The Dragon Slayer
"So, where to now?" Kat asked.
"Why not Shiverberg City?" Nina suggested, "It's to the north of here."
"Ooh, I'd love to go to Shiverberg again!" I said excitedly, "Since it's winter all year round, it's always snowing, and the forest looks so... magical..."
Kat chuckled and nodded.
"We have a place like that in Kalos called Snowbelle City," Kat said, "It's wondrous in winter, and the fashion during that time of year is awe-inspiring."
"Well, I'm down to go. We have a cold place like that in Unova, but I never went." Eric said.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Nina asked, "Onward to Shiverberg City!"
Nodding to our redhead friend, we jogged up north.
I wonder if anything has changed in Shiverberg City? I haven't visited that place in a long time.
As we continued north, the temperature started decreasing. I hugged myself as I felt a chilly breeze whip past.
"Libby, can you reach into my bag and pull out my coat, please?" I asked.
Libby nodded and flipped around on my shoulder. Opening my bag, Libby poked her head inside and pulled out my dark blue jacket.
"Smart thinking, Era." Nina said, reaching into her bag.
We all eventually stopped to take out our jackets and slip them on.
"Ah, that feels a lot better..." Kat sighed.
"Yeah. Come on, guys, we're almost there." I said.
My friends nodded and followed my lead. We eventually came to a tunnel, feeling the cool breeze from inside.
"This tunnel will take us straight to Shiverberg City," Nina said, "Come on!"
Smiling towards our friend, we walked through the tunnel, the cold air hitting us. Once on the other side, we entered a small snow-covered city.
"Wow! It's just as pretty as I remember!" Nina cried happily.
"You were right, Era. It is magical here." Eric said.
I nodded as I looked up at the falling snow. My head turned to the sound of laughter, and I smiled when I saw some children playing in the snow. Playing with them was a Glaceon and Cubchoo.
It's so peaceful here. Even though I want to move to Gladiolus City, Shiverberg City is my favorite city in Ezonia.
My thoughts were soon interrupted when I felt something cold hit my face. Looking over, I saw Eric tossing up and catching a snowball, wearing a sly grin.
"Eric." I said, my voice in mock annoyance.
"Come on! What, we're supposed to stand here and admire the snow?" Eric asked, "No way, I've wanted to do this for years!"
With a click of his neck, he threw the snowball from his hand. I grinned and dodged the icy projectile.
"You're on!" I cried, compacting some snow.
Not wasting a second more, I let go of the snowball and watched it hit Eric in the chest.
"Now, you've done it!" he said, gathering more snow.
Nina and Kat only smiled and watched us.
They need to join the fun!
Once I had a snowball ready, I threw it at Kat, laughing when it hit her face.
"I'm sorry! I meant to hit your chest!" I laughed.
"Sure you did!" she said, gathering snow, "Take this!"
My laughter soon grew as I was able to dodge Kat's attack.
"Nina, join us!" I cried happily.
"You don't have to tell me twice!" she said.
The four of us soon started pelting one another with snowballs, laughing all the way. Libby and Angel soon decided to join the fun.
"Okay, I think that's enough," I said, "Why don't we head into the Pokémon Center to warm up?"
"Sounds like a plan." Eric said.
After shaking the snow off, we walked over to the Pokémon Center. We all breathed out content sighs as we felt the warmth of the building.
"Oh, there's a café in here," Kat said, "Let's get something to warm up."
The others and I nodded in agreement. After leaving our Pokémon to heal, we walked to the cafe and ordered four Tapu Cocoas.
The vendor said that this drink was a specialty in Alola. I can't wait to try it!
Once we got our drinks, we all took a sip, and our bodies warmed up immediately.
"This is so good! I feel warmer already!" Nina proclaimed.
"I agree." Eric said.
I smiled as I looked around at the many trainers and Ice-type Pokémon.
Even though Ice-type Pokémon could destroy my entire team, I love them for their gracefulness and serenity.
Paying the vendor, we returned to the front desk to retrieve our Pokémon. When I turned around, I accidentally bumped into someone, causing us both to fall.
"I'm so sorry!" I said.
"Watch it next time, noob." said the person.
