Girl Talk
***Aubrey's POV***
They were right, shopping among besties is the best shit ever. Our personalities compliment each other so well. I never thought that eight people could get along like we do. I'm blessed.
"You were right." I beamed.
"Gonna have to say that louder Aubear." Luce grinned.
"You mother fucker's need Jesus." I laughed.
We had shopped for a few hours already. The ladies wanted to buy our dresses for the Ceremony, jewelry and shoes.
I couldn't find any jewelry I liked. I'm hard to shop for. I never think anything looks good on me. It's not that I'm self conscious, it's just that I have moments where I over analyze. It's just who I am.
"Aubrey, aren't you gonna pick out a necklace, earrings and a bracelet for the Luna ceremony?" Bryan asked.
"It's not my thing." I shrugged.
"Are you sure you're a woman?" Ethan laughed.
"Last time I checked, I was." I deadpanned.
"Parvulus, why don't you head to the cellphone store. I will be right there." Darius directed.
"I will take her." Ethan offered.
"Let's go!" He grabbed my hand.
We got to the store and I was overwhelmed. So many choices. I have only had the flip phones before and these were way more technology than I was prepared to endeavor.
"Don't you have any idea what you want?" Ethan asked.
"Not really, I'm used to the flip phones." I admitted.
"That's so two thousand and late." Ethan groaned.
"You pick out one for me then, I just want to be able to contact people." I submitted.
"We all have the latest IPhone, all of us. It would be best if you had the same thing so you can see all our emojis and Animoji's." Ethan explained.
"What's an Animoji?" I asked.
"Here take my phone." Ethan hands me his phone and shows me all kinds of cool shit that I didn't even know was possible.
"OMG, this is gonna be so fantastic!" I squealed.
"Ok, your getting the IPhone 11. What color, Aubear." Ethan questions.
"What are the choices?" I ask. Who knew phone shopping was harder than dress shopping?
After a hour of staring at phones, colors, chargers, cases and head phones, we finally picked what I needed.
"Baby, did you pick one out?" Darius asked as he intertwined our fingers.
"Yeah, Ethan is getting the sales person to gather everything." I stated.
"I will be right back, my love. I'm going to go pay for it." He explained as he headed to the register.
I walked back to where the rest of my friends were at.
"What did you pick?" Abi asked.
"Ethan says it's an IPhone 11. It's purple." I smiled.
"OMG, just wait till you see the graphics. It takes amazing photos and videos." Claire gushed.
"That will come in handy when you have a baby." Luce winked.
***Luce POV***
Aubrey has been quiet since we left the phone store. I'm not sure if I upset her by mentioning babies. I wasn't trying to upset her. We are all just really excited about her and Darius having kids. They are so adorable together.
"What's next on the list to buy?" Claire asks.
"Shoes!" Abi squeals.
"Shoes!" I jump excitedly.
We ran towards Neiman Marcus. I wanted a fierce pair of Jimmy Choo's.
***Aubrey's POV***
I'm really not trying to be a downer. I just couldn't help missing my sleeping angel when Luce brought up babies. I want babies with Darius, I really do. But guilt consumes me when I think about it.
I can't help but feel like it's my fault she isn't here. If I had gotten care earlier, maybe I wouldn't only have visions of what could be. If I would have realized I was in labor, maybe she would be here nestled cozily in my arms. Maybe if I had been strong enough to push her out faster, maybe she would be alive.
When I shake those feelings, fear distorts any feelings of excitement I could hope to conjugate. What if I lose the next baby? Darius would be so disappointed. What if the STD I received from my rapist made me infertile? What if we never have kids?
"What's wrong, parvulus?" Darius asked while he kissed my finger tips.
"Shoes!" I lied.
"Just pick a pair, no one will see them anyway." He promised.
"Okay." I shrugged.
***Darius POV***
There's no way in hell that shoes are filling Aubrey's eyes with unshed tears. She loves shoes. I want to press the issue, but now isn't the time. I will let her lie for a while longer, but she will talk to me. I need her to talk to me. I can't stand to see my angel so down.
***Claire's POV***
I wrapped my arms around Aubrey and kissed her cheek.
"It's ok Aubrey. We love you. We will help you thru this." I whispered lowly into her ear.
"Thanks Clairebear" she forced a smile.
"What can I do to bring my Aubear some cheer?" I asked.
"I'm okay." Aubrey smiled, although pain laced her features.
"Want to go somewhere after shopping?" I asked.
"Like where?" She perked up a bit.
"Let's finish shopping and we can figure something out." Darius promised.
"Okay" Aubrey agreed.
We ended up buying some really nice shoes. Aubrey's are stunning. They will match her dress and she will look like the Luna she was born to be.
"Does everybody have everything they need?" Bryan asked.
"Need is a strong word here." I laughed.
"Food, I need food" Abi groaned.
"I need alcohol." Aubrey declared.
"Need?" Darius asked with a smirk.
"Please, trust me." Aubrey argued.
"She NEEDS it!" I demanded.
"Okay, okay. How about food, karaoke and dancing." Jackson offered.
"You were always my favorite, Jax!" Aubrey smiles a thousand watt smile.
"Hey!" The rest of us said.
"You heard the woman!" Jackson beamed.
"You're never living that down, Aubear." Ethan whined.
"To the batmobile!" Aubrey laughed.
***Jackson's POV***
I wouldn't encourage drinking, AGAIN, but Aubrey is having a rough time. I would rather see her pirate wasted than red rimmed and teary eyed. Fuck that!
