Chapter 12
"Look Deku! It's Thirteen!" Ochako squeaked in delight at the sight of her favorite hero. Izuku continued to fanboy as he muttered about the pro-heroes quirk. Sachi stood quietly, his arms crossed.
"She looks like a Marshmallow..." he mumbled quietly. Mina who stood beside him giggled.
"As You all know, my quirk is used to protect others, like any other hero. But that doesn't mean that it can't easily kill!" the few whispers hanging in the air were nonexistent. Sachi glanced around him, his eyes finally focusing on the building doors of the dome.
It's like the ice dome that Todoroki made during our battle... Sachi's teeth gritted but he kept his head low.
"Without a further a do, let's head inside!"
As all of the student's piled into the large dome, Thirteen let them view the different zones inside. "This dome consists of Six different zones, A training ground I made for rescue training such as what you are going to do today. This building contains all sorts of accidents and natural disasters."she explained.
Sachi raised his hand, "So basically made for everyone to struggle against elements that they aren't used to in order to get the best result." his classmates glanced at him than back to Thirteen to hummed.
"Precisely, the zones--A Shipwreck, Landslide, Fire, along with a Windstorm, et cetera--" Thirteen smiled from underneath her large helmet to the looks of awe that were placed on the students faces.
Thirteen nodded and spread her arms open as if she were presenting the dome as a price, "It is called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint," or USJ for short!" Ochako and Izuku clapped vigorously as some others joined in except for a few others. Aizawa sighed tiredly, dragging a hand down his face before turning to face his students.
"All right then, first--!" be was cut off by the lights shutting off, the dome dimmed considerably but the light from the glass ceiling allowed light to shine through. The pro-hero clicked his tongue, his tired but alert eyes attentively glaring at the portal forming in front of the central plaza's fountain. The black hazy mist getting bigger by the second.
"Gather together and don't move! Thirteen protect the students!" Aizawa ordered, his yellow goggles around his neck were roughly grabbed as the male shoved them onto his face, covering his eyes.
"What is that?" Eijiro asked, his voice trembled in fear, his Izuku and the red-haired teen along with Sachi moved to ask their teacher but were stopped before they could even move a muscle.
"Don't move!"
"Those are villains." Sachi spoke lowly.
"Villains?" Ochako murmured.
"Thirteen and Eraserhead, huh?" The warp gate questioned. The man with blue hair seemed appalled. "Where is he?" He muttered under his breath. The giant creature beside him croaking quietly.
Momo quickly turned to Aizawa, "Teacher, aren't there trespasser sensors?" her voice was rushed and wavering slightly.
She was scared.
Thirteen turned to her.
"We have them, of course, but--" she was interrupted but Shoto, "Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that." he eyed the villains that began to get closer, "This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind." Shoto finished his theory, Aizawa nodded.
"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Kaminari," the said boy looked up at his teacher, "You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too." Denki nodded, sweat dripping down the side of his face. "I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen." Aizawa nodded to the said pro-hero. Thirteen nodded, with that Aizawa jumped away to the villains, going to take them head on.
"Sensei, you can't possibly fight all of those villains by yourself, you're a underground hero!" Izuku shouted, Sachi grabbing his arm to hold him back.
"Midoriya--" Sachi was interrupted by his teacher.
"I may not have an effective quirk that can nullify everyone's quirk, but I'm not a one trick pony." with that said he turned around as Izuku left to follow the others.
"Sachihiro," Sachi froze and turned to his teacher once again.
"We may need that sword of yours when things get out hand." Aizawa smirked and jumped away to fight.
Sachi frowned and turned around to catch up with his fellow classmates.
His blood was rushing throughout his entire body. Hot blood in his veins, it was too hot.
"Sachi-chan?" Tsuyu questioned, her voice shook slightly, expressing her fear.
The air was thick.
