***Darius POV***
"BLOOD!" I whisper as I unveil the massive red puddle that has pooled between Aubrey's legs.
"Everyone move! Alpha get to the head of Aubrey's bed. Try to wake her." Dr. Christy starts yelling orders.
"Aubrey, baby. Please wake up. The babies need you. I need you." I beg the love of my life to come to.
My eyes are burning with tears as fear fills my spirit.
"Let me try." Ultor demands.
"Okay." I agree.
"Amare, sweetheart. You have to get Aubrey ready. The babies are in danger. Please, baby. Please." Ultor pleads.
"Okay." Amare whimpers.
I continuously try to rouse my sleeping mate.
"Give her oxygen. Alpha, if we can't wake her I will have to perform a cesarean." Dr. Christy warns.
"I don't care what we have to do. Save her and my pups. Please." I cry out.
Jackson walks over and starts whispering in Aubrey's ear. I can't hear but, I can't even concentrate. Adrenaline is causing my head to pound.
"Calm down Alpha." Claire encourages me as she rubs circles on my lower back.
"Please parvulus. Please." I beg over and over.
"I'm calling Persephone." Bryan announces.
I nod my head.
The hospital staff is in full throttle mode. Nurses are dancing around filling needles and changing settings on machines. Dr. Christy is seated between Aubrey's legs. Another tech is reading charts and one is administering an ultrasound.
"The babies are fine Alpha. They are just wanting out." Dr. Christy relieves a little of my worry.
"I need someone to give blood. Just sit down in that chair. We are going to do a direct transfusion. Everybody else willing, get ready to have your blood drawn." Dr. Christy is dominant and every one of my friends gets in a chair. Abi cant due to being pregnant so she takes Jackson's place encouraging Aubrey.
Jackson gets hooked up to transfer his blood from his artery directly into Aubrey's vein.
The door opens and in glides my creator.
"Persephone, help." I whimper.
Persephone hurries to Aubrey's side and takes her hand. She whispers prayers over my beloved.
Dr. Christy stops all Aubrey's pain meds and administers a large does of Pitocin. The pain should start soon and Aubrey may wake up.
An hour passes in pure contained chaos.
I stand by and watch in silence.
Out of nowhere, a pained cry pierced the air and my heart thuds to a standstill.
I look over and see Aubrey jolt up and grab her stomach.
"It hurts." She cries. Tears are pouring down her ashen face.
"I know baby. Welcome back. Thank you for coming back to me." I kiss Aubrey and hold her head to my chest.
"I was sleeping." Aubrey huffs out in irritation.
"That was a hell of a sleep." Dr. Christy looks up from the position she has taken.
"Sorry." Aubrey grunts.
"What the fuck is happening?" Aubrey groans.
"You are about four centimeters dilated and I had to take you off the pain meds so you would wake, Sleeping Beauty." Dr. Christy taunts Aubrey.
I know Dr. Christy is just trying to keep Aubrey alert.
"How much longer?" Aubrey whines.
"Shouldn't be too long. A couple hours." Dr. Christy confirms.
"Oh for fuck's sake." Aubrey screams.
Jackson busts out laughing. Aubrey throws him a glare and he blows her a kiss. I thought Aubrey's teeth would snap. She growled loudly and clenched her jaws tightly.
"I will murder you." Aubrey threatens.
I laugh. She is so damn feisty.
Claire takes my place while I sit to give blood. I watch as Aubrey nestles her head in Claire's neck.
"Ethan, I changed my mind." Abi giggles.
"Too late babes." Ethan rubs Abi's back.
"Aubrey, dear. You can do this. You are so strong. Just relax as much as possible." Persephone coos.
"I'm fucking starving." Aubrey throws her hands over her eyes.
Dr. Christy burst into hysterical giggles.
"After the pups come out, you can eat everything you desire." Dr. Christy promises.
"I will!" Aubrey swears.
The time passes with Aubrey being snarky and all of us laughing as we egg her attitude on.
"We are at an eight shouldn't be long." Dr. Christy explains.
"Thank Jesus." Aubrey breathes out.
"Baby, you are doing fantastic." I wipe the sweat off her heated skin.
"Key phrase, I'm doing great. You should have gotten pregnant." Aubrey gives me an evil eye.
"If I told you that I wish I could, I would be flat out lying." I kiss her pouting lips.
"That's okay, Sexy." Aubrey holds her hand against my cheek. I lower my eyes at her. This is definitely going no where good.
"You're on diaper duty." Aubrey smirks.
"Gladly." I laugh.
"You heard it here first, ladies and gentleman." Aubrey bellows out.
Persephone covers her mouth as she shakes her head, hiding her amusement.
"Poor Alpha." Abi giggles.
"Poor Alpha, my pregnant ass. Which by the way, feels like it is ripping in half." Aubrey argues.
"I can rub it for you." I wink.
"Yeah, hard pass. That's what got us here." Aubrey flicks my nose.
I throw my head back in a roar of laughter.
"So, Luce. I think we should adopt." Brian announces.
"Not a chance in hell. I can't wait to threaten you every day." Luce smiles wickedly.
"It's worth it." I confirm. It is. I'm so fucking excited to see our beautiful pups.
Another hour passes with Aubrey grunting and huffing between ridiculously strong contractions. She has slowed down on talking and instead is focusing on breathing.
"We are at ten. So the contractions will be where you push. Aubrey remember, you have done this before. You can do this." Dr. Christy encourages.
Persephone takes a place with the others and I stand by Aubrey's head, holding her hand.
