The Last Ajax Guardian
"What else is there about Ajax Village?" Kat asked.
"Every year, the people of Ajax Village would have a traditional bonfire and festival called the Festival of Fire," Eric said, "It's a festival that honors Dragon and Fire-type Pokémon."
Jet and Charcoal let out happy cries, making us laugh.
"The bonfire's called the Dragon Flame because every year, they always have a Dragon and Fire-type Pokémon light it. The Festival of Fire honors these Pokémon because they helped protect their village for centuries, calling them the Ajax Guardians."
"Maybe the Pokémon preventing people from venturing into Primeval Jungle is one of the guardians!" Nina suggested.
"I don't know, Nini," Eric said sadly, "Remember, Ajax Village got wiped out by a terrible storm, and it says here that the Ajax Guardians did everything they could to stop the storm and to save the villagers."
"I'm with Nina on this one. When rumors about Ajax Village surfaced, adventures and explorers started looking for it," I said, "The same adventurers and explorers soon said that they got scared off by a Pokémon in the jungle, calling it the Primeval Guardian. That can't be a coincidence."
"Yeah, but the whereabouts are just rumors. This Primeval Guardian is probably like any other Pokémon, doing whatever it takes to protect its home from outsiders." Kat said.
I groaned in discomfort before breathing out a sigh.
Nina and I believe that the Primeval Guardian is an Ajax Guardian, but Kat and Eric disagree. Well, the only way to break this tie is by seeing it ourselves.
Jet and Charcoal soon roared to get our attention. Looking ahead, a lush jungle was becoming visible.
"That's gotta it! Primeval Jungle!" Eric cried happily.
"Alright, you two," I began, "Land on that path down there."
With a nod, Charcoal and Jet landed on the small dirt path leading into the jungle. We hopped off my Pokémon and marveled at the jungle's majesty.
"Wow. It's so much more than what the pictures show." Eric said.
"So, how do we find Ajax Village, Eric?" Kat asked.
Eric hummed as he looked down at the pamphlet.
"From what the explorers said, it looks like we wander around until we encounter the Primeval Guardian," Eric read, "Which is probably a normal Pokémon defending its territory."
"Or it really could be an Ajax Guardian!" Nina said.
"Let's split up to cover more ground," I said, "We'll share a map with our own markers."
I opened Primeval Jungle's map on my phone and sent it to the others. Looking down at my phone, four different-colored dots appeared on the screen: blue, yellow, pink, and purple.
"I'm blue." I said.
"I'm pink!" Nina said.
"Yellow." Eric said.
"And I'm purple." Kat said.
I nodded before turning to Jet and Charcoal.
"You guys can fly around the jungle's canopy. If you see anything, come find us," I said, "If anything happens to either of us, we'll send up a signal."
The two nodded before taking to the skies, eventually disappearing over the jungle's canopy.
"Let's go." I said.
Nodding to one another, we walked into the jungle, eventually splitting up. I looked around me as I saw Starly fly, Wormadam hanging around, and Yanma fluttering around. I smiled when I saw Butterfree, Spinarak, and Ledian.
There are a lot of Bug-type Pokémon in the jungle.
I looked down at Libby to see her smiling and interacting with the Bug-type Pokémon.
When I first found Libby, she got attacked by Bug-type Pokémon, and to my surprise, she's not scared of them, despite her upbringing.
When I pushed past some tall grass, I gasped at the three large Pokémon in front of me. I took out my Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon.
"Scolipede, the Megapede Pokémon. Scolipede latches on to its prey with the claws on its neck before slamming them into the ground and jabbing them with its claws' toxic spikes."
"Galvantula, the EleSpider Pokémon. It launches electrified fur from its abdomen as its means of attack. Opponents hit by the fur could be in for three full days and nights of paralysis."
"Volcarona, the Sun Pokémon. Volcarona scatters burning scales. Some say it does this to start fires. Others say it's trying to rescue those that suffer in the cold."
Whoa. Those three look incredibly strong, and it does look like I'm in their territory. Maybe Eric and Kat are right. The Primeval Guardian might be an ordinary Pokémon.