"Where is All Might? Oh! How rude of me, We are the League of Villains, and I was sent here to scatter you all across the premises." the misty villain said smugly, you could practically feel his smirk from a mile away. Sachi's head stayed low, his eyes flickering across the uneven ground.
His fingers twitched in anticipation, flexing to hold something. He could feel the surging power from his grimoire.
"Kill some of the students if need be, we have to get All Might here eventually." Sachi's head whipped up, his heart pounded in his ears. A voice?, he asks himself.
It was the same voice of the blue-haired man from before.
"Sachi-chan!" Tsuyu once again voiced but louder.
Before he could warn anyone, he felt his body falling.
They were scattered.
His wide violet eyes glared up at the sky where the black hazy mist began to disappear.
"DAMMIT!!" he screamed.
Then it was black.
It was dark and cold, but something felt warm underneath Sachi. He groaned, pain enveloped his entire body. His throat felt sore and his joints were heavy. Something was crushing him.
"HELP!" he cried out, but no one heard him.
He was trapped under boulders and seemingly stuck inside of a dark cave of some sort. Hissing in pain as the pain side increased.
I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. Sachi began to chant in his head, panicking as his cries and pleas became louder. He didn't know where he was, it was terrifying. Who was going to look after the church--and the kids? Sister Lilly would--would she care if he died? Would anyone care? His mind raced but settled on the thought of Haruhi, the girl who he had gotten closer to in the span of almost two months.
Would she care?
His eyes watered from the pain, the pain of losing someone.
No, he wasn't just going to leave without saying goodbye--
"I'm not done, yet..." his voice strained in his throat. Blood bubbled up in his mouth. He spit it out, "Do you hear me?! I'm not done!" with a quick movement, his side poured out blood as his screams were unheard from the outside. The boulder shifted, his veins were hot and bulging from his arms and legs as he stood up with shaky legs. His shirt was torn and muddy, matted down to his skin from the blood of the deep cut in his side.
His eyesight didn't focus, keeping his eyes somewhat focused on the blinding light peaking out from the ceiling of the cave.
"I'M NOT FINISHED UNTIL I'M DEAD!!" his sudden scream gave him a burst of confidence as he clawed away the rocks blocking his path.
"Damn! There's just no end to these guys!" Denki exclaimed. He, Momo, and Kyoka were in a tight spot. Momo gasped, she was tired already and the things that she was making were eating at her stomach. Kyoka did her best to ward the burly men off with her quirk attached to the speakers in her shoes but it wasn't working at all. They just blocked it off with their own quirks.
"I can't go all out because it could hurt you guys!" Denki exclaimed once again, that gave Momo an idea.
"Wait! I have an idea--" she was interrupted by Kyoka bumping her.
"Well?! Hurry it up!" She ordered sassily, her cheeks painted red. She was sweaty and tired.
Momo smirked, "Kaminari! I have a way to where you can use your quirk without hurting us, on my command, use all of your power!" Momo spoke proudly. Denki glanced at her and nodded. Punching one more villain in the face before backing up.
Without wasting any more time, Momo's costume ripped from her back as a large thick white-like blanket covered both herself and the other girl beside her.
"NOW!" Momo exclaimed with a bright smile. The two girls held the edges of the blanket down to the best of their abilities as Denki electrocuted everyone in sight.
After the coast was clear, Momo lifted up her side of the cover.
"There, 100 millimeter thick fabric that protects from electric elements from coming in. Pretty good, if I say so myself!" Momo fangirled at her own creation, ignoring the fact that her chest was out. Kyoka squealed and covered the girl's chest from view of the blonde-haired teen that was facing away from them.
"Whee...Whee..." the now short circuited boy let his thumbs thrust in front of him in a quick motion over and over again as he slowly staggered around. Kyoka covered mouth as she stifled the laughter coming from her throat. Momo eventually covered her chest with a knew costume and tied the rest of the villains up.
"Hey guys...what did I mess?" Kyoka and Momo turn to the voice that gave them a welcomed warmth.
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