Top Dog
After saying our goodbyes, we took Professor Cherry's offer and decided to stay at the Silverstone Town Inn. It was a cozy farmhouse with a big paddock with Rapidash and Tauros inside. Once we got our rooms, we rushed upstairs to check them out. It was a decent-sized room with a balcony that overlooked the paddock.
"I wonder what we're gonna do tomorrow with Professor Cherry." Nina wondered aloud as she flopped on the bed.
"I don't know, but I hope we get to explore more of the Xaja Kingdom." I said with a wink.
"That, or help take care of the Pokémon," Rina said softly, "Battling those Pokémon was pretty scary."
"But you did it, right?" Kat asked, "You'll find your confidence soon enough, Rina. I know you will!"
Rina smiled and nodded. When night fell, the girls and I changed into our sleepwear and turned in for the night.
What will tomorrow bring?
When the new day dawned, we walked toward Professor Cherry's lab.
"I could hardly sleep last night!" Nina said, "I was too excited for what Professor Cherry has in store for us!"
"Same!" Elsu said, "I'm down to do whatever, honestly. Whether it's battling wild Pokémon or taking care of them."
"I'd prefer to take care of them." Rina said softly.
Rina is too innocent for this world; she's so sweet!
When we arrived at the lab, there were a lot of Pokémon in the paddock, more than yesterday. Walking up to the fence, we saw Professor Cherry feeding a Donphan.
"Professor Cherry!" Eric called out as he waved.
The professor looked over and smiled. We hopped over the fence and walked over to the professor and Pokémon.
"Wow, there are a lot of Pokémon here," Kat commented, "Are they all yours, Professor?"
"Nope. These Pokémon belong to Ezonian trainers traveling across Ezonia and the world right now," she said, "This Donphan just came in from a trainer in Sinnoh."
Whoa. Pokémon from all across the world. So cool!
"So, you kids came back to lend me a hand?" Professor Cherry asked.
"You bet!" Elsu answered.
"Great, because I could use the extra hands."
"What do you want us to do?" Kat asked.
Professor Cherry smiled before turning back to the Pokémon.
"Keep the Pokémon in the paddock calm and active," she said, "Some trainers said that their Pokémon were really lazy and wouldn't listen to their commands."
"We can do that, right guys?" I asked.
The others nodded with wide grins.
"Thanks, kids," Professor Cherry said, "I'll be inside if you need me."'
With a final wave, the professor walked inside the lab. I turned my attention back to the Pokémon and breathed out a heavy sigh.
"So, divide and conquer?" Eric said.
"That's probably the best option at the moment," Nina said, "There's a lot of Pokémon."
With a final nod to one another, we scattered across the paddock. As I weaved through the Pokémon, Libby hopped off my shoulder and sprinted up to a Leafeon resting on a rock in the sun. Libby let out a cry as she wagged her tail. The Leafeon looked down at Libby and smiled with a friendly cry. I pulled out my Pokédex and scanned the Leafeon.
"Leafeon, the Verdant Pokémon, and the evolution of Eevee. When you see Leafeon asleep in a patch of sunshine, you'll know it is using photosynthesis to produce clean air. Although it doesn't like disputes, it will sharpen the leaf on its tail into a blade and fight if it has to protect its friends."
"Oops! Sorry, Leafeon!" I said, "Didn't mean to stop you from photosynthesizing!"
The Leafeon let out a friendly cry before putting its head back down. I picked Libby up before walking away from the Leafeon.
"What other Pokémon are here?" I questioned, looking around.
When I looked up at a tree, I made eye contact with a Lucario.
Whoa. That's a powerful Pokémon.
I took out my Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon before me.
"Lucario, the Aura Pokémon. It has the ability to sense the auras of all things. By sensing the aura emanating from others, it can read their thoughts and movements. It understands human speech."
I smiled and waved at the Pokémon. The Lucario grinned and waved back. Libby let out a friendly cry, to which Lucario returned.
"Hey, Era!" cried a familiar voice.
Turning around, I saw Eric sprinting towards me with his Lillipup close behind him.
