A Burned Down History
"So, onto the ruined tower?" Eric asked.
"Yep! Let's get going!" Nina said excitedly.
After resting our Pokémon at the center, the others and I started walking towards the ruined tower northwest of Ecruteak City; Micheal willingly followed behind us.
Nina and Elsu's battle ended with Elsu coming out on top. I figured as much, but it was still a fun match!
"So, what do you kids do for fun anyways?" Micheal suddenly asked.
"We're not kids, so you can stop calling us that." Elsu said, starting to get annoyed.
"I'm eighteen, and you guys are like, what, twelve? Thirteen?"
I promptly rolled my eyes with a grin.
"For your information, we're thirteen, but don't underestimate us just 'cause we're young." Kat said.
"Yeah, we've been through a lot together these past few months," Eric said, "Rina here was just made the apprentice of the esteemed fashion icon Yelena and had her entire career funded by her as well."
"Is that so?" Micheal asked, "Well, you have my congratulations! I'm guessing it was a dream of yours?"
"It sure was, and if it weren't for these guys, I don't think it ever would've come true." Rina said.
Micheal chuckled with a fond smile.
He has a kinder side, at least.
Libby's sudden cries caught my attention.
"What is it, Libbs?" I asked.
When my partner pointed upward, I craned my neck and saw we had arrived at the tower.
Whoa! This tower isn't run-down; it looks burned down.
"This looks so cool!" Eric said, pulling out his camera.
Kat walked to the entrance and slid her fingers across the charred wood.
"For a place that's burned down, you would think the city folk would've taken it down by now." Kat said.
"Why would we do that?" asked a voice.
When we looked forward, we saw a little girl in a white dress standing in the entranceway. She had light skin with orange eyes and black hair. Kat gasped before moving away, her eyes wide.
She wasn't there before, was she?
"This is a sacred place, a monument here in Ecruteak City," the girl said, "Why would we take it down?"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Kat said, stepping back, "I meant no disrespect; I just thought-"
Kat's sentence was cut short by the girl's laughter.
"No need to apologize," she said, "I'm assuming you're not from around here,"
"Yeah, we're from all over." Nina said.
"Does this tower have a story behind it?" I asked.
"Almost everything here in Ecruteak City has a story; the people, the Pokémon, the buildings. I'm sure your home has some stories to tell, right?"
The others glanced at one another and nodded.
"Follow me; I'll tell you all about this place," the girl said, "Oh! The name's Yūrei, by the way!"
"I'm Eragona, and these are my friends Kat, Eric, Nina, Rina, Elsu, and Micheal," I said, "It's nice to meet you!"
Yūrei smiled as she walked inside the tower with us in tow. Once inside, my eyes widened.
How is this place still standing!?
The tower's roof was completely gone, and in its place was a gaping hole, allowing the afternoon sun to shine upon us. The tower's floors mimicked the shape, even underneath the floorboards. The walls, floors, and support beams were charred and burned to a crisp.
"What in the world happened to this place?" Elsu asked, stepping over some fallen wood.
"A wonderful question with a wonderful answer!" Yūrei said, "For starters, we are in Burned Tower,"
"You're kidding, right?" Micheal deadpanned.
"Nope! If I remember correctly, this place was once called Brass Tower."
Micheal groaned as he stepped away from the group.
"H-Hey, Micheal!" I called out, "We've gotta stick together! This place could come down at any minute..."
"Don't worry, kid, I'll be fine," Micheal said, "I'm just gonna explore for a bit,"
"Don't you wanna hear Yūrei's story?" Rina said.
Micheal stopped in his tracks and looked back at us. After a minute, the young man sighed heavily and walked over to us.
"Only to keep you six out of trouble." Micheal said.
I can tell he's interested in his own way.
"So, Yūrei, how did Burned Tower come to be?" Kat asked.
The young girl smiled as she looked up at the hole in the ceiling and roof.
