Poison Ivy [Part 2]
When we left Fuchsia City, I glanced down to see a long metal bridge suspended over the sea.
"Down there is the bike path," Georgia said, "If you got a bike, you can ride it across there. It's what separates Celadon City from Fuchsia City."
When I come back to visit Kanto, I should bring my bike.
I smiled as I watched people ride their bikes back and forth along the bridge.
No doubt some of those people are participating in the scavenger hunt.
When I glanced up, I saw the sun beginning to set, the sky slowly turning orange.
"We've gotta hurry," I said, "If it gets too late, Team Xenon will use the night as their cover."
When the others agreed, the Pokémon picked up the pace. When the next city was in sight, buildings of every hue were in view, now all having an orange tint from the setting sun.
"Celadon City is a very populous city, even surpassin' Saffron City," Georgia explained, "It's home to the Celadon Department Store and the Celadon Game Corner. My uncle and cousin Jessie often go there with some friends of theirs."
"And a gym." Eric commented.
"Let's land by the Pokémon Center." Nina said.
When the Pokémon spotted the red and white building, they floated down in front of the building.
"Alright, Georgia, where's the gym?" Kat asked, sliding off Magnezone.
"It's to the southwest of the city," she said, "Follow me!"
"Jet, fly overhead, and scout out Team Xenon." I said.
My Garchomp nodded before taking to the skies. After Caps retracted his Pokémon, we sprinted southwest toward the gym.
"Since we're still technically doing the scavenger hunt, what do you think the challenge will be this time?" Eric asked.
"Well, Erika, the gym leader here, is a Grass-type specialist," Georgia explained, "She's a lover of all things colorful and flowery, so my guess is somethin' to do with colorful flowers."
That'd make the most sense.
When we arrived at the gym, I gasped in awe. In front of me was a large greenhouse in the shape of a pyramid. Flower-covered arches lined the pathway up to the conservatory. Trees and flowers bunched together along the dirt path.
"This greenhouse is Erika's gym," Georgia said, "Come on. Before Team Xenon gets here."
The others and I nodded as we jogged down the path. When we were in front of the gym, Georgia pushed open the glass doors, and the smell of different flowers came rushing out.
"Wow, it smells amazing in here!" Nina commented.
"And it looks beautiful, too!" Kat said, "Look at all the flowers!"
Angel mewled out a cry as she walked up to a flower with the same pink shade as her.
"My, my," said a stray voice, "It seems your Pokémon has an eye for color."
When we turned around, a woman was standing there. She had fair skin, blue hair, and green eyes. She wore a red headband with a yellow and red kimono. Beside her was a Vileplume and a Leafeon. Libby hopped off my shoulder and let out a friendly cry towards the Verdant and Flower Pokémon, to which they returned. Angel smiled as she extended one of her ribbon-like feelers to the two Grass-type Pokémon. The Leafeon and Vileplum let out friendly cries before extending vines to interlock with Angel's ribbons.
"You must be Erika, right?" Caps asked.
"I am; welcome," she said softly, "I take it you are here for my badge for the scavenger hunt?"
"Yes, but we're also here to warn you about Team Xenon." Kat said.
"Who on earth is Team Xenon?"
"They're an evil organization that steals Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution," Eric said, "They're coming here now to take your Pokémon, that is if you have any Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution."
The Grass-type gym leader hummed in thought before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a Nest Ball.
"I've been raising this Ivysaur since it was an egg," she said, "Is that a Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution?"
"No, but it's evolution, Venusaur, is," I said, "They'' still try to take it and force it to evolve."
"Oh, dear, that's awful!"
The Leafeon and Vileplum let out worried cries as they looked up at their trainer with concern.
"Don't worry, Erika," Georgia said, "We'll make sure those freaks in blue don't lay a finger on your Ivysaur."
Erika's worried expression softened and melted into a smile.
"Thank you." she said.
Then, I heard a familiar roar. I turned around to see Jet land in front of the greenhouse. My heart sank when I saw Jet starting to stagger and slump over. I rushed to my Pokémon's side to support him.
"Jet, are you okay?" I asked.
I winced when I saw bruises and scratches all over him.
What did Team Xenon do to you, Jet?
He then let out a strained grunt and pointed outside the gym.
"Team Xenon is on their way?" I questioned.
Jet groaned as he nodded. Erika jogged over to my Garchomp and placed a hand on his head.
"You poor thing," Erika said, "Vileplume, use Aromatherapy."
The Flower Pokémon cried out as it let out a soothing pink mist with a rose-like scent. Jet let out a content groan as the Aromatherapy worked its magic.
"There, you should be feeling a little better now," Erika said.
"Thanks, Erika." I said.
"My pleasure. Now, come on. We must prepare for the fight ahead."
Nodding to the gym leader, I retracted my Garchomp before jogging back to the others. Then, a thick black smoke started flooding into the gym.
"They're here." Caps said, his voice like ice.
I took out a Pokéball and clutched it.
Time to see what you can do, little guy.
"King, your kingdom awaits!" I called out, tossing the Pokéball.
At my command, the Royal Heir Pokémon appeared with a little roar.
"Let's see what you got, King!" I said.
King let out a roar as he wagged his tail in anticipation. I took out my Pokédex and scanned King for his moves.
Bite, Bide, Tackle, and Ancient Power. Nice!
"Beautifly, get out here and use Gust!" Kat said, throwing a Pokéball.
Like clockwork, the Butterfly Pokémon appeared and started beating its wings rapidly, blowing away the smoke. When the smoke cleared, the five grunts from Fuchsia City were standing in the doorway with two Houndoom, two Mightyena, and a Seviper.
"So, you kids are smart, huh?" asked a female grunt.
