The Value Of Not Knowing
***Persephone's POV***
I watched from the Great Fountain of the Chamber of Judgement. I watched Darius as he sprung from his human form landing viciously on the grass outside his office in Ultor's form. I witnessed his body violently shiver while he ran.
One more day and he would stand before us. I knew he was breaking. The evidence of his inner turmoil was etched in his tired features. Yet, I knew the time for reform was not yet.
You may be asking yourself what type of angelic dieties would allow a child to be harmed. Well, while we have powers capable of changing circumstances, we also have boundaries that prevent us from interfering with fate.
The environment one dwells in has a key component in the molding of what the person will become. We are all bound by the spell of Fate. Our responsibility will always be to develop a being into becoming their given position in life.
For Aubrey, the responsibility is so much more than anyone could fathom. To whom much is given, much is expected in return. But, that will all be divulged in the future.
Aubrey Winters is enchanted. Enchanted? To be enchanted is to have been chosen to manifest the aura one possesses for a worthy cause. This is my gift to Aubrey. Her innocence and inner beauty has captured the attention of dieties. Her aura will multiply as her purpose is fulfilled throughout her existence.
Nations will fall before her. Many will beg her forgiveness. Gifts will spill at her feet. She will be given hard choices and she will make even harder decisions to benefit where she chooses.
Many centuries pass before we find a soul who is worthy of our blessing. And a four year old child had called the angels from heaven to fall before her with her cries.
Crying does not seem like strength to many. However, when you weep not for yourself but, for others. Your songs of compassion will awaken the spirits of many creatures. Aubrey was going to become something no one could imagine. This I knew for sure.
We all gathered in the Chamber of Judgement awaiting Darius to appear. Tense air filled the room. We knew what he would request and we knew what we would deny. However, we hope to placate him in some form, ease his burden a little if possible.
Darius walked in. He looked like hell. His eyes were tired. His body seemed weakened. I felt bad for his current state. No doubt, his mind would be less than up to par.
"Welcome Darius" I stated.
"Hello Persephone" he replied.
"What brings you before us today?" Serriphina asked.
"Aubrey Winters" he stared out emotionless.
"What about her my dear" Serriphina continued.
"We keep watching and all we get are eerie feelings without concrete evidence." Darius replied dejectedly.
"Would you mind allowing us to see what's going on?" Mekhal requested.
"Yes, of course." Darius replied.
To quicken the process, Alejandro pulled his wand and pointed it at Darius head.
Alejandro drew out his memories and they floated before us in a projection so we could all watch the scenes unfold.
Darius winced while he witnessed each memory replay from his head.
Silence filled the air as we were all stunned by the evidence. It was completely circumstantial but, it wasn't hard to fill in the missing pieces.
Four dieties bowed their heads in shame as we watched the last of Darius' memories.
My heart broke for our precious angels. Both Darius and Aubrey were being put thru hell. Unfortunately, we were all bound by the hands of fate.
"Darius" I whispered.
His head slowly snapped up, directing his beautiful iridescent eyes towards mine.
"Yes, Moon Goddess" he replied.
I didn't like his use of my formal title. Somehow it felt like a reprimand.
"I see how you could be distraught." I stated.
"And?" he irked.
Alejandro spoke up "Darius, there are things at play that we must allow. Aubrey cannot be interfered with unless it is life threatening. Unfortunately, the pain she is suffering cannot be stopped. This is her journey." He stated the facts.
"I understand" he bowed his his in defeat.
"What do you devise we should do in the interim?" Serriphina questioned.
"I was hoping to have your permission to force the hands of fate" he quivered.
"How do you plan on accomplishing that?" Mekhal asked.
"Well, her tormentor seems to be caught up in illicit drug use." He mumbled.
This came as no surprise, we had come to the same conclusion.
"I was hoping a change of environment may slow his supply." Darius mentioned.
"I suppose you could be correct with that line of sight" Alejandro agreed.
"Would it be wrong if I forced them to move to a different area, to remove the temptation?" Darius begged.
"Darius you do understand that unforeseen complications could arise from any interference we allow?" I asked him.
"I have pondered every scenario in my head, I really can't see how things could get any more complicated, if I'm being honest. I have ran this by Beta Jackson and he agrees." Darius verified.
I looked at my fellow dieties for conformation before making my decision.
"How do you plan on forcing that change?" I asked.
"Use Mother Nature to destroy their current home, hopefully they will move to another area. Hopefully, this will successfully force change." Darius pleaded.
"Alright" we all spoke in unison.
"You have our permission to create a catastrophic elemental storm. As she lives near a coast, a hurricane would be most efficient. You will not hurt innocent bystanders. So, do your research. Make sure only the guilty are slain. Is this understood." Serriphina qualified.
Darius brightened by an immeasurable degree.
"Yes your highness" he respectfully agreed.
"Did you want to request anything else?" Mekhal asked.
"Yes, but you may not be able to answer." He replied.
"It never hurts to ask sweetheart." I comforted.
"How much longer before we can save her? My wolf is restless. Even my ranks are restless. It's destroying us to watch her suffer." Darius whimpered.
"Oh Darius, we do understand." I crooned.
"Darius, there will be years in the human world that pass before we can finally rescue our precious angel. However, I promise you it won't always be so difficult to watch. In fact, after your push, things should unravel rather quickly. I sense change is coming. Although, new dangers will most likely plague Aubrey." Alejandro promised.
"How long before I punish her tormentor? How long before I rain down my justice? How long before I rid the human realm of his disgusting presence?" Darius seethed.
I could here Ultor present. He was angry and he was unleashing his fury.
I quickly descended my throne and wrapped my arms around my beloved son of Justice.
"Not long now, honey. Just a few more years. This I can assure you." I cooed.
"Do you promise?" He whispered.
"Aubrey is a strong, brave and an intricate girl. She will soon make choices that will cement her position in our world. This I am positive of. I can feel her power growing." Serriphina announced.
"Good!" Darius smiled.
"I am so anxious for her. My soul feels an unending need to comfort her. I just want to give her strength. Somehow, she feels like a sister to me." Darius continued.
"All in due time" I promised.
"I will return to my realm now" Darius stated.
"I have a plan to set in motion. Thank you for your trust in my judgement." He thanked.
"Very well, as always it's been a pleasure. Thank you for being so diligent Punisher" Alejandro replied.
With that, Darius took his leave.
"Oh my, that was intense" Serriphina breathed out.
"I was worried Ultor would become an issue" Mekhal confessed.
"He's more controlled than I expected" Alejandro grinned.
"I have so much faith in my boy." I cooed.
Darius Knight was a breath of fresh air compared to some of our more aggressive punishers from eons passed. He made me so proud.
"Does anyone want to address the elephant in the room?" Mekhal quickly asked.
"Which elephant, I feel like we are at a circus" I deadpanned.
That earned chuckles from the panel.
"Darius is developing feelings for the child, he thinks of her as a sister." Mekhal threw out.
"Ah the very large white elephant, I see" I giggled nervously.
"It won't change anything. Let him feel. It's good for him." Serriphina exclaimed.
Three heads turned to her exasperated.
Serriphina was the most unexpected to have this train of thought. Vampires don't usually show emotion, except when angered or mated.
"Serriphina, do you sense something?" Mekhal asked.
Serriphina was the diety that had visions. Foresight. She was telepathic.
"Nothing to worry with" she promised.
This eased the tension that had quickly built.
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