13 Years Later...
"Eragona! Time to get up!" Grandma Eli cried, "You'll be late!"
My eyes fluttered open to my grandmother's shouting. The Fletching sang their songs as the sun rose over the high hill. My eyes soon widened, and I quickly sat up.
That's right! Today I start my journey as a real Pokémon trainer!
I hopped out of bed and quickly got dressed for the occasion. A blue shirt with matching blue shorts, black leggings with black sneakers, white and blue crop sweater, and a blue and white cap. Grabbing my bag, I rushed out of my room and descended the stairs. I dashed into the kitchen and saw my grandmother eating breakfast with Altaria beside her. She looked in my direction and smiled.
"So," I began, "How do I look?"
I twirled for my grandmother with a wide grin on my face.
"Like an ace trainer." she said earnestly.
I smiled and walked up to my grandmother, kissing her cheek. Her Altaria let out a chirp-like cry that made me smile. I stroked the small blue head, and the Pokémon leaned into my touch, its Mega Stone swaying back and forth against its chest.
"So, what Pokémon are you hoping to get first?" Grandma Eli asked.
"A Dragon-type, of course. I wanna become a strong Dragon-type trainer like you someday, Grandma Eli," I said, "And the best way to do it is to start with a Dragon-type Pokémon."
My grandmother chuckled and smiled at me.
"Well, don't be so quick to know exactly what Pokémon you're going to get first," Grandma Eli said firmly, "You may find a Pokémon that suits you because of your heart, not because of your strength. A trainer who trains and aims to become closer to their Pokémon is far stronger than any trainer who only trains to become stronger. Remember that while on your journey, understand?"
"Yes, Grandma Eli." I said.
She smiled widely and nodded.
"Here," Grandma Eli said, reaching behind her, "To get you started."
Bringing her hand back around, my eyes widened at the sight. It was a box full of Pokéballs. I chuckled and smiled sweetly at my grandmother.
"Thank you so much." I said, taking the box from her hand.
Placing it on the table, I began putting the balls in my bag and my pockets.
"And no trainer is complete without this." Grandma Eli said, handing me a small machine.
That's... That's the latest version of the Ezonia region's Pokédex...!
I was left completely speechless. I took the blue and silver machine from Grandma Eli and placed it in my pocket.
"Thank you, Grandma Eli," I said, "For everything."
"Anything for you, my little dragonet." Grandma Eli grinned.
I mimicked her expression and embraced her tightly, my grandmother returning the kind gesture. Her Altaria chirped out its cry and nuzzled its head against my waist. I pulled away and breathed out a heavy sigh. I walked further into the kitchen and started stuffing it with food and berries.
"Don't forget to pack potions." Grandma Eli reminded me.
"Right!" I said, "I almost forgot!"
When I was about to run out of the kitchen, Grandma Eli's butler, Klaus, handed me a small box filled with many different potions. I breathed out a relieved sigh and took the box from Klaus's hands.
"Thanks, Klaus." I said, bowing my head.
"You are quite welcome, Ms. Eragona," he said, "Now, go show this region what you are capable of!"
His encouraging words brought a smile to my face. I stuffed the potions in my bag and placed my bag over my shoulder.
"I believe that's everything." I said.
"So do I." Grandma Eli.
I breathed out and smiled at my grandmother, her Altaria, and her butler.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye." I said.
"Best wishes on your journey, Ms. Eragona." Klaus said.
"Remember, you can call me anytime, okay?" Grandma Eli asked, "And you know the way home if anything happens."
I nodded with an earnest smile. I walked up to the front door and breathed out a heavy. I placed my hand on the rusted, golden doorknob and felt my hands begin to shake.
This is it. The minute I step out this door, I'll be a trainer...
I shook off the nerves and put on a brave face. I breathed out and opened the door, the sun's rays flooding the foyer with light. I breathed in the crisp air and stepped out of the door. I looked back at Grandma Eli, Altaria, and Klaus and waved goodbye with a wide smile. The three of them returned the gesture.
Your journey starts now, Eragona... Let's do this!
I nodded firmly and ran down the path that led up to the manor. As I ran, I heard a roar above me. Looking up, I saw my grandmother's Dragonite soaring through the skies with a wide grin.
