."
***I may or may not have people hate me with how I intend to portray Takumi's character :') I have a very strong opinion on him. (That is not to say I condone or agree with shit he did).
Next Time: Zero to Two (But Actually Zero)***
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