"Hey, Eric. Lillipup," I greeted, "What's up?"
"I was wondering if you and Libby would like to battle Lillipup and me," Eric said, "He could use the training."
"Sure! I'd love to. What about you, Libbs?"
Libby hopped off my shoulder and let out a bold cry. Lillipup smiled and barked out its cry.
"Don't go easy on us," Eric said.
"As if," I said, "Your move, Eric."
"Thanks! All right, use Bite!"
Lillipup growled before sprinting over to Libby.
"Dodge and use Swift!" I said.
Libby moved out of Lillipup's way before launching star-shaped rays.
"Dodge!" Eric said.
Lillipup barked and quickly avoided Libby's attack.
That little pup's fast. Gotta slow it down.
"Libby, use Quick Attack around Lillipup!" I cried.
Libby nodded and started running around the Lillipup at full speed.
"Lillipup, get out of there!" Eric cried.
Lillipup growled and tried to find a way out, but it was trapped.
"Use Swift, now!" I cried.
Libby let out a cry before launching star-shaped rays at the Lillipup. The Lillipup let out a strained cry when the attack hit it. Libby stopped and let out a loud cry. Lillipup growled and shook off the pain.
"Are you okay, Lillipup?" Eric asked.
Lillipup barked out its cry before changing its stance.
"Been saving this move," Eric said, "Thunder Fang!"
Thunder Fang!?
Lillipup sprinted towards Libby with electrified fangs.
"Shadow Ball!" I cried.
Libby let out a cry as she hurled a shadowy blob in Lillipup's direction. Lillipup chomped through the attack before biting down on Libby, giving her a nasty shock. Libby let out a stained cry before shaking off Lillipup. Libby stood up as sparks flew off her.
I must say, this little guy is undoubtedly full of surprises, just like his trainer.
"I think that's enough." Eric said, walking over to me.
I smiled as I pulled out a Cheri Berry from my bag. Libby walked over to me and ate it, curing her paralysis.
"Your Lillipup certainly has its tricks," I said, "Just like you."
"Thanks, Era," he said, "I can't wait until he evolves."
Lillipup bounced up and down as it barked happily.
I'm curious to know what Lillipup will evolve into. Well, only time will tell.
When Libby hopped on my shoulder, there was a loud explosion on the other side of the paddock.
"What was that?!" I asked.
"I don't know, but the Pokémon here are in danger if we don't figure it out," Eric said, "Come on!"
The two of us nodded and sprinted across the pasture. When we arrived, we saw a large hole in the fence. I looked around to see a pack of Houndour and Poochyena. I took out my Pokédex and scanned the two Dark-type Pokémon.
"Houndour, the Dark Pokémon. Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey. This Pokémon's remarkable teamwork is unparalleled."
"Poochyena, the Bite Pokémon. Poochyena is an omnivore—it will eat anything. A distinguishing feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This Pokémon tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its tail bristle out."
What are a pack of Poochyena and Houndour even doing here anyway?
That's when a pair of howls cut through the air. Emerging from the lingering smoke were a Houndoom and a Mightyena. I took a step back as I scanned the larger Pokémon.
"Houndoom, the Dark Pokémon, and the evolved form of Houndour. Long ago, people imagined its eerie howls to be the call of the grim reaper. The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever."
"Mightyena, the Bite Pokémon, and the evolved form of Poochyena. Mightyena travel and act as a pack in the wild. The memory of its life in the wild compels the Pokémon to obey only those trainers that it recognizes to possess superior skill."
They must be the pack leaders.
"Eric! Eragona!" cried a familiar voice.
We turned around to see our friends and Professor Cherry.
"What's going on?" Kat asked, "Are you guys okay?"
"We're fine," I said, "We came as quickly as we could when we heard the explosion."
"Professor, do you know what's going on?" Nina asked.
"Unfortunately, I do," she said, "In the Badlands, where Mightyena and Houndoom call home, they would get into battles for territory and food. They would often send their packs to hunt for food and return scarred from battling with the other pack. My hunch is that they were having a territory battle, and it traveled here,"
"We need to get the other Pokémon out of here before they get hurt." Rina said.