"Bye, Dragonite!" I cried, "Thanks for the escort!"
The Dragon Pokémon roared its cry before flying back to the manor. I looked to the side of me to see the beautiful ocean with Wingull flying over it. I grinned and spread my arms as if flying with them.
This breeze feels amazing...
Once I reached the bottom of the hill, I took a breath and looked around at the narrow dirt road in front of me. Pidgey and Pidove hopped around as they pecked at the ground; Rattata scampered across the path, chasing one another happily.
Okay, if I'm going to become a Dragon-type trainer, I need to find a Dragon-type Pokémon. The only problem is that Dragon-type Pokémon are rare...
As I walked down the road, the tiny bird Pokémon moved out of my way. That's when I heard buzzing and screeching. Turning my head, I saw some trees and bushes rustling violently. Putting on a brave face, I made my way toward the sound. Pushing past the bushes, I saw a swarm of Beedrill and Parasect. I took out my Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon.
"Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokémon. Its legs have become poison stingers. It stabs its prey repeatedly with the stingers on its limbs, dealing the final blow with the stinger on its rear."
"Parasect, the Mushroom Pokémon. The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. The mushroom appears to do all the thinking."
That's not good...
My eyes soon locked on a small, brown Pokémon in the middle of the bug Pokémon. It was huddled up as if it were trying to protect itself. Aiming my Pokédex, I was able to scan the Pokémon.
"Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this special Pokémon conceals many different possible evolutions."
It looks hurt... I've got to do something!
I rushed in and pushed past the swarming bug Pokémon. I quickly picked up the Eevee and held it close to my chest.
"Leave it alone!" I cried.
The Beedrill and Parasect screeched and buzzed angrily at me. I growled under my breath and clutched the Eevee tighter. The small Pokémon let out a weak cry and looked at me with its big, brown eyes.
"Don't worry," I said, "I got you."
The Eevee whimpered and snuggled into my chest. I noticed that there were a lot of puncture wounds and bruises.
That must have been the Beedrill's doing...
Looking closely at its face, the Eevee's cheeks were red and purple.
The Parasect must've poisoned it. What did they do to you...?
The Beedrill buzzed and launched a Pin Missile attack. I dodged the attack, all while holding the severely injured Pokémon. The Parasect hissed and released an orange cloud.
Stun Spore! I gotta get out of here!
Covering my mouth, I made a break for the path I was traveling on. I quickly started making my way back to my grandmother's manor.
It's the only place close enough to heal this Eevee and get away from the Beedrill and Parasect; the nearest Pokémon Center isn't for another mile!
As I climbed the hill, I turned around to see the Beedrill and Parasect behind me.
Ugh, I knew I should've packed repel!
I glanced down at the Eevee to see it resting, its small head bopping to my running motion.
"You're gonna be okay," I reassured, "Just hang in there!"
Once I saw the manor up ahead, I immediately tripped and fell to the ground. Looking down at my ankles, I saw they were bound together by strong, white silk.
A Parasect must've used String Shot!
I clutched the Eevee in one arm and tore away at the silk with the other. By the time I was free, the bug Pokémon were already upon me.
Darn it, what am I going to do?!
"Dragonite, use Flamethrower!" a familiar voice cried.
I watched in surprise as a powerful Flamethrower zipped past me and made direct contact with the Beedrill and Parasect. The bug Pokémon soon left empty-handed and singed. I turned around to see Grandma Eli and her Dragonite.
Oh, thank goodness...
"Eragona! Are you alright?" Grandma Eli asked, her voice full of concern.
"I'm fine," I sighed, "But this little one isn't."
I showed my grandmother the injured Pokémon, and her eyes widened.
"Quickly. Let's get it inside." Grandma Eli insisted.
My grandmother and I hurried up the hill, calling her Dragonite back into its Pokéball. Rushing inside, I laid the Eevee on the counter and turned to my grandmother.
"The poor thing was beaten and poisoned by those Beedrill and Parasect," I explained, "If I didn't step in when I did... I don't even want to begin to imagine what could've happened to this Eevee..."
