Damage Control
***Aubrey's POV***
I'm so ready to go home. This day has been so long and it is only 11am in Haiti.
We are currently sitting in the Capital Building in a meeting with the President and Prime Minister of this small Nation. There is a slew of other head officials present.
We are discussing reform and punishment in case this situation ever arises again. I hate to say it, but they don't seem as detested as I feel they should.
I listen as they ramble their bull shit. My back aches and Im hungry. Go figure. They are clearly not on the same page as us.
"Are we going to circle around the same trash or are we going to move it to the dumpster?" I interrupt the Prime Minister.
"Excuse Me?" The Prime Minister, Fabienne asks incredulously.
"I apologize. I must have stuttered." I quip.
Darius stifles a laugh. I shoot him a glare.
"I said, you are wasting my time. I sit before you as a favor. You are obviously blind and I am offering you a Birdseye view of the issues plaguing your nation." I slam my hand on the table. Darius rests his hand on the small of my back and rubs small circles onto my flesh.
I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh.
"Please, continue your rant. You have all of our attention Miss Winters." President Fakan sweeps his hand over his panel members.
"That's Queen Knight. You will respect me." I spit out.
He nods his head.
I stand from my seat and approach the open floor.
"You are the President of a failing Nation. Your people are starving, your officials are corrupt. The land is barren and even clean water is a privilege. Your orphanages are overflowing and the caretakers are selling children. Do you see the cracks in your rule? Should I continue?" I throw my hands in the air. Exasperation overwhelms me.
He says nothing and I choose to swing my proverbial axe.
"Disease is depleting your population. None of your methods are manifesting a positive result. I stand before you to offer insight. I am offering a helping hand or a thousand. I am gifting you with an opportunity to restructure your country into a thriving land. Tell me now, am I wasting my time? Mr. President." I huff.
A sharpe intake of breath is noted by myself. I look at the culprit and raise my eyebrow.
The fucking nerve of these politicians.
A low whistle is heard from Bryan and I turn my head to him and wink.
"My plan" I continue "My team comes in and installs wells. These will be low cost and cost efficient. This will supply water to all schools, villages and local orphanages. My guys will rebuild your mud homes and buildings in energy efficient materials that will save money in the long run. We will prepare your lands for crops and provide you with temporary workers to teach your country how to cultivate produce that will thrive in this environment. Over time you will export your produce to other nations creating a steady income. I will send in a group of financial advisors to reestablish a positive balance in your nations funds. We will set procedures in place to insure every citizen is accounted for. You will allow us to create security that is backed by a checks and balances system. You will make monthly rotations to all government run authorities to guarantee the safety of the children that have been left in your hands. We will work side by side to place children into stable home environments. If this means exporting children to other countries or continents, you will comply. The income you accumulate from the adoptions will be cycled back into the orphanages themselves. We will provide your nation with employment for your citizens by bringing our companies into Haiti. You will be responsible for assisting in the setup of said businesses. All finances will be over seen by a team of advisors that I choose. For five years you will be hands on in all these developments. You will accept a minimal income for your service. You will write bylaws into the judicial system to account for harsher punishments on human traffickers. You will make amendments to your political articles to ensure the next leaders follow the new standards set forth by this administration. After five years, you will be responsible to pay us back for our financial investment in your nation. The labor is on a volunteer basis so only appreciation is necessary as payment on that count. Do I make myself clear?" I accept a large breath of air as my spent, swollen belly pounds against my spread rib cage.
I rub my tummy and stand before a silent panel as they process the information I have laid upon them. I feel a sharp pain in my back and bend down to alleviate the pressure. Darius immediately stands beside me rubbing my throbbing spine.
"Parvulus, are you okay?" Darius whispers lowly.
"Braxton Hicks." I pant.
"Are you sure?" He worries.
"Dr. Christy spoke with me and educated me. Just keep rubbing." I breathe slowly as my body relaxes under the tingles of my King's hands.
I stand straight as the moment of pain passes.
"Do you need time to think this over? If so, let us know now. I have to pee and I literally could eat a deer." I speak to President Fakan.
"We accept." He agrees and I smile widely.
"My people will be in contact with you. I am going to take my leave. My pups are in need of fuel and rest." I dismiss myself.
"Queen?" I hear Fabienne address me.
"Yes, Prime Minister." I respond.
"Thank you." Fabienne states.
His panel of officials stand with the Prime Minister and The President. The bow their necks and I recognize the show of submission.
"Thank you for hearing me out." I go around and shake their hands as I make my way to The President.
"You have quite the presence Queen Aubrey." Fakan states.
"It's my job." I shrug.
"It's your calling." The President of Haiti whispers into my ear.
"I'm happy to be of service." I smile broadly in adoration for his compliment.
"We will speak soon. Please go home and take care of yourself. Those pups need their mommy." Fakan winks.
We transport home and I immediately lose my business attire for my most comfy maternity joggers and a large tank top.
"Baby, how are you feeling?" Darius questions.
"Starving, tired, fat." I laugh.
"You busted their balls." Ethan laughs.