"Yes. Rina, Kat, and Nina. You girls help me get the Pokémon to safety. Eragona, Elsu, and Eric. Try and calm them down, or lead them out of the paddock."
"Got it" Elsu said.
Elsu took out his Pokéball and tossed it in the air.
"Sliggoo, we need your help!" Elsu cried.
At his command, Sliggoo appeared with a friendly cry. That's when some of the Poochyena and Houndour sprinted in front of their leaders and growled.
Guess they don't want us interfering.
I pulled out a Pokéball and tossed it in the air.
"Zora, I choose you!" I cried.
Like clockwork, Zora came out with a loud cry.
"Zora, I need you to change the weather," I said, "Can you do that?"
Zora nodded before looking up at the sky. Zora let out a loud cry, causing the orbs on its body to glow brightly. That's when the sky started growing darker. Then, rain began to fall from the sky.
"Era, Zora used Rain Dance!" Eric said.
Perfect! With the rain, it'll be able to weaken whatever Fire move comes our way.
"Libby, use Swift! Zora, use Dragon Pulse!" I cried.
Libby leaped up and rained down star-shaped rays on the Poochyena and Houndour. Zora opened her mouth and launched a multicolored shock wave. The two Dark Pokémon dodged the attacks before using Shadow Ball.
"Sliggoo, use Dragon Pulse, too!" Elsu cried.
"Dragon Pulse, once more!" I called, "Libby, use Swift!"
"Thunder Fang!" Eric cried.
Sliggoo and Zora let out bold cries before launching their attacks. Lillipup barked and chomped through any Shadow Ball that came his way. Libby launched star-shaped rays on any lingering attacks that may have strayed away. The rain continued to fall as the Poochyena, and Houndour growled at us. The Houndour barked before using Ember. Almost instantly, the attacks were extinguished by the rain.
Good, the rain is helping out big time.
Behind them, the Houndoom and Mightyena were battling it out.
It's a good thing I set up the rain. Otherwise, the whole fence would've been up in flames by now.
"Dragon Pulse!" Elsu and I cried.
Sliggoo and Zora let out loud cries before releasing multicolored shock waves. The Poochyena and Houndour let out strained cries as they were blown back. The Houndoom and Mightyena stopped fighting and turned to their injured packs. They growled as they turned to face us.
"Good, we finally got their attention, and they stopped fighting." Elsu said.
"Yeah, each other," Eric said, "Now they have new targets to shoot at."
Mightyena let out a loud bark before using Shadow Ball.
"Bite, Lillipup!" Eric said.
Lillipup growled before chomping through the attack. Unfortunately, the Shadow Ball was too big, and the small explosion blew Lillipup back.
"Lillipup!" Eric cried, running after his Pokémon.
The Houndoom howled before charging toward us.
"Dragon Pulse!" Elsu cried.
"Dragon Pulse and Shadow Ball!" I cried.
Our Pokémon charged up their attacks before firing them at the Houndoom. The Houndoom opened its mouth and launched its own Shadow Ball, causing an explosion when all four attacks collided.
This scenario again?
"Libby, you know what to do!" I cried, "Swift!"
Libby leaped up and rained down star-shaped rays. When the smoke cleared, the Mightyena and Houndoom were unscathed.
"That didn't do anything!" I panicked.
I turned back to see Eric and his Lillipup sprinting up to us.
"Are you two okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, we're fine," Eric said, "Right, buddy?"
The Lillipup growled and let out a loud bark. The Mightyena and Houndoom growled before walking up to us.
"You ready, Lillipup?" Eric asked, "Let's show them what you have just learned. Take Down!"
Lillipup barked before charging toward the Mightyena. When Lillipup tackled it, the Mightyena got blown back into a tree.
"Whoa! That was awesome!" Elsu cried excitedly.
Now that's a powerful Normal-type attack. However, I hope Eric knows that Take Down takes a toll on the user...
