***Persephone's POV***
We watched the projector of memories as Darius beamed with pride. All our faces glowed wildly as Aubrey's courage ripped thru her mom. She was stunning. Our chosen one had found her voice.
Honestly, I had goosebumps as she laid down her wrath.
Her outburst twisted the hands of fate in a very miraculous direction.
Aubrey moved in with her mom and siblings to a family home in a town two hours from their previous one. The tormentor seemed gone for good. We watched diligently as Aubrey blew thru life.
Times came and went where Aubrey made more courageous stands. She spent countless hours molding her mom into a parent. It was hard to watch. But, opposed to what she had been thru over the last 9 years, this was a breeze.
When Aubrey was 14, the courts granted Custody of Aubrey's youngest sister, 3, to her mom with visitation at the tormentors. We all watched in astonishment as the judge made his fatal call.
Selflessly, Aubrey granted her mother a request that stunned us all.
"Mom we can't let her go, Anya can't go!" Aubrey pleaded.
"I can't change the judges decision, Aubrey. I wish I could but I have to comply." Her mom whimpered.
"He might hurt her, he might touch her. I can't live with that." Aubrey confessed.
"I have no choice, what would you have me to do?" Her mom stated in defeat.
"I don't know mom, think of something, please." Aubrey begged.
"You could go with her. It's only two weekends a month. You could make sure he doesn't hurt her." Aubrey's mother disgustingly bartered.
"Okay. I will." Aubrey agreed.
As we sat on our thrones in the Chamber of Judgement gasps filled the air. Darius was livid. Ultor came out bellowing.
"NO!" Ultor growled.
"She will not go back to the hands of that wicked creature. She will not sacrifice herself for anyone." He roared.
I descended my throne, once again wrapping my arms around Darius. He cried openly into my arms while his body heaved.
"Ultor!" I scolded.
Ultor whimpered.
"Let Darius take over. We will help." I promised.
Darius slowly took over as his blue eyes changed from their iridescent orbs.
"Darius, it's Aubrey's choice. You don't want to take away her free will. Do you?" I questioned.
"No." He cried.
"Persephone? Darius?" Mekhal called out.
We turned to the diety who had spoken.
"I have a proposal." Mekhal cooed.
Four sets of eyes and ears waited as Mekhal began to speak.
"Punish him!" Mekhal roared.
Darius' eyes lit with devastating amusement.
I gasped as realization over came me.
Serriphina tried to stop the insanity.
"No, it's not time Mekhal." She gasped.
"Yes, it's far past time." Alejandro qualified.
"What's the stipulation?" Darius quickly asked.
"You can't kill him.....yet" Mekhal stated.
"The evidence has more than condemned him. He is as vile as any other soul you have destroyed." Alejandro interjected.
"Pssshhh, you can say that again" Serriphina huffed.
"Begin the process, make it slow. Weaken him." Mekhal pondered.
"Cancer!" Darius smirked.
"Due time has come" Alejandro announced.
An air of disturbed giddiness settled around the Chamber.
Darius took his leave as we all dispersed.
Years whizzed by and Aubrey continued on. She never went to counseling and we worried for that choice. But, time and time again Aubrey proved herself and effectively eased our worry.
Little events occurred that stirred our souls as we watched Aubrey live thru her past. Nightmares plagued her, sending me descending from Heaven on several occasions to bring my angel comfort.
She handled her past with grace. Had you not seen the evidence, you honestly wouldn't believe the story.
Darius grew restless and once again made some of the trips to the human realm to watch over the young woman who had captivated his heart.
Aubrey didn't have much luck with the male species over the years. They were intimidated by her beauty and felt inferior to her witt.
She got thru high school but didn't take much interest in college. She joined the work force, once again stealing our breath with her determination and kindness.
She supported her siblings, mom and grandma. Although, those relationships had never developed over the years.
I grew sad for Aubrey as she trudged thru life without many to depend on. One boy caught her eye early on. She managed to create a best friend that she soon developed feelings for. But, as usual that boy was too intimidated to stake his claim.
Eventually, 17 years of watching my angel had passed. I grew to love her like a daughter. Darius grew to adore her. He was enchanted with her beauty both inside and out.
The deities praised me regularly for my work on our chosen one. I couldn't accept their gratitude. She was definitely a group effort.
Her little sister managed to move in with her dad. (The tormentor we have all hated from the start.) Time had changed his heart once he quit using drugs.
