Orange Isn't My Color
***Jackson's POV***
Hearing Aubrey scream in terror last night, was horrific. Her violent sobs shook me from sleep. But, more than that, the desperation in Darius' voice as he mind linked me, that was by far the most scary thing to hear.
Darius is far from a dictator. He has so many good qualities that make him a great leader. But, given his position in life, you can understand how jaded he might become to raw emotion. Aubrey has unknowingly balanced him out for 17 years.
I'm so happy for both of them.
I will tell you, anything that comes out of Aubrey's mouth, is bound to set your mood. She is so witty and sassy. She captivates her audience with humor, dignity and confidence. Yet, she is humble, considerate and vulgar. She is literally what any man would ever need to be happy.
I headed down stairs for breakfast and saw the absolute most adorable scene. Aubrey was sleeping, laying on top of Darius chest. His arms were wrapped snuggly around her and his fingers knotted tightly in her hair. It was as if he was keeping her from falling. They were laying on the chase lounge and most of Darius legs weren't even on it.
Aubrey had her petite hands, cupping Darius neck and soft snores were coming from them both. A small blanket had bunched up to the side of them. After the events of last night, I don't blame them for being knocked out. It had been a long day for everyone.
Quietly, I started pulling out ingredients for breakfast. I know once the food's scent starts filling the house, I will be faced with several hungry wolves. I don't mind cooking. I just don't want to disturb the Alpha. He finally looks at peace.
I set the dinning table for the five of us and made extra for any visitors. Ham, bacon, omelets, grits and toast were set out for everyone to enjoy. I poured orange juice and made a pot of coffee. I know Aubrey drinks a lot of coffee. She didn't use to, but all the sudden I noticed she did. It was weird.
I walked up the stairs and invited Ethan and Bryan down. No shock, they are already plowing down the stairs. As I went to climb down the stairs myself, I noticed the two of them staring, in awe, at Alpha and our future Luna.
I walked behind them and whispered "A sight to behold".
"No shit, they look like a painting" Ethan replied.
"I feel almost ashamed for intruding" Bryan admitted.
"How should we wake them?" I asked.
"Let's be nice this time." Ethan warned.
"Watch and learn, boys" Bryan smirked.
"Alpha wake up, I made breakfast!" Bryan lied.
"What the fuck, I made that shit" I whined.
"It's ok, we know Bryan can't cook" Darius laughs.
"Thank you, Jackson" Aubrey yawns.
Aubrey's stomach interrupted our laughing.
"Now get your asses to the table and let's feed the Luna" Bryan demands.
We all sat down for breakfast to enjoy the food I made.
***Aubrey's POV***
I woke to the boys bantering over breakfast.
"Thank you Jackson" I said, to thank him for cooking the food Bryan claimed.
I'm not sure how I slept thru that smell. It was now making my stomach growl embarrassingly.
"What would you like parvulus? Darius asked.
"To be able to take care of you." I proclaimed.
"Next time" Darius promised.
"Ok, surprise me. I'm just really hungry." I huffed.
"Wolves burn more energy than humans, you will always be hungry now." Bryan explains.
"Oh God, I'm gonna get huge" I whined.
All the guys laughed.
"Nah, we will keep you fit." Bryan winked.
"Why does that feel like a threat?" I rolled my eyes.
"Either way, You have to train." Ethan insisted.
"I have no problem with that, but I have one small, tiny issue." I admitted.
"What's the issue Aubrey?" Jackson asks.
"I can't train naked." I smirked.
"How about we start a daily routine tomorrow, and today we go to town and get you a wardrobe." Darius explained.
"I need to go to my old house first" I stated.
"Aubrey your old clothes won't fit, your body has changed." Ethan explains.
"I just need my wallet silly." I snorted.
"No you dont!" All the boys shouted.
"Are you taking me somewhere that takes a different currency than cash?" I asked.
