Four years later!
***Aubrey's POV***
"DARIUS! Get your kids!" I shout above the clatter of children running EVERYWHERE.
I swear to the Moons, a birthday party for a Prince and Princess is HELL. Nothing glamorous going on around here.
Two cakes are upside down on the floor. I had to bring out the back ups. Yes! Back ups. We learned early on that accidents happen.
Abi and Ethan's daughter, Eliza, pulled the twin's two year birthday cake off the table. It made a huge ruckus as the whole table cloth was pinched in the precious pumpkin's little fingers. She yanked the whole cloth down as she ran giggling thru the dining room.
Claire's twin sons took care of the Christmas tree last year. Corbin and Cole smashed the ornaments from the bottom of the tree into little piles of glitter and glass. They giggled the entire time.
Brian and Luce laughed as Luce rubbed her swollen belly. Her son, Carter Darius Walker, was yet to be born. They were having the time of their life witnessing us chasing toddlers around.
We added another son, Gavin Bryan Knight a year after the twins were born. He's a sweetie pie. His little hands do no malice. He used them to heal the other kids when they get hurt. A healer! It's unbelievable how a three year old could be a healer. But Gavin is living proof.
I'm currently swollen and ready to pop. Identical twin boys are on the way. And a little girl. You heard that right, triplets. I can't see my feet. I look like I swallowed a blimp.
Abi is in her first trimester. Luce is trying for their second pup. Jackson is trying to convince Claire for a girl.
Needless to say, we have our hands full.
We wouldn't change a minute of it.
These pups bring so much joy. Every day is like an episode of rug rats. Every night when we lay our perfect pups to sleep, we thank the heavens for the blessings they are in our life.
We still handle cases in the human world, we always will. Human's are more stressful than all the pups combined. I would know, I used to be one.
When we go off for the day to handle our work, Mrs. Lana graciously takes care of our pack of heathens. The woman is deluded. Every time we come pick them up she speaks of their perfect behavior. We are their parents. We know better.
We recently had trouble with a pack of Rogue wolves. It was devastating to all of us to have to kill them. We united together as a kingdom to take out a pack of one hundred distasteful wolves who believed they had a right to Darius throne.
It didn't end well, for them.
I found I don't mind fighting. Brian did an excellent job of training me and I can hold my own on the field.
Of course, now that I look like a watermelon left in the sun too long, my fighting is on hold. I don't think we will be needing that particular skill anytime soon.
We burned the rogues bodies and threw a massive party kingdom wide. The Deities came to celebrate our win. Not one of us were hurt more than a few scratches. They healed before we had time to treat them.
Our pups will start school this coming school year. They are excited. They will be in a class with Corbin, Cole and Eliza. In a few years our pups will have their first shift. Next will come girlfriends, boyfriends and weddings. Goddess I'm such a sap. I wipe my tears before they alert my protective husband.
My husband. Mmmmm. What a divine god. Darius still curls my toes and sets my body aflame. We ended up christening the Aston Martin. It wasn't planned. One date nite we pulled over at a clearing and we never made it out of the holy grail of cars.
I never got back in contact with my human family. I assume they believe I fell off the face of the planet. It's better that way. I doubt they miss me much either way. I sure do think of them often.
One of pack members got paired with a fairy. It was comical. He chased the poor sprite all thru the forest in a race to mate. Eventually she had mercy on the poor wolf and transformed into her human. She ended up moving into the werewolf realm and are expecting a hybrid pup.
We have two witches, one dragon and three vampires mated together with our wolves as well. All live in our werewolf kingdom and are a beautiful addition to our pack. The vampires hunt animals and if they hunt humans, Darius let's them escort him to the human world to solve his problem cases. Two birds, one stone.
I finally learned both Latin and French. That is extremely useful in the bedroom. Poor Darius about creams his pants when I whisper sweet nothings to him in foreign languages. I smirk and do it as often as possible.
Turns out that Ethan's daughter Eliza does not hate Kane after all. They are best friends. They do everything together. If anyone flinches next to Eliza, Kane goes all out. Poor Cole got his first right hook when he swiped Eliza's babydoll. It took hours to calm our little prince. He was livid. His body shook so hard we thought he might shift early. All crisis was averted when Cole apologized.
He only apologized because Ariana was so upset with him. She pouted all day and wouldn't let him come near her. After hours of the silent treatment he brought her a daisy from my garden and they hugged it out. Yeah Cole and Ari are close. I ship them.
Corbin got his first black eye when he laid a sloppy wet kiss on Ari's little cherub cheek. Kane didn't do it, although he tried. Cole laid Corbin flat out with a punch from his tiny werewolf fist.
Jackson laughed. Darius laughed. I scolded and Claire put Jackson on the couch. That was a great day.
Gavin and Carter are best toddler friends. You can't separate the two. They play together, bathe together and sleep together. One time we tried to separate them. That lasted about an hour as Luce and I tried to console our two little wolf pups from the alligator tears that spilled relentlessly. Gavin is the softy of the two. Carter kills the bugs for Gavin and Gavin cries over them. It's so adorable.
We heard of a whole pack of other shape shifters in the witch realm. We're not sure if it is natural or maybe the witches had something to do with it. They haven't bothered us and we have word from Alejandro that they are well behaved. We have plans to visit with them.
We are curious. There are a tiger shifters, bird shifters and various other shifters popping up all around the Mage Realm. We are not at all concerned. We just want a peek at the phenomenon. Alejandro keeps a good eye on his realm as do all the Deities.
Our world is evolving and we are doing our part to add to the mayhem. Goddess, seven pups and counting.
Life is perfect.
A/N Thank you to every single one of my readers. This book has been a sheer joy to write. Please comment any concerns or suggestions. I am still actively writing and have lots of future books planned. Nothing is ever set in stone. I appreciate the time you took from your lovely lives to read my baby. Aubrey and Darius have a special place in my heart. I hope they came across in a way that brought a smile to your face. They brought so many to my own.
Until next time!
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