Grandma Eli nodded as she examined the Eevee.
"Eragona, hand me a Lum Berry from your bag and a potion." Grandma Eli said.
I nodded as I tore off my bag. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out the green berry and potion.
"First, give it the Lum Berry." Grandma Eli said.
I nodded and handed the berry to the Eevee. The Eevee looked at it and turned its head.
"It'll make you feel better," I said, "I promise."
The Eevee looked back at me and then down at the berry. It whimpered and took a bite of the berry. Almost immediately, the red and purple on Eevee's face disappeared.
"Good," Grandma Eli said, "Now-"
"Apply the potion on the wounded areas." I said, finishing her sentence.
My grandmother smiled at me, and I returned the expression. Taking the potion in hand, I sprayed the medicine on the Eevee's hind leg. The little Pokémon whimpered and kicked out its leg.
"I know, I'm sorry," I said, "But it will make you feel better, trust me."
I placed a hand on the fuzzy little head and stroked it. The Eevee calmed down and leaned into my touch.
This poor thing's been through a lot...
I then placed my hand near its mouth.
"If it hurts, just bite down on me." I said.
"Eragona!" Grandma Eli said in shock.
I turned to my grandmother with a serious look on my face. She sighed and soon mimicked my expression. The Eevee let out a weak cry and clamped its mouth over my hand. I took a deep breath and sprayed the medicine on another wounded area. The Eevee whimpered and bit down on my hand. I had to bite down on my lip to suppress the pain.
"Eragona?" Grandma Eli asked in concern.
"I'm fine... I'm fine." I said.
As I continued to heal the wounded areas, I developed a wound of my own.
This hurts, but I'd rather be in pain than this Eevee...
When I finished, I removed my hand from the Eevee's mouth and winced when I saw the bite marks. I shook off the pain and glanced down at the Eevee.
"Can you stand?" I asked the small Pokémon.
The Evolution Pokémon let out a small cry and mustered up all the strength to stand. It gracefully jumped down from the counter and walked around the kitchen with ease. The Eevee walked up in front of me and chirped out its cry with a happy smile. I picked up the small Pokémon and smiled at it.
"Looks like you're doing just fine," I said, "Just like I promised."
The Eevee let out a happy cry, its smile making me chuckle.
I'm glad it's doing okay...
When I set down the small Pokémon, a Pokéball fell out of my pocket. The Eevee noticed the ball and walked up to it, only to bump it with its nose. That's when the Pokéball opened and sucked in the Eevee.
What the...?
The ball shook back and forth a couple of times before stopping. Then, a red light flashed in the center.
Did... Did I just...?
"Looks like you've caught your first Pokémon." Grandma Eli said with a satisfied smile.
I picked up the Pokéball and admired it.
My first Pokémon... is an Eevee...?
I breathed out, and a satisfied smile spread across my face.
"Come on out, Eevee!" I called, tossing up the ball.
The ball opened, and Eevee appeared in front of me with a happy cry. I smiled and crouched in front of the Evolution Pokémon.
"Welcome to the family." I said.
The Eevee let out a happy cry and bounced up and down with joy.
"Now, what should I call you...?" I wondered out loud.
I examined the small Pokémon and saw that it was a female.
"Hmm... How about... Libby!" I said excitedly, "Do you wanna be called Libby?"
The Eevee bounced happily before leaping on top of me and burying its face into my neck. I laughed and lifted the small Pokémon off me.
"Libby, it is then!" I said.
I picked myself up along with Libby and held her close to my chest. Grandma Eli smiled at the two of us and sighed.
"Thanks for helping us, Grandma Eli." I said.
Libby chirped a happy cry as if she were thanking my grandmother.
"You're welcome," Grandma Eli said, "Now, run along, you two! There's a beautiful region just waiting for you to explore it!"
Libby and I nodded firmly. When I was about to return Libby to her ball, she wriggled out of my arms and held onto my shoulder.
"If that's where you want to stay, then so be it." I said.
I opened the door and ran out of the manor, all while waving goodbye to my grandmother.
My first Pokémon may not have been a Dragon-type, but I know Libby will be the start of our path to greatness. I'm sure of it...
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