***Darius POV***
Aubrey kneeled before Persephone. I can't say I loved watching her submit. But, it was the first and last time she would kneel before someone as less than their equal.
I was excited to see what Aubrey would become. She was already perfect to me. Ultor couldn't agree more.
Persephone explained "I'm going to whisper an enchantment. I will bless you with all I have offered. Immortality, you will always live, not without pain, but without fear of death. Strength as a supernatural, you will be stronger than the enemies you face. What you lack physically against some, you will make up in will power and faith. Friendship will be eternal, as I will impart you with a wolf. Inside of you, she will guide you as a companion, protector and friend. You will hold the power of Atonement. You will choose who you grant eternal forgiveness."
"You will know your mate, the moment you look into his eyes. You will feel the mate pull drawing you to him. It is your choice to accept the bond."
"This will not be a physically painful transformation. For others it is. But, in exchange for the disservice Fate has served you, I will spare you the pain. You have been thru enough. I will also heal you physically, you will be perfect as you were made to be. I will give you your wolf and then you will begin your training under Delta Bryan's command. You will have access to myself and others as needed. You will not be alone. We will steadily guide you." Persephone stated.
"Spiritu Dei nostri illustrant misericordia tua angelum lucis. Appone indeclinabilem, impudenter certa Perpetuus gaudium et amor. fiduciam eius confirma in spiritu et virtute." (Spirit of Compassion illuminate our angel with your light. Instill unwavering truth, unabashed joy and never ending love. Strengthen her spirit with confidence and courage.)
"Amare, Lupus et dilectionis Albericus Necte animos." (Wolf of love come forth and bind your spirit with Aubrey.)
We all stood as Aubrey accepted her title as Angel of Compassion, Warrior of Atonement and Peace. We watched as her wolf bound with her spirit, becoming a part of our Realm.
Aubrey's back arched into a high dome as her hands dug deep into her knees. The look of worry was replaced by a look of peace. Her skin began to glow as kissed by snowflakes, effervescent and full of life. Her hair was drenched in a beautiful luster of Pink Sand. The softest of pink hues highlighting her bright light blonde strands. Her eyelashes darkened and thickened, framing her wide green eyes in a beautiful coat of feather wisps. The bones that had been broken in her childhood years straightened before our eyes.
Her freckles lightened and complimented her porcelain skin like a beautiful cascade of taupe blush. Her cheeks took on a cheery soft rose. And her lips became a deep shade of blush rose. Her green eyes glowed brighter than before in a lustful shade of Jade green.
She was absolutely breathtaking. Ultor was literally drooling.
Then Persephone lifted Aubrey from her knees and kissed her forehead.
"Amare, come forth. Make your presence known." Persephone coaxed.
And as she did, gasps filled the air as Aubrey's eyes turned from jade green to an iridescent amethyst.
"Thank you Amare" Persephone stated.
"Lead Aubrey to make wise and compassionate choices." She whispered.
And when Persephone laid the last kiss upon Aubrey's head, Aubrey's eyes became their shimmering Jade once again.
"Aubrey how do you feel?" Persephone asked.
"I feel full, like whole. I have never felt more complete in my whole life." Aubrey proclaimed.
I wanted to get Aubrey to turn around. I wanted to look at her and make her recognize me once again.
"Aubrey, can you come here?" I asked.
Aubrey slowly turned around, painfully slow. Her eyes were closed and she was twitching her fingers.
I walked straight up to her and grabbed her by both sides of her face gently. I pressed my deep red lips to her rose colored lips in a soft closed mouth kiss.
Fire shot thru my body and raked thru my blood as Ultor started howling in delight.
I pulled back and Aubrey stared straight into my eyes and whispered the only word I had ever wished to hear in the hundreds of years of my existence.
"MATE" Aubrey whispered.
"MATE" I confirmed with a blinding smile.
"I guess you don't have to call me Aubrey" She softly relented.
"I wasn't planning on it parvulus." I promised.
"What does that mean?" She asked.
"Little One" I cooed.
"I could love that." She smiled.
"May I kiss you properly?" I requested.
"Please" she replied.
I reached for her cheek with one hand and cupped my other hand around her dainty face. I stroked my thumbs over her cheek bones as I pulled her close.
I covered her lips with my open mouth and ran my tongue over the beautiful curve of her lower lip. She gasped and I plunged my tongue softly into the crevice of her pallet, massaging her tongue against my own.
She tasted like the sweetest nectar I could ever drink. And I devoured her mouth. I left no flesh untouched as I explored the cavern of her mouth.
My heart was racing wildly and beating harshly against my ribs. When I pulled back for air, I just looked at her precious angel features as my tears welled in my eyes.
17 years of watching her grow and I would never have to let her go again.
"Thank you Persephone. Thank you a million moons." I howled.
***Aubrey's POV***
As I opened my eyes Darius' face came into view and I finally took the time to admire the work of majesty he was. His beautiful blue eyes, tan complexion, dark brown hair and chiseled jaw was more alluring than I had ever noticed.
His muscles bulged out of his towering frame. He had almost a foot of height on me. His large hands cupped my face like they were created to do so. I could never believe that he was mine.
He smelled a thousand times better than he did the night of my labor. His body was saturated in the scent of masculinity and spices. I wanted to lick his skin to taste his scent with my tongue.
"Don't be mad" I told Darius.