"You'll pay for what you did to my Garchomp!" I yelled.
"Oh, so that was your Garchomp?" asked a male grunt, "No wonder it was so weak. It belonged to a brat like you."
I felt my fist clench in anger.
How dare they!
Angel and Clefairy growled before standing at King's sides. Eric, Nina, and Georgia tossed up their Pokéballs and called upon Herdier, Totodile, and Florges.
"Erika, find somewhere safe," I whispered, "This shouldn't take too long."
The gym leader nodded before sprinting away with her Vileplume and Leafeon in tow.
"Use Shadow Ball!" said the grunts.
"Sludge Bomb!" said a female grunt.
The five Pokémon growled before launching their attacks.
"Cancel them out with Ancient Power, King!" I called out.
King let out a roar-like cry as glowing rocks formed around him. He then launched the glowing stones at the attacks, exploding and canceling them.
"Shadow Ball!" we cried.
Herdier, Clefairy, Angel, and Libby charged up their attack before hurling shadowy blobs at the opposing Pokémon.
"Poison Tail!" said a female grunt.
The Fang Snake Pokémon hissed before slicing the attacks with a glowing purple tail. However, it missed one Shadow Ball attack and let out a strained hiss when it got hit by the Ghost-type move.
"Fire Fang!" said two male grunts.
The Houndoom growled before charging at us with flaming fangs.
"Water Gun, Totodile!" Eric said.
"Ancient Power!" I cried.
"Hidden Power!" Nina said.
The three Pokémon cried out as they fired their attacks at the charging Pokémon. The Houndoom tried to bite through the attacks but got pummeled by them instead, sending them flying back to their trainers.
"Use Bite!" said the other two grunts.
The Mightyena growled before running up to us with glowing fangs.
"Bite and Quick Attack!" I said.
King and Libby let out bold cries before rushing over the Dark-type Pokémon. Libby tackled one of the Mightyena while King bit down on the other.
"Seviper, get up and use Poison Tail!" said a female grunt.
The Seviper hissed before blitzing over to the others and slamming its glowing tail onto Libby, knocking her back.
"Libby!" I cried.
When Libby struggled to stand, her cheeks and face started to flush a deep purple.
Oh, no. She got poisoned! Not good!
"King, use Ancient Power, now!" I cried.
King roared as he launched more glowing stones at the two Mightyena and Seviper, knocking them back.
"Libby, can you keep going?" I asked.
When Libby stood, she shook out her fur and growled as the poison vanished before my eyes.
She broke through it! That's my Libby!
"Use Shadow Ball!" we cried.
"Water Gun!" Eric said.
"Hidden Power, let's go!" Nina cried.
"Ancient Power!" I cried.
At once, our Pokémon released their attacks, causing an explosion when they merged and collided with the opposing Pokémon. When the dust cleared, the grunts' Pokémon were unconscious.
"Still think we're some weak kids?" I asked.
The grunts growled before retracting their unconscious Pokémon.
"Don't think you've seen the last of us, you brats!" spat one of the male grunts.
The grunts backed away before sprinting out of the gym into the amber-cloaked city.
Not the first time we've heard that before.
"Great job, everyone!" Nina exclaimed.
The others and I, along with our Pokémon, cheered.
"Erika, it's safe to come out now!" I called out.
In minutes, the Grass-type gym leader emerged from behind a hedge with her Leafeon and Vileplume in tow.
"Are you kids alright?" she asked.
"Yes, we're fine," Eric said, "Those freaks and blue won't bother you anymore."
Erika placed a hand over her heart and sighed.
"Thank goodness," she said, "Thank you ever so much for saving me."
"Don't mention it, Erika," Kat said, "This is not the first time we've encountered those guys, and it certainly won't be the last."
The Grass-type gym leader smiled and nodded.
"I can see that," Erika said as she reached into her pocket, "Please take this as thanks."
When she opened her hand, it was a badge that resembled a flower with rainbow petals.
"This is the Rainbow Badge," Erika said, "With this, you'll be a step closer to completing the scavenger hunt!"
I was about to take the badge but hesitated.
"What's the matter, Era?" Nina asked.
"It's just that... many would agree that we deserve this for saving a gym leader and her Pokémon," I began, "But we're still on a scavenger hunt, and I'm we have to complete some sort of challenge to get the gym badge, right?"
The gym leader answered with a nod and a kind smile.
"Then, why don't we do the challenge still?" I suggested, glancing back at the others, "There's still some light left, and I think it'd be fun."
The others glanced at each other and smiled with nods.
"Count us in!" the others said.
My smile broadened as I turned to Erika.
"So, what's the challenge?" I asked.
Erika's challenge was simple and exactly as we predicted. The gym leader wanted us to create a bouquet but with the colors of the rainbow. Luckily, her greenhouse provided the flowers we needed to make a rainbow bouquet. It was really fun, and I'm glad we were able to do it.
When we presented the bouquet to the gym leader, Erika smiled and gave us the Rainbow Badge.
"Okay, that was a lot of fun!" Nina exclaimed, "And Erika, you're greenhouse is so beautiful!"
"Thank you, Nina," Erika said, "Also, please take this; your next clue."
She then handed us a piece of paper.
"Here in Celadon City, we have a hotel you kids can check into to stay overnight," Erika said, "It's just by the Pokémon Center; you can't miss it,"
"Thanks, Erika." I said.
"I should be thanking you. You're always welcome to visit my greenhouse whenever you want."
After waving goodbye to the gym leader and her Pokémon, the others and I walked out of the gym and into the night-cloaked city.
Three gym badges down, Arceus only knows how many to go. Let's just hope Team Xenon doesn't come in and spoil the fun for us again.
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