"Lillipup, are you okay to keep going?" Eric asked.
The Lillipup shook off the pain and barked.
Good, he does know!
"Good! Take Down, once more!" Eric cried.
Lillipup barked and rammed into the Houndoom, but it took the attack a lot better than the Mightyena. The Houndoom growled and grabbed Lillipup in its mouth before tossing it to the side.
"Lillipup!" Eric cried.
That Houndoom's strong! We need to weaken it!
My thoughts were interrupted when the rain stopped. The sky soon cleared, and the sun beamed down on us.
Gotta set up the rain again before that Houndoom uses a Fire-type attack.
"Era, don't set up the rain," Eric said.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Trust me."
I stared at my friend before nodding.
"Lillipup, can you keep going?" Eric asked.
Lillipup stood and barked. The Migtyena soon joined Houndoom's side and growled. That's when Lillipup started glowing.
Is Lillipup...?
When the light died down, a new Pokémon could be seen. I took out my Pokédex and scanned the newly evolved Pokémon.
"Herdier, the Loyal Dog Pokémon, and the evolved form of Lillipup. It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and decreases the amount of damage it receives. This Pokémon obeys its master's orders faithfully. However, it refuses to listen to anything said by a person it doesn't respect."
"Now, do you see why, Eragona?" Eric asked.
"Oh, yeah! We all see why now!" I said.
"Let's finish this off right!" Elsu said.
Our Pokémon soon stood at Herdier's side and growled at the Houndoom and Mightyena.
"Dragon Pulse!" Elsu cried.
"Dragon Pulse and Shadow Ball!" I commanded.
"Shadow Ball as well!" Eric cried.
Our Pokémon charged up their attacks before firing them at the opposing Pokémon. When the attacks merged, they caused an explosion. When the smoke cleared, the Mightyena and Houndoom were out cold.
"Yes! We did it!" Elsu cried happily.
"All thanks to Eric's Herdier!" I said.
Herdier turned to me and barked happily. Libby's growling soon caught my attention. When I turned around, the Mightyena and Houndoom were beginning to stand up, as well as their pack.
They're already getting up?!
Before we could do anything, Herdier walked up to the Dark-types and barked at them. The Houndoom and Mightyena listened as Herdier continued to bark at them.
I wonder what Herdier's saying?
The pair growled before bowing their heads. The Dark-types called the attention of their pack before walking away. The Poochyena and Houndour barked and followed their leaders back to the Badlands.
"Guess we know who's top dog around these parts." Elsu said.
"Guess so." Eric said.
"You guys!" cried a familiar voice.
We turned around to see our friends and the professor run up to us.
"Are you three okay?" Rina asked.
"We're fine," I said, "How are the other Pokémon?"
"Some were injured when everything started, but we were able to patch them up," Professor Cherry said, "How'd everything go with the two packs?"
"We handled them, but Herdier was the one who drew them away!" Elsu said.
Herdier smiled and let out a loud bark.
"Lillipup evolved? Aw, man!" Nina whined, "I wish I could've seen it!"
I couldn't help but laugh at my redheaded friend.
"And what was with that weather earlier?" Kat asked.
"That was Zora." I said.
Zora slithered to my side and let out a friendly cry.
"Seems like you guys handled the situation pretty well," Professor Cherry said, "I can't thank you enough for helping me before and during the attack."
"Don't mention it, professor," Kat said, "We're just glad we came over when we did."
Professor Cherry nodded and smiled. That's when Herdier let out a loud bark. Eric smiled and placed a hand on his partner's head.
"I'm so proud of you, Herdier," he said, "Thanks so much for the help!"
Herdier barked before tackling his trainer to the ground, nuzzling and licking his cheek.
"Herdier! Come on! That tickles!" Eric laughed, "Cut it out!"
The others and I couldn't help but laugh at the scene before us.
Well, I can say that this day was everything but boring. We met new Pokémon, stopped two rivaling packs from destroying the paddock, and Eric's Lillipup evolved into Herdier. A lot can happen in this little town. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
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