"Let's blame it on the hormones." I giggle.
"I think you are just developing into the person you were born to be." Jackson kisses my cheek.
"Can I ask a favor Claire?" I beg.
"Anything Luna." Claire promises.
"Don't make deals with the devil." Brian laughs.
I poke my tongue at him.
"I need to pee and I can't get up. Can you help?" I laugh.
My ass had made a nice indentation in the soft chair. I can't see my feet right now and if I did I'm sure they would look like water balloons.
"Poor penguin." Luce laughs as her and Claire help me up.
"Darius, honey, order me Phillies. Plural. Ethan you are on massage duty. Abi make Brian your slave. Jackson, I need a pillow." I request cause I'm fat and need help.
"Thank you all. I appreciate it. Also, I need a milkshake and a coke baby." I wink at my handsome mate.
"Go pee Aubear." Jackson shoos me away.
I waddle up the stairs to my room with Claire and Luce flanking me.
"We could have used the elevator." Luce reminds me.
"I can't. I feel locked in while I'm so large." I whimper.
"You are actually quite small for having twins." Luce argues.
"I look like a penguin." I bust out laughing.
"The cutest penguin ever." Claire coddles me.
I relieve my full belly and my ladies help me down to the living room. Jackson props me up on pillows. Ethan massages my feet. Darius orders our food and sets up a movie. Abi naps on the couch.
Soon enough I am filling my tummy with the most delicious Phillies. I have cheesy fries and a jar of jalapeños. I drink my milkshake and relax.
"Aubrey, maybe you should stop working so much. These last couple months you have been working a lot." Luce bargains with me.
"I'm good." I promise.
My back starts hurting again and I start panting excessively.
"Luna." Bryan yells.
"Braxton Hi-cks" I wince.
"I'm not sure about that." Jackson argues.
I let out a screeching yell as my stomach clenched in pain.
"Dr. Christy's NOW!" Ethan yells.
My family rushes out the door as Darius picks me up and sets me in Jackson's truck.
"Go." Darius demands and slides into the seat beside me. Claire sits in the front.
My body is hurting and I am sweating bullets. I feel like I'm gonna puke.
"Darius." I whine.
"What is it Amica Mea?" Darius asks in panic.
"Stop. I'm gonna be sick." I wrap my hand around my mouth and try to hold it as Jackson pulls over.
Claire grabs my hair and I expel my beautiful lunch.
"Oh baby." Darius croons as he rubs my back. I bend over and go at it once more before I let them put me back in the truck.
"Hurry. It hurts." I cry.
Jackson speeds to the hospital and I am immediately taken to Dr. Christy.
"Aubrey. It's too early. What's wrong?" She explains while putting on gloves and dropping between my knees.
"Pain." I scream.
"So much." My body is thudding against the bed as it rises and falls with my labored breaths.
"Help me." I beg.
"Please." I cry as tears pour down my face.
Fire ripples into my abdomen and I can't breathe.
"Calm her down Alpha." Dr. Christy orders.
Darius whispers in my ear while I cry harder.
"Amica mea, respirare. Bene ejus. Sicut halitus meus intercluditur. Omnia erit finis."
"Timeo." I whisper.
"You learned Latin Amica Mea." Darius congratulates.
"Luce taught me." I whimper.
"Alpha. She has a tear in her placenta. She will need strict and I mean STRICT bed rest. She can't walk by herself. For the next week I want her ass in a seat. I will come by to check her ever single day. I want her to wear a fetal monitor 24/7. This is not up for discussion." I listen as my sentence is passed down.
"Aubrey. I know you. This is going to be difficult. Promise me. No work. No running. No shifting. You have to listen. The pups are at risk for premature birth." Dr. Christy pleads with me.
"Yes. Anything. I promise. I will write it in my fucking blood." I promise.
"Your word is good enough. You will be on bed rest until delivery. No negotiations." Dr. Christy cracks the whip on me.
"Yes ma'am." I promise.
"Let me get the blood cleaned up." Dr. Christy orders.
"Blood?" Darius asks.
"It's normal with placental abruption. If it gets heavier than a few spots, call me at any time. I will drop everything." Dr. Christy informs us.
"Thank you Dr. Christy." I pant.
"Don't worry Aubrey. These pups are our Kingdom's pups. We are all routing for you. I will give you pain meds." Dr. Christy explains.
"I'm sorry." I cry to Darius.
"No my love. You didn't know." Darius rubs my belly, places kisses and whispers to our babies.
"I promise I won't be difficult." I give him my word.
"Shush. You are perfect." Darius comforts me.
We get meds and head home. I am carried to the couch as my sentence begins. This is one confinement I won't argue about.
"Aubrey, fuck." Jackson bellows.
"I'm sorry." I whisper.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm just scared." Jackson turns and a tear rolls down his face. I immediately grab his hand and pull him to my lap. His head falls onto my swollen belly and I run my fingers thru his hair.
"Omnia erit finis." I chant the words like the prayer they are.
"Everything will be fine." I repeat.
"Yes." Darius kisses my head.
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