We went to a karaoke bar here in the kingdom that offered just what Dr. Jax ordered.
We took our regular seats in our private lounge and ordered food.
"What can I get for you?" The waitress cooed.
I noticed the way she winked at Alpha. I'm hoping I was the only one.
"Two Irish car bombs and a Blue moon." Aubrey glared.
Guess not.
"What's an Irish car bomb?" the waitress asked.
"Bring me a tall glass filled with Guinness, and a two ounce shot glass with Baileys on the bottom and Jameson on the top." Aubrey quipped.
"Make that 9 Irish car bombs and 9 Blue Moons please." I asked.
"Aubrey, are you okay?" Luce asked.
"Peachy!" Aubrey griped.
I have never seen Aubrey in such a piss poor mood. Maybe this was a bad idea.
The waitress brought our drinks. Apparently, she felt the need to change her shirt. Now her chest was on full display.
"Can I get you something to eat?" She asked as she leaned across the table and slid Alpha his drink.
***Darius POV***
She's pissed!
Aubrey is fuming.
She hasn't missed the slutty waitress' attempts. I can feel her anger rolling off her in waves. I kinda like the jealousy, but if the waitress does one more thing to disrespect her, I'm going to set her straight.
"We will have Six orders of wings, fried mushrooms, Cheese Stix, two baskets of fries and two orders of Jalapeño poppers." I stated.
Once she left, I tried to calm Aubrey down.
"We drinking this shit or are we babysitting it?" I asked.
"Ok, so grab your glass and your shot glass." Aubrey grins.
"Now follow me!" She drops the shot glass into the beer, it erupts into a foam and she chugs it.
"God damn she can suck." Bryan shouts.
"Impressive." I laugh.
"That was horrible" Ethan whined.
"Don't be a pussy." Abi jeers.
"Let's see if Aubrey can drink the second as fast as the first." Claire chirps.
"Time me!" Aubrey prepares.
I set my watch and Aubrey drains the glass.
"12 seconds!" I smile.
"That's my girl!" Jax beams.
"Let's play a game!" Aubrey leans forward excitedly.
"I see nothing good coming from this." Luce giggles.
"What are the rules and what are the stakes." I counter.
"Everyone picks one shot and the first person to decline has to sing a song." Aubrey smiles evilly.
"Deal!" Everyone agrees.
"We will go around the table. Darius you go first." Aubrey encourages.
The waitress comes back and sets our food down.
"We need 8 Jager Bombs please." I request.
"Coming up!" The waitress states.
"Oh god, Jager" Claire shutters.
"You can sing." Aubrey laughs.
"Fuck that!" Claire bellows.
Our shots are set down and we gladly throw them back. We eat in between rounds.
"8 Vegas Bombs" Claire orders.
Round two down the pipes.
"Four horseman." Bryan demands.
"Nope!" Jax disagrees.
"Welp time to sing, Bryan picks your song!" Aubrey commands.
"No one said that!" Jax whined.
"Rules are rules" Bryan cackled.
We took the fucking kerosene that Bryan ordered and Jax went to add his name to the Karaoke list.
"Don't tell anyone the song. It has to be a surprise!" Claire laughs.
"I hate y'all" Jax grimaces.
"Let's dance" Abi offers.
We all went to the dance floor.
"Abi you're up, name your shot!" Aubrey encourages.
"Blow Jobs" Abi laughs.
The shots got there and I'm sure my, Bryan, Jax and Ethan's faces are comical.
"You have to take the shots with no hands." Abi instructs.
Abi picks up the shot glass with her lips wrapped around the rim. She tilts her head back and let's the cream colored liquor and whip cream slide down her throat.
"This is just wrong." I groaned.
"Drink up or pay up." Abi squealed.
Us guys reluctantly blew the shots.
"Jax your song is up" Aubrey claps.
I swear to the heavens, watching Jackson sing Oops I did it again was fucking epic.
"Payback is a bitch, Bryan." I laughed.
"It was worth it" Bryan smirks.
"Jackson, name your shot!" Aubrey demands.
"Pirate's Treasure" he winked.
"We are all dying" Bryan whined.
"I'm out" Abi relented.
"I will go easy on you." Jax promised.
"I like it rough." Abi laughed.
Jax really did go easy on Abi she got to sing Baby Got Back. Abi rocked the mic.
***Luce's POV***
"Luce you're up." Aubrey clapped.
"Buttery Nipples" Luce chimed.
"That's me out. I will projectile." Aubrey stated.
"Hope you like the stage." I giggled.
I made Aubrey pick her own song. I wanted to see what she would sing. But, she requested to drink the rest of the shots first. I guess she needed liquid courage.
"Round six has ended, Ethan pick shots." Aubrey demanded.
"Pickle Back." Ethan nods his head and crosses his arms.
"What the fuck is a pickle back?" Claire whined.
"A shot of tequila with a chaser of pickle and jalapeño juice." Darius explains.
"Tequila" Aubrey licks her lips.
We took the shots and I cringed. Not my favorite.
"Okay Aubrey, you have the final round. Make it good!" I jeered.
"Mind Eraser." Aubrey smiles, a little too sweetly.
"I'm thinking we are getting cabs home." Ethan whimpers.
"Good idea!" We all agreed.
***Bryan's POV***
Never Again. Never fucking AGAIN is Aubrey getting me to play this damn game. My head is sweating and I swear I see three of everyone.
"Aubear time to sing." Luce squealed.
"Cover your ears!" Aubrey laughed.
The DJ announced Aubrey singing Girl Crush by a group called Little Big Town. I had no idea what to expect.
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