"No sweetheart. But, what is mine is yours. And, we have plenty of money." Darius promised.
"Correction!" I point my finger at him.
"You have plenty of money, I just need my wallet." I said while shrugging.
"Oof, she's gonna be fun" Bryan deadpanned.
"Aubrey, let me ask you something" Jackson starts.
"How do you think we make money?" He continues.
"I'm not really sure, I just hope it isn't illegal, orange isn't my color" I wink.
Darius laughs "We make money thru a ton of businesses in the human world. Everything from cures for disease to stock market. But, we also get a reasonable paycheck for being Warriors to the Deities."
"Oh, so I will be bringing in money?" I asked. "I am just trying not to be a burden."
"Baby, you could never be a burden. You are more important to our Royal Pack than all of us combined. We need you and we want you." Darius pleaded.
"I'm sorry, I really am not trying to be difficult. I just want to make sure everyone knows I am willing to contribute." I qualified.
"Just ease into all this Aubrey, there's no rush." Ethan promised.
"I feel so lucky to finally have so many good people in my life." I cried.
***Darius POV***
"Sweetheart go get changed and we will head out. I set out a pair of Ethan's track pants and a smaller shirt." I said.
"Ethan's huge" Aubrey whined.
"You got that right" Ethan winked.
I popped his head with my palm.
"He used to be a scrawny kid" Jackson smirked.
"Whatever" Ethan rolled his eyes.
Aubrey went to the bedroom. I needed to talk to the boys.
"It might be hard on her, but we will take her to her house. But, she doesn't spend a dime of her own money! Got it?" I asked.
"Oh shit, I didn't even think about all that baby stuff at her house." Jackson huffed.
"We are all here for her. She's our Queen" Ethan promised
"Don't let her hear that, you're on massage duty." Brian chuckled.
"I will gladly massage anything she requests" Ethan smirked.
I growled loudly. I know he was joking, but Ultor was pissed.
"Calm down, Alpha! I was just fucking with you." Ethan assuaged.
"Let's not piss Ultor off today" Bryan begged.
Aubrey came bouncing down the steps. And I tell you, she could wear a sack and pull it off. I was having very dirty thoughts. Ethan's pants were a bit long but she had rolled them down her hips. She tied his black t-shirt up, and a small triangle of her pearly skin was peeking from her waistline. She had her hair in a high pony tail. She looked so sexy casual.
"Maybe we can stay in?" I said while running my fingers thru my hair and scratching my neck.
I saw Aubrey sniff the air deeply, and then her eyes turned purple. Just as quickly she shook her head and they returned to their jade color.
"Wow" Aubrey breathed out.
"What?" Jackson cocked his head to the side with a knowing smirk.
I could already tell, whatever was about to slip out of Aubrey's lips was gonna make me blush.
"Babe, your scent is so much stronger than before." Aubrey declared.
There it is! A bright red blush followed by heat that raked up my neck. No doubt, turning my ears red.
"Jesus, Aubrey!" Bryan cackled.
"What did I do?" Aubrey asked perplexed.
"Call a man out, why don't you!" Jackson laughed.
Ethan was laughing so hard I wanted to slap him again.
"What's so funny?" Aubrey asked with her hands on her hips, her mouth in a thin line.
"Come here parvulus" I requested.
Aubrey was by my side in a flash.
I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my forehead against hers.
"You look so damn fine." I whispered as I kissed her lips.
"Thanks" she mumbled.
"Our scents get stronger when we're horny" Bryan shrieked out.
I was fucking speechless.
Aubrey untangled herself and spun around in a pirouette.
"Like what you see, Alpha?" She popped off with a wink.
"We're staying in" I threw my hands in the air.
My cock literally jumped in my pants.
"Oh, god" Jackson groaned.
"We will behave" Ethan lied.
"No we won't" Aubrey corrected.
"Let's go" I gave in.
We transported to the human realm and walked out of the woods in front of Aubrey's house.
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