Once we were on our feet, I saw the person was a boy no older than me with brown hair, light-brown skin, and bright teal eyes. Hanging from his neck was a Pokéball.
Wonder what's inside...?
"Hey, dude, she said she was sorry." Eric said.
"Yeah, whatever." he said.
When Libby growled, I placed a hand on her cheek to calm her down. When the boy looked at me, his eyes widened.
"It's you! I finally found you!" he cried.
"Me?" I asked.
The boy chuckled and smoothed out his hair with his hand.
"Yup. You're Eragona. Granddaughter of Elise, the Dragon-type Elite Four member of Ezonia?" he asked.
The others and I were taken back by surprise.
"How did you know that?" I asked.
"Word travels fast," he said, "The name's Hunter, the Dragon Slayer."
The Dragon Slayer...?
"I go from town to town, region to region, to battle Dragon-type trainers, just to prove to them that they're nothing but power-hungry Pokémon," Hunter explained, "But no one has beaten me since. So far, I've beaten 99 Dragon-type trainers across the world in a row. If I beat you, you'll be my 100th straight win."
"Wait a second. Eragona didn't even accept your challenge, nor did it even sound like you were challenging her. You assume that you're going to win." Kat said.
Hunter scoffed as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
"Oh, please. I don't need to ask if I know that she's going to accept and that I'm going to win," Hunter said, "And, if I beat her, that means that I'm ready to take on the strongest Dragon-type trainers in the world, including her grandmother."
"Era, you don't have to do this," Nina said, "He's just some self-centered trainer wanting to prove a point. I've seen a lot of them come into my mother's gym. Despicable, to say the least."
I listened as my friends bickered back and forth with Hunter.
In hindsight, this will be good training for me whether I win or lose. The only time that I was at a type disadvantage was during the Battle Tendency Tournament, which was a while ago.
I breathed out a sharp sigh and stepped up to Hunter.
"I accept your challenge, Hunter." I said.
Hunter grinned and pushed past us.
"Meet me on the battlefield when you're ready to lose." he said.
The four of us watched as the boy walked out of the Pokémon Center.
"Why did you accept his challenge, Era?" Kat asked.
"I don't like trainers who talk down on others like that. Before I left for my journey, my grandmother told me that a trainer who trains and aims to become closer to their Pokémon is far stronger than any trainer who only trains to become stronger," I said, "Plus, it'll be great training for me."
With a kind smile, I walked out of the Pokémon Center and headed toward the snow-covered battlefield. Hunter stood on the opposite side as he tossed a Pokéball.
"Took you long enough," Hunter said, "Ready to lose?"
"Someone's gonna lose, but it's not gonna be me." I said confidently.
Hunter scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Bold words from a trainer weak to her own typing," Hunter said, "Let's see what you've got!"
That's when Hunter threw up the Pokéball and called out his Pokémon.
"Abomasnow, come out!" he cried.
Upon his command, a large white and green Pokémon appeared. Taking out my Pokédex, I scanned the large Pokémon.
"Abomasnow, the Frost Tree Pokémon. It lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping up blizzards."
"My Abomasnow is my strongest Pokémon, trained to take on any Dragon-type Pokémon." Hunter said.
"You certainly haven't met my Dragon-type Pokémon, then." I said, tossing up a Pokéball, "Jet, show yourself!"
Like clockwork, my Gabite appeared and let out a loud cry. Hunter let out a hearty laugh.
"Really? Is that your strongest Dragon-type?" Hunter asked, "Please, show me your real powerhouse Pokémon. I want a challenge, not an easy win."
"He is! He may not look like much, but he's very strong!" I said, "Why? Are you scared to lose against my Jet?"
Jet let out a hearty cry that made the Abomasnow growl.
"Whatever. This battle will be one-on-one. Whoever is unable to battle loses." Hunter explained, "Ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." I said.
Hunter straightened his posture and grinned.
"Go join the others, Libby." I said.
Libby nodded and hopped off my shoulder, only to be scooped up by Kat.
"Your move, Eragona." he said.
"Jet, Dragon Claw!" I commanded.
Jet let out a cry and ran up to the Abomasnow with a glowing green claw.