"Why would I be ma" I cut him off by swiping my tongue right across his cheek.
The room erupted in laughs.
"Yep taste just like I thought, mmmmmm divine." I winked.
Darius wipes his cheek on my shoulder while laughing maniacally.
"You are too much" he laughed.
"I'm too much? From a lick? You aren't gonna last!" I giggled.
The howls of laughter got louder than ever as I realized the implications of my words. My cheeks burned brightly.
"I'm going to enjoy you" Darius declared as he kissed me once again on the lips.
"I'm gonna gag" Jackson joked.
"That's what she said" I squealed.
"For fucks sake Aubrey" Bryan shouted as his drink spewed out of his nose.
Ethan was literally rolling on the floor.
"If it's ok, we will bid you wolves good night." Serriphina requested.
We said our goodbyes as the Deities disappeared into the skies.
"Well, what do we do now?" I asked.
"What would you like to do?" Jackson asked.
"I would like to meet your wolves" I stated.
"How about we take you for your first shift." Bryan encouraged.
"I'm down!" I shouted.
"Come on let's go" Darius said as he grabbed my hand.
We walked to a large open field beside the castle and instantly, two wolves replace Jackson and Ethan's forms.
Jackson had a rather large and very muscular Black wolf with stunning grey eyes.
Ethan's wolf was a chestnut brown with hazel orbs.
Bryan shifted into an extremely muscular beast with sand colored fur and bright green eyes.
"Parvulus, all you have to do is think of yourself in wolf form and you will shift. It may be uncomfortable at first but you will get used to it. I will wait til you are shifted before I go, okay." Darius explained.
I crouched down and thought of myself as Amare and I could feel the shift of my bones. It was neither painful or uncomfortable. It felt amazing.
My body elongated and claws extended from my paws as fur sprouted all over. My ears felt larger and my head felt bigger. I could taste the metallic essence of blood as canines replaced my teeth. I lifted from the ground and stretched into my full wolf height.
I felt powerful.
I could see so clearly although it was pitch dark under the scents around me, which were rich, and the sounds of the trees swaying filled my ears. I was in awe.
"We are beautiful " I heard in my head.
"Yes Aubrey I'm here" Amare answered.
"This is amazing" I whispered.
"Baby, are you okay." Darius asked.
"Yeah I'm great" I shouted.
"He can't hear you in wolf form silly" Amare spoke.
"Duh, I should have known" I thought.
Amare was snickering.
I shook my head up and down rapidly as I wagged my tail.
Darius leaped into the air and landed with a rippling thud on all four paws.
"Fuck that's cool" I raved.
"I will teach you" I heard Darius say.
I jumped back turning from side to side while whipping my head back and forth.
"Mind link, wolves communicate this way" Darius spoke.
"Shit, give a girl some warning." I chastised.
Darius just laughed.
Darius' wolf was absolutely a massive beast. He was larger than three other wolves by several inches. He had dark brown fur like burnt oak with soft honey highlights. His eyes were iridescent blue. He was ridiculously muscular, even more so than Bryan. I was mesmerized.
"Mate is sexy as hell" Amara crooned.
"Yes he is" I confirmed.
"Parvulus are you ready to run?" Darius asked.
"Yesssss!" I exclaimed.
We took off around the edges of the property.
I reveled in the feel of the air caressing my fur. My limbs ached in a pleasing way. My nose scanned constantly for every scent I could catch. Darius' scent was absolutely luscious. In wolf form it was even thicker than before. Drool seeped out of my mouth every time the wind carried it, saturating my senses.
"Keep your drool to yourself" Bryan whined.
"Oh, quit bitching" I barked.
"What's got your mouth watering?" Jackson asked, I could here the smirk in his vibrato.
"Someone is enjoying themselves" Ethan cackled.
"Guys give Aubrey a break." Darius scoffed.
"What do I look like?" I asked.
"Oh shit, follow us" All four male wolves demanded.
I ran beside Darius trying to follow closely. When we broke a clearing and a waterfall made its way into our path. The moonlight was reflecting off the water majestically.
"You ready sweetheart?" Darius asked.
"I am" I confirmed.
We walked close to the water and Darius instructed me to look.
I was mesmerized. My fur was a pearl white with iridescent shimmers that gleamed pink under the moon light. It resembled the facets of a diamond as the sun caught the angles. My eyes were large and an enchanting iridescent amethyst. My wolf was only a bit smaller than the boys.
I stared for far too long, speechless at the beauty of my beast. I was stunning. I was so proud of what I had become.
"Ready to head back?" Darius asked.
"Yeah" I breathed out.
Once we got back to the pack house Darius handed me a shirt and directed me behind a tree to shift and cover myself up. When the guys came into view they were all shirtless and wearing basketball shorts.
Each man was definitely drool worthy. But, Darius stole my breath from my chest. I literally just stared unashamedly. My eyes roamed over every single trace and plane of his godly stature. I was so fucking lucky.
I was knocked out of my revelry when some one cleared their throat.
"Ahem" Jackson cleared his throat.
"What" I shouted.
"His eyes" he pointed at Darius abs and trailed his finger towards his chest, "are up there." He smirked.
"Is someone jealous?" I winked.
The guys started laughing.
Darius grabbed my hand, causing small electric buzzing to massage the skin where are hands were intertwined.
I sighed in content as I followed them into the house.
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