Are we really doing this?
***Darius POV****
***sexual abuse, physical abuse, trigger warning***
Hurricane Alex was on it's way. A category five storm sure to cleanse the southern East Coast of it's corrupt lifestyle. Massive winds would rip thru the lands, leaving a devastating path of death in it's wake. Death comes in many forms. I would know.
Jackson was on board with my plan, however as the super storm made landfall he started wavering in his resolve.
"Alpha" he called.
"Yes, Jackson" I answered.
"Are you sure about this?" He questioned.
"No not at all!" I replied wearily.
"But?" He stared.
"We are doing it anyway." I confirmed.
Five long days Hurricane Alex violently thrashed it's carnage over Southern Florida. I made sure only the evil were annihilated. 42 deaths sounded right by calculations. No sweat off my brow.
We watched as Aubrey's guardians packed their U-Haul and headed towards North Carolina. I couldn't be more excited. New surroundings and hopefully a new perspective on life for the monster. Devastation often brings great results. Let's pray this is one of those times.
We watched the family falter for a year. Aubrey's mom went into a deep depressive state. I could care less. I had no positive feelings for the woman. If you think I'm harsh, let me clear it up:
While in class, ten year old Aubrey whispered to her friend Beth "I have a whole purse full of candy and snacks if you would like some."
"Where did you get that?" Beth asked excitedly.
"From the store" Aubrey barely whispered.
"How?" Beth questioned.
"I took it" Aubrey innocently stated.
Apparently, parent's of the century instilled no morals over stealing. I rolled my eyes during her admission.
Next, thing you know Ms. Green , Aubrey's teacher called Aubrey out of class.
"Aubrey, did you steal candy from the store?" She asked.
"I didn't steal it, I took some to share with my friends. Their nice and I wanted to give them something to say thank you for playing with me." Aubrey answered with no conviction.
Be still my heart, even while committing a crime the green eyed angel was being selfless.
"Aubrey, it's a crime to to do bad things. You will get punished." Ms. Green warned.
"I will have to call your parents." Ms. Green promised.
The fear that saturated Aubrey's face made my heart hurt. She immediately broke down crying. She pleaded with her teacher not to call.
"Please don't he will beat me. He will hurt me." Aubrey begged.
"Spankings aren't that bad. You have to learn." Ms. Green scolded.
"You don't know. You can't understand." Aubrey wailed.
"Aubrey is someone hurting you?" Ms. Green questioned in deep concern.
"If I tell you he will beat me and send me to foster care" Aubrey whispered.
"No one is ever going to hurt you again. Trust me sweetie I will make sure of it." Ms. Green whole heartedly promised.
"My step-dad. He beats me with his fists. He hurts me all the time. He pulls my hair and touches me." Aubrey whimpered.
"Aubrey this is really important. When you say he touches you, where is he touching you?" Ms. Green asked with tears in her eyes.
Aubrey was trembling. Her tears were pouring out of her fear filled green eyes.
"He touches in my underwear. He makes me touch him in his. He puts me on top of him and rubs my private spot against himself. Then he makes weird noises while he moves me around." Aubrey shakes out.
The look of absolute horror that overcame Ms. Green's face barely touched the rage that burst from my body.
Ms. Green called DFACs to the family's home. They investigated. Because Aubrey wasn't strong enough to stand up to her abuser, in court, they swept it under the rug. Aubrey was forced to live with him even after she confessed his sins in front of the world. The justice system failed her.
Her mother failed her. Her mom got angry at her accusations. She grounded Aubrey for the whole summer with no toys, tv or contact to anyone else.
That is why the storm raged thru that town. Punishment to all the corrupt members of their justice system. Vindication for the hell that Aubrey suffered for far too many years.
I was ready to rip that piece of shit of a man to shreds. Ultor seethed as I held him back. But, the hands of fate were not finished.
Now, in North Carolina, Aubrey was seldom seen. We watched her home and her school the same as before. The sexual abuse had seized thanks to her impromptu confessions. The physical abuse still rained down like fire.
She grew for two years. We witnessed every new bruise. We saw as she started hurting herself. Jackson witnessed her slamming a hammer into her ankle. What she was thinking, I have no speculation.
She grew frail. Her blonde hair lost it's luster. Her green eyes looked dimmer with every visit. She seemed to be shutting down.
As promised, we watched in the shadows to be sure her life was not in danger. The new home brought even more pain to our precious chosen one.
Aubrey was 12, she was washing the dishes as Ethan kept an eye on her. She diligently cleaned the home. Her cooking duties must have been relieved, as we saw little evidence of use at the dining table.