"Jackson." Aubrey whimpers. Jackson immediately takes Aubrey's side and holds her other hand.
We wait until Aubrey's back arches and she bears down with all her might. She grits her teeth and her body shakes as she pushes from her core.
"Oh Goddess you are a gem. Aubrey that was so good. Give me one more just like that." Dr. Christy beams up at my Queen.
Aubrey sucks in a huge breath of air and bears down again. The next moment, a loud cry is heard. We all start bawling.
"It's a boy, Alpha. Oh my, he is so tiny." Dr. Christy speaks thru a thick shaking voice.
"He is perfect." Dr. Christy whispers.
"Come cut the cord, Alpha. Meet your son." Dr. Christy orders.
I walk over with shaking hands and hold the scissors as I close my fingers and severe the umbilical cord. I lay a kiss on my son's tiny head. The nurse takes him to the cleaning station.
"Baby, you did it." I cry as I lean down and kiss Aubrey's lips.
"He's okay." Aubrey sobs. Her whole body trembling under her cries.
"Perfect." Jackson confirms.
"Okay Aubrey. You ready? Baby B wants out." Dr. Christy announces.
Aubrey gets in position and squeezes my hand. Jackson's face is comical. He is gritting his teeth with her hold on his hand.
Baby B comes in one strong push and the air breaks in relief when a wail breaks from the baby's lungs.
"It's a girl. A tiny, perfect girl." Dr. Christy confirms as a nurse wipes the tears that are pouring from our doctor's eyes.
I walk over and cut my little girl's umbilical cord before I place a kiss on her small face.
"We did this. We're parents." Aubrey grabs my face and kisses me deeply.
"You did this." Persephone coos. "You did amazing."
"A prince and princess." Jackson cries.
"Your son is 18.5 inches long and weighs 5 lbs 6 ounces. Your daughter is 18 inches long 5 lbs 1 ounce. They are very small but, absolutely healthy." Dr. Christy promises.
The nurse walks over and places both babies in Aubrey's arms. She smiles through a stream of tears.
"I love you two so much. Mommy loves you." Aubrey whispers. She kisses both the babies and sniffs their necks.
"Our pups." I whisper. Ultor is so excited. He won't stop swishing his tail.
"You can hold them." Aubrey offers.
"No, parvulus. You have been waiting far too long. I will watch for a bit." I decline. I would rather soak in the magnitude of this moment.
"What are their names?" Jackson asks.
"Aubrey." I urge her.
"Kane Jackson Knight and Ariana Percy Knight." Aubrey announces.
Jackson, Persephone and I gasp.
"You named her after my mom." I cry. I cry hard. My tears are just streaming down my cheeks.
"Aubrey." Persephone cries. I walk over and hug her. I place a kiss on each of her cheeks.
"You saved me. You all did. This is all I can give back." Aubrey whispers.
"You're wrong." Persephone shakes her head in disbelief.
"You have given yourself already." Persephone whispers.
"It's final. Accept it." I say.
Jackson engulfs me in a massive bear hug.
"I'm so fucking honored." He cries.
I just hold my best friend while he cries into my shoulder.
"I hope you are planning on a ton of pups." Brian jokes.
"A litter." I confirm. I caught his drift.
"Let's wait until I can slap you two before we go promising out my body like an incubator." Aubrey giggles.
"Seriously, Aubrey. The babies are so fucking precious." Claire beams.
"They are so tiny." Luce squeals.
"Darius, come hold your children. There is a line jockeying to get their cuddles." Aubrey directs.
I shuffle closely and stand in awe as Aubrey positions my pups. One sits in each arm.
My pups!
"Pups are perfect." Ultor sniffles.
I bury my nose in Kane's neck first. His scent is so comforting. Ultor immediately sighs before he purrs in elation. I then lift Ari's neck to my nose and inhale deeply.
"I'm in love." I cry out. I rock my special pups softly while I coo at each of them. I can't possibly stop the tears that plop down onto the pink and blue blankets.
My heart feels like it could burst into glitter.
Hours go by with everyone passing our newest pack members around. Aubrey drifts in and out of sleep after nursing both babies. After a slew of congratulations everyone leaves and allows Aubrey to rest up.
Aubrey is a fucking star. I look at her and I cannot contain my adoration. My Queen is stunning.
I give the pups over to the nursery for their check ups. I sit in the chair beside Aubrey's bed while the nurses check on her, refill her fluids and give her meds.
The blood drips have been taken off, but the IV fluids remain. Aubrey snores softly. She is glowing. I sigh as I stare at her.
I quietly leave the room and make my way to our Castle. I sit in my office and make the official announcement to our Kingdom. I tell them that our Prince and Princess have arrived. I update them on the status of their Queen.
It has only been about four hours since their birth. Already, our living room is full of gifts for the Royal arrivals.
I grab some food on my way back to the hospital. Aubrey requested food. Demanded really.
When I arrive at the room, Aubrey is once again nursing our bundles of joy.
"I am so proud of you Amica Mea." I kiss Aubrey's temple and bask in the joy of our family.
"Thank you for giving me this life." Aubrey croons.
"I can say the same baby." I croon.
"I can't believe they are here. Their so very little. This is so remarkable." Aubrey continues here words of praise.
"I brought you cheeseburgers and fries baby." I announce.
"I love you so much." she replies.
"I love you parvulus." I promise.
"I love Kane and Ari." I coo as I grab Kane from Aubrey's arm.
I rock him and cover him in love. After a few minutes I switch babies with Aubrey and shower my princess in love.
Goddess this is surreal. I'm a daddy. I have pups.
This is one of the best days of my life.
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