Aubrey had grown to respect him in his relationship with Anya. She didn't trust him and she gave him hell whenever possible. But, Aubrey managed to protect Anya from ever knowing the demon she grew up with.
When cancer finally claimed his body, Aubrey stood by Anya's side and made the tough decision to take him off life support. Her sincere forgiveness surpasses all we had ever seen. She effectively stole our hearts once again.
Secrets never stayed secrets as Aubrey released them over the years. Not one family member was spared the heartbreak that Aubrey grew up with. She allowed them to ask questions and she laid all the dirty laundry bare.
Her honesty allowed her heart to heal. She forgave her mom, she forgave the beast and she began to grow rapidly. Her power was magnificent.
As the years went by her cherished personality began to overflow. She continued to encourage, nurture and manifest love. She was the epitome of beauty in it's raw form.
Fate delved blows to her heart once again.
Several months ago we watched in sorrow as Aubrey said goodbye to her grandma. We weeped for her loss. She had grown very close to her grandma over the past few years. She even moved her mother and her grandma into her home.
She cared relentlessly for the weakening pair. Many nights had passed as she nursed them thru their anguish. She seemed to never waiver in her hospitality. She ran errands, doctor appointments, cooked and provided many months of company.
She found joy in their presence and showered them with affection and attention.
My little angel had grown into an extremely adored daughter and granddaughter. She earned the respect of most of her family. While her older sister continued to hold a grudge against her and others.
We never understood her older sister Selene. We didn't care to honestly. Whatever plagued that girl was far beyond the help of kindness and love. She seemed to hoard her misery and we left her to her troubles.
You can't help those who refuse to help themselves.
Aubrey tried desperately to keep in contact with her. But, time and time again the rekindled connection fizzled out. It was heartbreaking.
As if fate had not administered enough pain to our chosen angel, it was once again playing its wicked game.
Aubrey's mom got diagnosed with Pancreas Cancer (No Darius didn't cause it). And once again, Aubrey shone like the angel she was. She continuously served her mom with love and adoration. Until, death stole her mother's light.
That night I held my angel once again. I wiped her sleepy tears as she grieved her loss. I was disgusted that many didn't shower Aubrey with comfort. Some did, but to me it wasn't enough.
Then fate drew another blow.
Darius appeared before us. I will admit he didn't often come with encouraging news.
"Darius" I welcomed.
"Hello Deities" he announced.
"What have you come to tell us?" Alejandro asked while hanging his head in defeat.
Two days ago I was following Aubrey after the death of her mother. When she ran into the woods. I saw her fall asleep in the forest. She rested peacefully. So, I left for a short time to handle one of my cases.
When I returned, I saw her lying on the forest floor with her pants removed. A drunkard was stumbling away from her. She was bleeding between her thighs.
I ran towards the man who had assaulted her and I dealt with him accordingly.
That's one body that will never be found.
"God does this ever get better" I screamed.
"Probably what Aubrey's thinking" Serriphina huffed.
"Let's watch Aubrey shall we?" I suggested.
We walked to the Great Fountain and waited as the waters shimmied into the picture of my angel.
She was sleeping on the couch in her home. Her hair was matted with sweat and she jostled uncomfortably. She woke with a startle and suddenly ran to the restroom. She instantly grabbed her keys and jumped into her car.
We watched as she entered the hospital and got taken to a room. There the doctor examined her, prescribed meds and offered her any help she would receive. We waited as she thanked them and went home quietly.
Months had gone by and we watched as Aubrey gained weight. She seemed to be doing well. Her body was changing constantly before our eyes.
Soon we realized the result of her assault was a pregnancy. We worried greatly for her health. We continued to watch her as she discovered the news herself. She appeared to be excited for the child that was conceived in demise.
Apparently, she was keeping her pregnancy a secret. No baby shower was received. She collected a small amount of items for the new arrival. But, she seemed content.
We all relished in the fact that our angel would soon have something that made her happy. Darius was disturbed that a child would be joining Aubrey. But, I helped him overcome and he too began to realize the joy the child could bring.
We watched as Aubrey began labor. She seemed a little uneducated in the process. She spent hours upon hours in the bathroom before finally heading to the hospital. I worried she would have the baby on the way to the hospital.
We called Darius to stand by her side during her labor. We didn't want her to be alone. And he more than willingly obliged to pose as a midwife throughout the process.
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