Chapter 6
|Narrator's POV|
As everyone gathered outside, Sachi yawned and scratched his stomach.
"So...What are we doing again? I got lost after he was done explaining..." Sachi asked, leaning down slightly to talk to Ochako, the brown-haired girl was whispering about something to a green-haired girl with large hands.
"Oh, uh..." Ochako turned to Tsuyu for help, the girl smiled before turning to face the taller boy.
"Kero, We're taking a quirk test," she spoke softly.
Before she could say anymore, she was cut off by Aizawa explaining for her.
"You will not be going to orientation, you're now going to become heroes, and some orientation isn't going to help evaluate your skills as a whole," he starts. Sachi nodded along, making mental notes in his head, "Because of this, middle schools alike didn't test you on your quirks ability but only on your physical. If you think that working out is not for you, I think its best for you to leave before you are wiped out by villains on the battle field." Aizawa once again speaks in a hoarse tone.
"This is going to be fun!" Ochako chimes, Sachi whips his head over to her with wide eyes.
"Fun you say? I'll tell you what is fun, seeing your faces be stricken with despair once you fail this exam and leave this school entirely." Aizawa smirks evilly as Ochako frowns with a soft glare.
"The person who ends up in last place is going to be expelled, you can't afford to be in last place---in the hero world, you have no potential whatsoever and villains will target you with everything in their power." Aizawa let his eyes fan over the group of students before they settled on Katsuki.
"Bakugou, what was your score in the distance throw without your quirk in middle school?" Aizawa asks.
"68 meters." Katsuki replies plainly. His expression blank as he sticks his hands in his gym pant pockets.
"Now, try throwing this ball with your quirk powered behind it, you are allowed to do anything as long as you are inside the circle." Aizawa explains, his eyes flickered to Sachi who watched Katsuki in amazement as he launched the ball with a large explosion.
"DIEEEE!!" Katsuki exclaimed while a smirk crawled onto his face.
"WOAH!" Sachi smiled widely, "Firecracker! That was Amazing!!" Katsuki growled at him, "It's Katsuki Bakugou Shithead!" Katsuki insulted.
Aizawa frowned as he showed the tracking screen, "705.2 meters."
Sachi ignored the blonde as he turned his attention back to Aizawa who motioned for him to walk up to him.
"Yes, sir!" Sachi's voice cracked as his cheeks began to turn red from embarrassment.
"Naozumi Sachihiro, huh? I watched you during the entrance exam. That sword attack, what is it?" Aizawa asked. His voice was demanding but Sachi didn't mind.
"I'm not too sure myself to be honest, I don't really remember afterwards." Sachi admitted shyly. He took out the ruined grimoire from his book carrier.
The tests were tedious but Sachi was having the time of his life. Barely breaking a sweat, although, Izuku was exhausted. Sweat dripping form his forehead as he hunched over breathing harshly. Sachi noticed this and frowned.
"Midoriya," Sachi started, Izuku looked up at his friend, "You're in last place so far..." Sachi looked sad and disturbed.
"Y-yeah..." Izuku sighed and sat up straight.
"But, you can't give up yet." Sachi smiled at his friend, patting him on the shoulder then leaving his side to talk to some other students around them.
"Midoriya Izuku, You're up." Aizawa called for the boy, the ball throw.
Izuku gritted his teeth, I can't use one for all or else I'll end up with a broken limb...But If I don't, I'll be expelled without even trying to be a great hero. I have to prove them wrong, I have to prove Kacchan, that doctor, and even mom wrong.
Izuku glared at the brown ball in his hand as he reeled his arm back in an position to throw it up. But when he threw it, it was short and dishonorable.
"I canceled your quirk. You planned on breaking you arm again, didn't you? Well, it's not going to happen, late bloomer. You can't become a hero without learning how to control that monstrous power of yours. I don't want to hear any excuses either," Aizawa sighed and handed the green-haired teen another ball.
Izuku nodded, his bottom lip tucked under his teeth.
"Control..." Izuku mumbled.
He breathed deeply, then let his power flow through his arm before it settled into his finger as he launched the ball into the air. Katsuki and Sachi wore an expression of betrayal and something among the lines of hurt.
"705.3 Meters."
Ochako cheered, "You did better than Bakugou!" she glanced over to Sachi who was glaring at Izuku with hatred and betrayal evident in his features.
"You had a quirk this entire time?!" Katsuki roared, charging at Izuku only to be restrained by Aizawa's scarf and quirk.
But Sachi was faster than Aizawa as he ran towards Izuku, his fists gripping ahold of his collar. Hurt glistening in his eyes.
"I thought that you wouldn't keep anything from me anymore--You even told me that we Quirk-less kids stick together, right?! I can't believe you broke that promise!" Sachi let the boy drop to the ground. Izuku coughed and rubbed his throat to clear his airways.
Katsuki was let go and steered away from the commotion by Eijiro and Sero.
Sachi turned to Aizawa as he stepped into the white circle, his rolled up the sleeve of his gym uniform to his shoulder.
Aizawa handed him the brown ball after it was retrieved.
"You are allowed to do anything as long as it is inside the circle, begin." Aizawa glanced at Izuku than back to Sachi who sighed deeply.
Getting into position, he let his mind wonder to all the times that Izuku supposedly lied to him about being Quirk-less(although he doesn't know that he was truly quirk-less at the time). He gritted his teeth.
"Even if I am Quirk-less, I Will become stronger than ALL MIGHT HIMSELF!!!!" Sachi yelled at the top of his lungs as he launched the ball into the air.
Aizawa frowned deeper than before, as he showed the screen to the students behind him.
"950 meters."
Everyone who cared gawked at the score.
Sachi was silent as he bumped past Izuku and walked to the back.
He didn't care what happened anymore, he just wanted to hug Sister Lilly like he always did whenever he was upset as a child. He couldn't believe it, Izuku couldn't have a quirk--he just didn't want to believe it.
"Here are your scores." Aizawa showed the screen where their results showed.
{Sachi scored fifth place}
"I was also lying about the whole expelling the last person thing too, It was to get you to do your best." Aizawa then crawled into his sleeping bag.
Sachi packed his things after he got changed, it was lunch time after all. Izuku went to the nurse to patch his broken finger up. Sachi waited outside of Haruhi's classroom as the bell rang. Sachi was crouched on the floor, his jacket hanging off his left shoulder.
"Sachi?" the teen wiped his eyes as he stood up and faced the red-haired girl. He smiled and avoided eye contact.
"Hey, Haru! Want to have lunch together?" Sachi tried his hardest to keep his voice from breaking but he couldn't help it. His teeth gritted together, "Sachi, Do you want to talk about it in private?" Haruhi asked, her eyes were sincere and gentle, matching Sister Lilly's, although they looked completely different.
Sachi without thinking, let his instincts take over as he dug his face in the crook of her neck, his arms wrapping around her shoulders. Haruhi gasped, but leaned into his touch as her small pale hands rubbed his muscular back.
"Yes, please..." Sachi muttered bitterly. His tears falling freely.
{I hope you enjoyed this chapter!}
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