Suddenly the three Pokémon turned to look at me. I swallowed a lump and started backing away.
"Uh, we were just leaving," I said, my voice shakey, "Sorry to disturb you!"
The three Pokémon growled before inching closer toward me.
"Libby, Shadow Ball in the air!" I said.
Libby tilted her head back before launching a shadowy blob into the sky. The three Pokémon growled before launching their attacks. Growling under my breath, I quickly moved out of the way of the attacks.
"Swift!" I cried.
Libby bounced off my shoulder and flipped in the air, propelling star-shaped rays at the Pokémon. The Volcarona flew in front of the other two and used Protect.
It knows Protect... Wonderful...
Then, the Volcarona used Fire Blast. I grabbed Libby and ducked under the attack.
We would've been toast.
When I looked up, I saw the three Pokémon towering over me. I sat and grabbed Libby before scooting back.
"Shadow Ball in the air once more!" I said.
Libby once again launched a shadowy blob in the air. I scooted back before I bumped into a tree. The three Pokémon hissed and growled before charging up their next attack.
Libby can't take those attacks, and neither can my other Pokémon except...
My thoughts were interrupted when two large shadows loomed over me. Looking up, I smiled when I saw my Pokémon.
Jet and Charcoal! They came!
Jet and Charcoal both growled before releasing mighty roars. The three Pokémon backed down before scurrying away deeper into the jungle. I breathed out a heavy sigh and placed a hand on their large faces.
"Thanks, you two." I said.
Jet and Charcoal let out friendly cries and nuzzled their cheeks against mine. Libby let out a happy cry and playfully bumped her head against theirs. Before they took off, we all heard a shrill cry coming from a dense part of the jungle. Looking at my Pokémon, we all nodded before following the sound.
What even was that sound...?
As the sound grew louder, my eyes widened when I saw a familiar blue X.
Team Xenon? Again?
Peering through the tall grass, three grunts were trying to haul a large green Pokémon into a cage, but the Pokémon was resisting. To the side of them were people with dark tan skin with painted chests. In front of them were two Mightyena.
Are those who I think they are? Are they Ajax Village natives?
I took out my Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon.
"Sceptile, the Forest Pokémon. In the jungle, its power is without equal. This Pokémon carefully grows trees and plants. It regulates its body temperature by basking in sunlight."
A Sceptile. What business would Team Xenon have with a Sceptile?
"Release the Ajax Guardian at once!" said one of the natives.
"You're in no position to make demands, Chief Chogan," said a familiar voice.
Walking up to them was Commander Gabriel.
Not him again...
"Your precious guardian will be the crown jewel for the boss's plan," Gabriel said, looking back, "Make sure that Sceptile is secure for when we transport it."
"Yes, sir!" said the grunts.
The Sceptile let out aggravated cries as it fought off the grunts' restraints and Pokémon. I quickly told the others to meet me at my location and breathed out a sigh.
It's now or never!
"Let the Sceptile go!" I cried, leaping out from the grass.
The Team Xenon grunts turned to face me before readying their Pokéballs.
"It's that brat again!" said one of the female grunts.
Gabriel smiled and chuckled.
"See? My calculations are never wrong," Gabriel said, "I told you we would meet again."
"Wish we didn't." I growled.
Libby, Jet, and Charcoal growled as well. Gabriel turned to Jet and smiled.
"Looks like your Gabite finally evolved. Told you he had potential." Gabriel said.
He loves hearing himself talk, doesn't he?
Hearing grass rustling beside me, I smiled when I saw my friends.
"I should've known," Kat said, "What's Team Xenon up to know?"
"They're trying to take the Ajax Guardian away from the Ajax natives." I said.
"Ajax Guardian? Ajax natives?" Eric questioned, "Then that means-"
"The rumors were true! Unfortunately, we're not the only ones who found out."
"Ah, how lovely. More bugs for me to step on." Gabriel said, snapping his fingers.
The Team Xenon grunts soon tossed up their Pokéballs and released their Pokémon. My friends growled and did the same.
"Goodra!" Kat said.
"Samurott and Krookodile!" Eric cried.
"Clefable, come on out!" Nina said.
