***Aubrey's POV***
God last night was phenomenal.
Sex with Darius is like a plight to the moon but, sex with Ultor is like another galaxy.
I'm fucking sore. Ravaged and drained!
"Baby." I whined.
"Yes, parvulus?" Darius asked as he sat up on the bed.
"I need to pee." I cringed as I scooted to the edge of the bed.
Darius swiftly appeared beside me and lifted me into his arms as he carried me to the bathroom.
I sat down and relieved my bladder. I wiped and stood to flush when I noticed the toilet was filled with red water. I quickly flushed before Darius would notice.
Darius would be upset thinking he hurt me. But, honestly, I fucking loved the pain that brought more physical pleasure than I had ever known.
Darius picked me back up and walked me downstairs to the kitchen in the castle. I was only wearing a tank and a pair of lace cheeky panties.
He sat me on the counter as he started cooking breakfast.
"What do you want to eat My Love?" Darius asked while pulling out the pots and pans.
"Coffee!" I beamed.
"That's not food." Darius rolled his eyes.
"Steak, eggs, potatoes, sliced tomatoes and limes." I listed the food off.
"Um, okay." He laughed.
"What?" I shrugged.
"Someone's hungry." Jackson laughed.
"She had a rough night." Darius smirked.
"Did Ultor break the bed?" Claire laughed loudly.
"Oh Goddess!" I groaned with red staining my cheeks.
"Be nice." Bryan chuckled as he walked into the kitchen.
"I thought you said the room was soundproof?" I asked Darius.
"It is but, it can only muffle so many sounds of pleasure." Abi busted out while smiling like a demon.
"Nice marks." Luce giggled while she ran her hand up my shoulder.
"What mark?" I asked.
Darius was scratching the back of his neck when he walked over and picked me up. I slowly wrapped my legs around his waist, wincing at the burning ache.
He carried me to the mirror in the living room.
"Jesus, I'm gonna be inked like a rockstar." I laughed while admiring the gorgeous Cala Lilies that stained my skin.
"Last one, I promise." Darius winked.
Darius carried me back to the kitchen and finished making my breakfast along with food for everyone else.
"Why does she get two?" Ethan asked.
"I'm the King. I get to mark my mate and my Queen." Darius explains.
"So fucking cool." Claire smiles.
"So, Aubrey, how you feeling?" Claire wiggles her eyebrows.
"Like I fucked a demon." I groaned.
The room erupted in laughter.
Everyone looked at Darius and he grinned like a lion.
"Probably got a litter of pups started." Jackson laughed.
"Hopefully!" Luce laughed.
"What are the plans today?" I asked, changing the subject from my sexual endeavors.
"You need to rest, we will get the stuff at the pack house moved to the castle." Ethan promised.
"What will happen to the suites there?" I asked.
"The mated warriors who have been staying in the other rooms will fight over them." Darius laughed.
"Oh boy." I whistled.
Apparently, the eight of us will take residence in the castle from now on. As pups join us, we will convert the extra bedrooms to nurseries. We each have our own floor and the bottom floor is for guests and living quarters. I don't mind. I have always wanted a family living arrangement.
"I'm gonna be bored." I whined.
"Can you walk?" Bryan cocked his eyebrows.
"Yes." I stuck my tongue out.
"Fine, show us." Abi laughed.
I jumped off the counter and hit my ass directly on the ground.
Everyone guffawed as Ethan put me in the living room.
"Fuck you guys." I huffed.
"That's Alpha's job." Ethan laughed.
"I hate you." I glared.
"You love us." Jackson ruffled my hair.
"No more sex, ever!" I crossed my arms over my chest as I laid against the back of the couch.
"Uh, huh." Luce laughed.
"Baby, you want some pain killers?" Darius asked while handing me a glass with a white pill.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Tylenol 3" he confirmed.
"What kind of monster dick do you have?" Bryan bellowed.
"Ultor!" Darius shrugged.
I busted out laughing as a blush broke out against my skin.
I swallowed the pill and laid back against Darius.
"You should be able to walk in an hour." Darius cooed.
"Good. Then you can fuck me again." I whispered.
"That's not a good idea." He laughed.
"Says who?" I asked.
"Your legs!" Claire screamed.
"Fucking werewolf hearing!" I thought.
"That was said out loud." Bryan laughed.
"Fuck everyone." I laughed.
An hour later, I could walk, barely.
I spent the day walking slowly and putting things away here and there. We ate lunch and spent time watching a movie. It was shit. One of those "made for tv" movies. It shouldn't have been made at all.
I called Persephone to check up on upcoming cases. We had a few. Both me and Darius would be responsible. I didn't mind. I liked the work.
The guys went to do pack work in the Alpha Office. Me and the girls decided to go shopping at the grocery store. I wanted to stock the kitchen since we would be living here now.
Luce, Abi and Claire had already moved all their belongings over and we got ready quickly.
"What car we taking?" Luce asked.
"X7, I'm driving." I exclaimed.
"Aubrey you drive like a maniac." Abi groaned.
"Did you die?" I quipped.
"God, is that you?" Abi laughed.
We spent a good two hours wasting $600 bucks at the grocery store. I was hungry. Bad idea.
"Aubrey you bought the whole store." Luce laughed.
"It will be eaten." Claire promised.
We all laughed. It's the truth. We ate like wolves.