"Block!" Hunter said.
The Abomasnow crossed its arms and took Jet's attack.
"Ice Punch!" Hunter cried.
Abomasnow grunted as one of its fists started collecting the chilly air. It then blasted Jet with an icy punch, sending him back.
"Jet!" I cried.
"Probably in your best interest to give up now," Hunter said, "Any Ice-type move is four times super-effective on a Dragon/Ground-type like your Gabite."
Jet let out a strained cry as he stood up.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
Jet shook off the pain and let out a loud roar-like cry.
"Still standing, huh?" Hunter asked, "Shadow Ball!"
Abomasnow opened its mouth and launched a shadowy blob.
"Destroy it with Dragon Rage!" I cried.
Jet opened his mouth and launched a powerful shock wave. Luckily, it canceled out the Shadow Ball.
"Dragon Rage, once more!" I cried.
Jet growled and hurled another powerful shock wave Abomasnow's way.
"Ice Beam!" Hunter cried.
Abomasnow grunted and released an icy-cold beam. It canceled out the Dragon Rage, but it still hit Jet. Jet stumbled back and panted.
"Jet!" I cried.
"Told you this was gonna be an easy win." Hunter said.
"Go, Eragona! Go, Jet!" Eric cheered, "You can do it!"
"Go, go, go!" Nina and Kat cheered.
Both Libby and Angel cheered as well. I smiled as I looked back at them.
"Come on, Jet," I pleaded, "Can you keep going?"
Jet growled and staggered on its legs. Hunter's eyes widened slightly.
"Still pushing, huh?" Hunter asked, "Been waiting to use this."
Hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out a bracelet. When he slipped it on, I caught a glimpse of the stone engraved in it.
"Like my Mega Ring?" he asked, "Got it straight from Kalos."
Is he going to mega evolve his Abomasnow!? I don't see Jet and me winning at all if he does that! On top of that, this will be the first battle that I face up against a Mega Pokémon!
"Abomasnow, heed my icy wish! Mega Evolve!" Hunter cried.
When Abomasnow's Mega Stone became visible to me, Hunter's Key Stone and Mega Stone began to glow. I watched in awe and horror as Abomasnow grew bigger. When the light died down, Abomasnow was twice the size it was before.
"Now, Abomasnow, use Ice Beam!" Hunter said.
The Abomasnow let out a chilling cry before releasing an icy-cold beam.
"Dig!" I cried.
Jet quickly dug into the ground, dodging the attack.
That was way too close...
"Where did it go...?" Hunter growled.
Hunter and his Abomasnow looked around the snow-covered ground, waiting for Jet to pop out.
"Do it!" I cried.
Jet popped up from the ground underneath Abomasnow, causing it to tilt and fall. Jet bounced back and let out a cry.
"Way to go, Jet!" Kat cried.
Hunter growled and turned to his Abomasnow.
"Get up, Abomasnow!" Hunter cried angrily.
The Abomasnow growled and got back on its feet.
"Shadow Ball, over and over!" Hunter cried.
Obeying his command, Abomasnow hurled up multiple shadowy blobs.
"Cut them down with Dragon Claw!" I commanded.
When Jet crossed his claws, they grew and started glowing green. He then started slicing away every Shadow Ball as he drew closer to the Abomasnow. I looked over at Hunter to see him with a grin on his face. My eyes widened when the realization hit.
"Jet, quick! Use Dig!" I cried, "It's a trap!"
When Jet stopped, he was right in front of Abomasnow.
"Wood Hammer and Ice Punch!" Hunter cried.
Abomasnow took both its fists and slammed them on top of Jet.
"Jet!" I cried.
"You really thought you could win, huh?" Hunter said, "They don't call me the Dragon Slayer for nothing, you know?"
I growled as I clenched my fists.
"Jet, get out of there!" I commanded.
When Jet tried to get up, Abomasnow would only knock him back down.
"You're a disgrace to Dragon-type trainers everywhere. Can't even hold your own against a Pokémon that has the advantage over you," Hunter continued, "You'll never be as strong as Elise."
What he said pierced my heart. My fists relaxed as I looked away.