At their command, their Pokémon appeared.
"Now, this ought to be fun," Gabriel said, tossing up a Pokéball, "Roserade, come out!"
Like clockwork, a Roserade appeared.
"Get that Sceptile in the cage now!" Gabriel ordered.
"We're trying!" said a grunt, "But it's too strong!"
Gabriel sighed and grinned at us.
"You guys deal with these brats," he said, "Come with me, Roserade."
The Roserade turned around and followed its trainer, leaving us to the grunts.
"Flamethrower!" Kat and I cried.
Goodra, Jet, and Charcoal opened their mouths and launched three ribbons of fire at the grunts Pokémon. The attack happened so suddenly the grunts' Pokémon didn't have time to react. Gabriel looked back and growled.
"Ugh, you absolute idiots!" Gabriel growled, "You outnumber them, and yet you still lose! Fine, I'll do this myself. Help out the others with that Sceptile and watch the Ajax Chief and his comrades."
The Roserade stepped in front of Gabriel and let out a cry.
"Shadow Ball!" Kat, Nina, and I cried.
Clefable, Libby, and Angel gaped their mouths and launched three shadowy blobs at Gabriel's Roserade.
"Razor Leaf!" Gabriel said.
The Roserade twirled and launched sharp-edged leaves that sliced up the Shadow Balls.
"Aqua Jet!" Eric said.
His Samurott cloaked itself with water and rammed into the Roserade.
"Buy Kat and me some time, would you?" Eric asked.
"Yeah!" Nina said, "Clefable, use Moonblast!"
Clefable charged up an attack and launched a bright pink blast.
"Petal Dance!" Gabriel said.
The Roserade let out a cry before scattering petals, canceling out the Moonblast. Looking behind me, I saw Goodra and Krookodile charging up their Focus Blasts.
"Now!" I cried.
"Focus Blast!" Kand and Eric called.
Their Pokémon let out a cry before launching their powerful attacks at the Roserade. The Roserade tried to move but got hit by the Focus Blasts.
"Flamethrower and Shadow Ball!" Kat and I cried.
"Ice Beam and Sludge Bomb!" Eric cried.
"Use Shadow Ball as well!" Nina cried.
At once, our Pokémon unleashed their attacks on Team Xenon, causing an explosion. When the smoke died down, the grunts and their Pokémon were unconscious. I quickly ran up to the natives and untied them.
"Thank you for saving us." said one of the natives.
"You're welcome." I said.
Gabriel coughed before staggering on his legs. When he stood up, my friends, our Pokémon, and the natives towered over him, and the other grunts.
"As the Chief of Ajax Village, I banish you and your underlings from Primeval Jungle," said Chief Chogan, "Away with you!"
Gabriel chuckled and dusted himself off.
"You have no authority over us. We do as we please." Gabriel said.
That's when the Sceptile growled and let out a loud cry. Gabriel scoffed before turning to the grunts who were starting to wake up.
"Retreat!" Gabriel said.
The grunts nodded and disappeared into the jungle. Gabriel smiled and bowed before us.
"Until we meet again." he said.
He then raced after his grunts without another word. Breathing out a heavy sigh, I turned to the Ajax natives and the Ajax Guardian.
"I can't believe we're standing face to face with Ajax Village's chief and guardian." I said.
"Last guardian." Chief Chogan corrected.
"What do you mean by that?" Kat asked sadly.
"The storm..." Eric said regrettably.
"Oh..." Nina said.
Chief Chogan nodded firmly.
"Thanks to you four, my people are safe, as well as Sceptile," Chief Chogan said, "We can't thank you enough."
The natives beside him bowed in thanks.
"You're welcome, sir," I said, "We'll make sure Team Xenon never hunts you down again."
Chief Chogan nodded with a smile. The Sceptile walked up to Charcoal, Goodra, and Jet and let out a cry. The three Pokémon happily returned the cry.
"Follow me, children." Chief Chogan said.
After returning our Pokémon, the four of us followed the chief and the natives.
"Where are we going?" Nina asked.
"My home, Ajax Village." Chief Chogan said.
My eyes widened.
So the rumors were true. Ajax Village still exists!
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