I got another coffee and smiled at the warm goodness as it pleased my belly.
Once home we put away the food and I took another Tylenol. It appears this is common after our man's wolf fucks us sideways. I wasn't complaining.
The girls ragged me hard. I stored away the glares for when they had their turn. I would gladly return the favor.
I got extremely tired after taking the meds and fell asleep on the recliner.
I was playing outside with my cousins. My family came over for a Saturday barbecue. Us kids were playing on the slip n slide.
Then I felt my arm being yanked on. I snapped my head up and saw him. He was angry. He jerked my arm and pulled me thru the crowd of people in the yard.
He harshly pushed me into his room where he took off his pants, leaving only his satin black shorts on and laid on the bed.
He pulled me on top of him and started grinding his hard lap into my bathing suit.
"Stop, I don't want to." I cried.
"Shut up." He pushed my head into his chest while moving his legs back and forth.
"Don't, please don't." I cried while he pushed my butt down so my front ground into his lap.
"You know you like it." He grunted.
I cried into his chest while he pulled my hair with one hand held my butt in the other.
Tears poured down my face while he made sounds that made my stomach hurt.
After a while he set me on the ground and stood up and put a rag down his shorts before pulling his jeans on and pushing me towards the doors.
"Go to your room. You're grounded." He yelled.
"Aubrey" someone shakes me.
"Get Alpha, NOW!" Someone screams.
I curl into myself and cry.
It was so real. I'm so embarrassed.
I hear the door slam open before hands reach my face and I can feel Darius cupping my cheeks.
"Baby, wake up. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe." He whispers.
I whimper as he pulls me into his arms and rocks me back and forth.
My heart is pounding and my head is throbbing. I feel like my heart is gonna explode. I try to breathe but my chest is tight and I can't get enough air. I gasp.
***Darius POV***
I get called from the my office by Claire.
"Alpha, quick. It's Aubrey." Claire hurries out thru the mind link.
"Where are you?" I ask.
"The living room. She started shaking and crying. She isn't breathing right." Claire explains thru stressed tears.
"Did you try talking to her?" I ask as I run to the castle.
"She can't hear us." She yells.
Bryan, Jackson, Ethan and I run into the castle and watch as Aubrey curls into herself on the recliner. I rush over and cradle her face while pulling her into my lap.
"Baby, wake up. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe." I whisper.
I rock her back and forth but she isn't listening.
"Fuck, Alpha. What's wrong with her?" Jackson asks.
Aubrey is hyperventilating and tears are drenching my shirt.
"I don't know." I scream.
I'm fucking losing it. She isn't getting better. Her heart is pounding so loudly we all can hear it.
"Upstairs, bedside table. Get me her inhaler." I order.
"Baby, please. You're scaring me." I plead.
Loud, gut wrenching sobs pull from Aubrey's mouth while her body trembles roughly in my arms.
"Call the pack doctor." I demand.
Ethan comes running with her inhaler and I tried to get her to take a breath but she isn't cooperating.
"Fuck this. Get the car." I yell.
I stand up and run towards the door as Jackson meets me with the car.
We go to the pack hospital and immediately Christy, the pack doctor, rushes Aubrey to a room.
I watch, helpless, as they hook Aubrey to oxygen and start an IV.
"She's gonna be okay." Claire whispers.
"I know." I cry.
Bryan grabs my shoulder and turns me into his chest and I just stand there, crying. I don't know what fucking happened.
Bryan leads to a couch and I lay down on Claire's lap where she pets my arm and runs a hand thru my hair.
"It's okay Alpha. They will get her calm." She whispers.
We waited for what felt like hours.
"Alpha, she's resting. She had a very extreme panic attack. Do you know what happened?" Dr. Christy asks.
I stand up and let her know I have no idea.
"She fell asleep after taking her pill and she just started shaking and screaming." Abi informs.
"Has she had any trauma?" Dr. Christy asks.
"Her whole life was a trauma." Claire whispers.
"What do you mean?" The doctor asks.
There is no need to hide the answer. Everyone needs to stay informed if this is the aftermath.
"She was human before." I start.
"She lived for 22 years as a human before she came to us. The Moon Goddess made her my mate, a wolf." I continue.
"Do you know what happened while she was human?" Dr. Christy asks.
"She was molested, raped, beaten, abused. She lost her mom, grandma and her child." I answered.
"Okay. That's enough. You don't have to spill the details." Dr. Christy promises.
"How do you know all this?" She asks quietly.
"I saw it thru the Great Fountain." Claire explains.
"Bryan, Ethan, Jackson and I were called to be her protectors in the human realm." I clarified.
"I gave her a sedative. She's gonna be out for a couple hours. Can we talk at the castle?" Dr. Christy requests.
I agreed and we went to the castle. I left a couple deltas at the door to watch Aubrey as she slept.
"Alpha, I'm gonna need more information. Aubrey has PTSD." Dr. Christy announces.
This isn't surprising. I'm actually more shocked she hasn't had more episodes. So, far she has only had the three.
"We were introduced to Aubrey at age five. Although, she was unaware. She was one of my cases." I start.
Over the next two hours I highlighted the events that Aubrey had survived. I left as much out as possible. But, Aubrey was more important than the secrets. I just wanted my wife to get better.
"Thank you Alpha. I know this couldn't have been easy for you." Dr. Christy appreciates.
"We're going to help." She promises.
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