Chapter 2
{The Art does belong to me, If you steal my character or art, I will eat your future children. Thank you for your understanding!}
|Naozumi Sachihiro's POV|
The morning sun rise was beautiful as ever, there was ten-months until the entrance exam for UA. Of course, my training never seized.
"One-thousand...One-thousand-and-ninety-one!" I continue my one hand-stand push-up, my arm shook from my body weight, sweat trickling down my forehead onto the ground.
"Must you train so early in the morning?" The sweet angelic voice of Sister Lilly invaded my ears. I crumble to the ground, flipping over to face the woman.
"Sister Lilly!" Her doe navy eyes were captivating and soft. A heated blush crawling up my neck and settling onto my cheeks. I advert my eyes from the nun. Her laugh was the call of the angels. I felt my body leave the ground as Sister Lilly used her quirk to help me up.
Of course, the kids of the church always rubbed it in my face that they had quirks and I didn't, but that's why I'm training. My body was hard and strong, but still no luck of awakening my quirk. The doctor was right, I am quirk-less.
"I'm going to prove all of them wrong!" I shout. Sister Lilly smiled at me, I melt.
"Just marry me already!" I shout again, my cheeks boiling red.
She sweat-drops, "Sachi, I already told you--for several years, I can't marry you or anyone for a matter of fact."
Why do I have to deal with this idiot?
Ever since I beat up Kaito, a guy who bullied me ever since I was five, he hasn't left me alone. Constantly trying to get into fights with me. I don't mind fighting him, honestly, I want to beat the shit out of him for what he said about Sister Lilly. But the old hag would smack me into next year.
I shiver at the thought.
I made my way to my desk, grumbling and ignoring the blue-eyed teen who followed after me like a lost puppy. I send him a glare, he glares back but cowers away slightly.
"Leave me alone, Kaito." I spit his name out as if it were the old hag's cooking. Geez, she can really burn food into the next level of bad.
Now my appetite will be ruined.
I turn away from the electric blue-eyed boy, my attention shifting to the green-haired boy who sat behind me.
"Oi, Mido," I grin once he looks up at me, "want to spar later?" he seemed nervous as he shook his head, his eyes avoided mine, although, his movements were sluggish as if his muscles were sore. the bags under his eyes grew in size for the past week as well.
"Alrighty! Then I'll find some other kid to fight!" I chirped excitedly.
The Entrance Exam was a very important deal, Sachi along with thousands of other students of all schools have been training for this very exam. Although, Sachi and Izuku were the only one's with a quirk, as Sachi sees it. Sachi walked happily and excitedly into the gathering area, where students began to take their seats.
"Is it alright if I seat here?" Sachi asked, a girl with brown short hair smiled widely, and nodded.
"I'm honestly kind of nervous," the girl admits, she gasps softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, My name is Ochako Uraraka." Sachi smiled and shook his head gently, "It's fine, I'm Naozumi Sachihiro, But you can call me Sachi!" he whispers. The lights began to fade around them as the stage lights turned on, the light blinding Sachi and Ochako slightly.
Hushed whispers echoed through out the auditorium.
But the voices seized once a loud yell echoed throughout everyone's ears.
"LET ME HEAR A 'YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH'!" Sachi was tempted to yell, but refrained. He bit his lip to keep his voice under control as Ochako beside him sweat-dropped.
The entire room was dead silent, the soft sound of a cricket in the background.
Sachi cringed, man, that must've been embarrassing...
"As examinees, you will be participating in a test in which we will decide if you passed or failed, If you score high in Villain, or Hero points, You will be listed in categories of power and strength and then you will be separated into classes or if you have a quirk that has no physical standing point, you will be transferred into general classes or providing help for heroes on the sidelines." Sachi was already lost.
His brain tried to catch himself up on what was being said, but he couldn't seem to stay on track.
"Everyone will be separated into different battle zones, the ones beside you have a different card around you, and NO TRADDDDIINGGG!" Sachi flipped over the card that he had in front of him, others around him following in suit.
The bold letter reading, A.
Sachi glanced at Ochako's, her's reading C.
"These mock battles will be with robots of different kinds, you will not be able to fight each other, if that is to happen--YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED!!! But moving on, These robots will be ranked from 1-3, the zero-pointers are just going to be in your way," the pro-hero pointed to the board behind him, showing the size difference.
"They won't get you any points, I would be smart about your decisions!"
Sachi glared down at his card.
He's scattering us.
After everyone changed into their work-out or combat clothing of choice, Sachi lined up at the corridor of the battle arena he would be participating in. He got the gist of what was happening after tracking down Izuku and boarding him with questions.
We have ten-minutes in gathering as many points as possible and within the ten-minutes, Pro-heroes will be watching us...including All Might!
"Oi." Sachi turned around, humming, only to screech and jump away form the explosive teenager.
"Deku was bad enough...why the hell is another Quirk-less loser here?!" Katsuki's voice was loud and other middle-school students around him were timid and nervous.
Sachi gulped and raised his fists meekly, before tightening his hands. His nails digging into his hands.
"To prove everyone wrong." Right as Sachi spoke, a loud buzzer went off.
Without thinking, both Katsuki and Sachi ran into the mock city. Leaving the other students behind.
{I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I'm going to try my best, but my week has been a little stressful with figuring things out with classes and seeing if we were going to have online classes or not}
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