He's right... I'll never be as strong as my grandmother...
Blinking back the tears, I clenched my fists and looked him dead in his eyes.
"You're right, Hunter. I'll never be as strong as my grandmother." I began.
"Era, don't listen to him! He's wrong!" Eric cried.
Hunter only grinned.
"I'll be even stronger!" I cried, "Jet, use Dig!"
Jet let out a cry and dug into the earth before the next fist hit him.
"Not this again!" Hunter groaned.
As they looked around, Jet popped up with a roar-like cry.
"Flamethrower!" I cried.
"What!?" Hunter asked.
Jet then released a large ribbon of fire that made direct contact with the Abomasnow. The Abomasnow stumbled back, trying to shake off the pain.
"Guess I'm not the only one who is four times weak to a typing!" I said.
"Shadow Ball!" Hunter growled.
Abomasnow opened its mouth and hurled up a large shadowy blob.
"Jet, follow my lead," I said, "Dragon Rage!"
Jet nodded before launching a powerful shock wave. The Dragon Rage and Shadow Ball soon caused an explosion, kicking up dirt and snow. When the dust settled, Jet was nowhere in sight.
"Where did he go?" Hunter asked in a panic.
That last Flamethrower did a lot of damage. If I can land another one, but closer, I could win this!
"Jet, do it!" I shouted.
Upon my command, Jet popped up under the Abomasnow, causing it to tilt and stagger once more.
"Now, Flamethrower, full power!" I cried.
Jet inhaled sharply and exhaled a larger ribbon of fire that was a critical hit on the Abomasnow. When the smoke cleared, the Abomasnow was unresponsive, soon reverting to its original self.
"We did it!" I cheered.
We actually did it!
Jet ran up to me and tackled me into the snow, nuzzling his hard head against my cheek.
"You did it, Jet! You did it!" I cried happily.
"Era!" Kat cried.
Looking up, I saw my friends smiling down at me. Libby sprinted up to me and started nuzzling my other cheek. I laughed as I stood up.
"I knew you could do it, Eragona!" Nina said, "Great job!"
"Congrats, Era!" Eric said.
I smiled and laughed at my friends' praises. When I turned to Hunter, I saw him returning his Abomasnow to its Pokémon. He then tied the Pokéball around his neck.
So that was his Abomasnow the whole time...
When Hunter walked up to us, Eric, Kat, and Nina stepped in front of me.
"It's okay, guys." I said.
Pushing past them, I locked eyes with Hunter. Smiling, I handed him a Sitrus Berry from my bag.
"For Abomasnow." I said.
Hunter raised a brow before taking the berry. To our surprise, Hunter held out his hand with a genuine smile.
"That was impressive," he said, "Good win."
Smiling back, I grasped his hand and shook it.
"Good battle." I said.
Hunter nodded and stepped back.
"I want to apologize. You're not a disgrace to Dragon-type trainers, and you most certainly can hold your own in a battle with the odds against you," Hunter said, "And as you said before, you will become stronger than your grandmother. I know you will!"
"Thanks, Hunter!" I said with a smile.
Jet walked up and let out a friendly cry. Hunter grinned and patted my Pokémon's head.
"He's definitely going to be something special, as well as your other Pokémon," Hunter said, "And hey, if we ever cross paths again, I want a rematch."
"And a rematch you shall get." I said.
With a final wave, Hunter left the battlefield.
"I guess he's not so bad after all." Kat said.
"Yeah," Nina said, "Well, we still have some daylight left. Why don't we play in the snow again, but with the rest of our Pokémon?"
"Now that I can do." Eric said.
Taking out our Pokéballs, we tossed them in the air and released our Pokémon.
"Have fun in the snow, you guys!" I cried happily.
For the remainder of the day, my friends, our Pokémon, and I played in the glittering snow.
I'm glad I took that opportunity to battle Hunter. More battles when the odds are against me are so much better than when the odds are in my favor. I want to challenge myself to grow stronger with and closer to my Pokémon, and maybe one day, I'll be able to best my grandmother in a battle! But that's a dream for another time. Right now, my only goal is to grow closer to my Pokémon to unlock their truest potential...
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