She was moving dishes from the dish water to the empty side of the sink. Ethan observed as she bobbed her head while cleaning. A small smile played on his lips as he witnessed her lost in her song.
Out of no where, the tormentor grabbed Aubrey and threw her across the room. She slammed into the stove with a screech of pain. He kicked her. He slapped her and finally he had fulfilled his painful lust. He walked to the sink and dumped all the dishes back into the dish water. Then he threw every dish and the small amount of food from the cabinets into the floor. He stormed away cursing the young child.
Aubrey scampered across the floor mumbling apologies while she cleaned the mess.
Ethan saw Aubrey's oldest brother, 11, run outside. He watched as the boy ran with a very large kitchen knife and a rope. He stayed quietly to the side ready to intervene at any minute.
The boy climbed the tree and started tying the rope to the highest branch. Ethan moved closer in secret. The boy took the rope and hooked it around his neck.
As he was launching himself to the ground Ethan crept closer, about to stop the child from his mission.
Aubrey ran towards the tree with a vengeance. She swiped the knife that had fallen from the tree and caught her brother as he suspended from the air.
Ethan watched in fear as her tiny body held the boy up and cut him from the tree. She sat down with him and freed him from his noose. She grabbed him and ran behind the shed.
Ethan hid in the tree line and watched as Aubrey talked to Graham, her brother.
"Graham what do you think you were doing" Aubrey tearfully admonished.
"I want to die. I hate him. I hate him. I hate myself." Graham wailed.
"What happened Graham. You can tell me." Aubrey pleaded.
"He hurts everybody. He's mean. He will never stop." Graham told.
"Graham I love you. Please don't ever hurt yourself. I will miss you so much. Mom will miss you. Please Graham, I'm begging you. Don't leave me." Aubrey begged.
"I'm sorry Aubrey." He cried. "I just got upset. I promise I won't hurt myself. I'm sorry." Graham promised.
Aubrey held Graham in her arms. Singing softly to the tortured boy, Aubrey ran her fingers thru her brothers hair. Quietly they snuck back to the house.
After watching this, Ethan requested not to do the detail any longer. I couldn't push for him to go. I sent Delta Bryan every time in his stead.
Soon the family moved to south east Georgia. A winter storm, a blizzard, had drained them of the lure in North Carolina. They moved to a tiny home and seemed to be doing a little better. (You can guess who's hands blew that storm their way.)
After a mere six month's in the heat ridden state, things began to change. The mom started coming outdoors. The man who tormented the children spent countless hours absent from the home. Peace seemed to finally find our precious angel. She shied away from many, but sometimes you could see her playing ball with the other kids of the neighborhood.
Aubrey's older sister moved out of the home. A very rich woman came and collected her mere day's after they left North Carolina. Aubrey had begged and pleaded to leave with her. But, her sister scolded her and told her to leave her alone.
That made me curious. But, too much was going on to stress over it.
While Bryan followed Graham and Aubrey home from school one day, they stopped at the corner store. Aubrey kept pleading with Graham to go straight home. But, Graham was on a mission. Apparently, he wanted a drink and chips. Aubrey tapped her foot while looking nervously at her surroundings.
Eventually, Graham appeared before her. Chugging his drink a little to aggressively, he plowed thru his snack before they made it home. He seemed to be hiding his detour from his guardians.
Bryan followed them all the way home before taking his post outside the living room. As he watched the demon screaming and yelling, Bryan prepared himself to intervene. Aubrey's mom was flailing her hands around and she purposefully landed a palm against Aubrey's right cheek.
Aubrey picked herself off the floor.
Bryan witnessed as years of pain flashed across Aubrey's dainty features. Aubrey stormed towards her mother and got on her tip toes.
Bryan listened as she unleashed her wrath.
"No, Mom" she shouted condescendingly.
"You shut up and you listen to me." Aubrey screamed.
Aubrey's mom was flabbergasted at Aubrey's bold outburst. She stood shell shocked as Aubrey continued. All the while the mom held the tormentor back.
"He beats us, he molested me and you took his side. I waited and I prayed that you would wake up. But, you just sat there and crawled back every time the man that abused your kids cried. Why didn't you hear our cries, Mom? Why didn't you come crawling to us asking us for our forgiveness. I'm done. I hate you. Either you choose your kids or you choose him. Don't push me mom! I'm tired of the shit. He will never lay his filthy hands on anyone of us again. Make your choice mom. You have until the morning." Aubrey declared.
Bryan sat in absolute shock while pride brimmed his eyes with tears. He was astonished at the courage Aubrey had used to lay down the ultimatum.
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