"Burned Tower was built 700 years ago alongside its twin, the Bell Tower to the east," Yūrei explained, "They were meant to foster friendship between people and Pokémon. Many people, mostly ancestors of Ecruteak Gym Leader Morty, traveled to the tops of these towers to commune with the Legendary Pokémon residing there,"
"How did Burned Tower get its name, and what happened to the Legendary Pokémon?" Eric asked
"The Burned Tower got its name due to a lightning strike 150 years ago," she said, "According to some legends, Lugia once perched here. However, when the tower burned down, Lugia fled to the Whirl Islands to live, while Ho-Oh, which lived in the Bell Tower, flew away in search of a pure-hearted Trainer."
"So the Legendary Pokémon of Johto used to reside here in the towers, huh?" Micheal questioned aloud, "Do they ever come back here?"
Yūrei turned to the young man and nodded.
"Ho-Oh did once, during the fire that burned down this tower. Legends say three unnamed Pokémon perished in the fire; Ho-Oh returned to revive them," she explained, "These Pokémon, the Legendary Beasts Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, were destined to speed across the land since their revival."
"So three more Legendary Pokémon roam the lands of Johto?" Nina asked.
Yūrei smiled and hummed her response.
"Follow me." Yūrei said.
She walked away from us before climbing down a ladder. Following the young girl, we followed her underneath the floorboards. In the center of the area was a large crater.
"Right here is where it happened," Yūrei said.
"Where what happened?" I asked.
"Where Ho-Oh revived the three Pokémon that perished."
Whoa! That's pretty cool!
"How did the people of Ecruteak City handle the fire?" Elsu asked.
"That's the thing; we didn't," Yūrei said, "The three events of the fire, the lightning bolt, raging blaze, and sudden downpour, are said to have some relation to the three beasts,"
"So, you believe the tower burned down because of the Legendary Beasts?" Rina asked.
"Not really. All I know is that Ho-Oh gave those Pokémon a second chance at life, and they're living happily wherever they are."
I smiled at Yūrei's words.
"Can you tell us about the Legendary Beasts?" Eric asked.
Yūrei smiled and nodded.
"First, there's Raikou, the Thunder Pokémon," Yūrei began, "It races across the land with a bark that sounds like thunder. Legend says that it descends with lightning,"
"That sounds like an awesome Pokémon." Micheal commented.
"Next is Entei, the Volcano Pokémon. Legends say that when it barks, volcanoes erupt."
"Now that sounds cool!" Elsu said.
"Finally, there's Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon. It is said to be the embodiment of the northern winds. It can purify foul and murky waters, so it races across the world to do just that."
"Wow! It must be a graceful-looking Pokémon to purify water!" Kat said.
"I'd love to meet one of them someday!" Rina said excitedly.
"Me, too!" I said.
Yūrei smiled and chuckled fondly.
I hope we meet one of the Legendary Beasts one day!
When I looked back at Yūrei, some fog started rolling in.
"Where did this fog come from?" I questioned, utterly confused.
Yūrei smiled as she stepped back into the fog.
"Yūrei, wait! You might hurt yourself!" I called out.
"I'll be okay, Eragona." she said softly.
Then, three pairs of glowing red eyes appeared beside Yūrei.
What is going on!?
"Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Nina asked.
"If you're talking about the spooky-looking red eyes, then yeah!" Rina panicked.
Yūrei chuckled as she cocked her head to the side.
"Please don't be afraid," she said, "They just wanted to say hello."
As the fog began to clear up, beside Yūrei were three large beast-like Pokémon.
Wait, are those...?!
"The Legendary Beasts!" we called out in surprise.
Eric quickly pulled out his camera and took a picture of the Legendary Pokémon. The three Pokémon cried out to us before bowing their heads.
"They're thanking you, as am I." Yūrei said.
"For what?" Micheal asked.
Yūrei smiled and waved as the fog began to thicken
"Thank you for listening to my story," Yūrei said, her voice echoing, "I pray for good fortune to come your way!"
The fog soon thickened, masking everything in sight.
I can't see a thing!
When the fog cleared, Yūrei and the Legendary Beasts were gone. We all looked at one another with surprised looks.
"Eric, please tell me you got a picture." Nina said.
Scrolling through the pictures on his camera, Eric showed us the picture he had taken.
There's no denying it. Those were indeed the Legendary Beasts!
"I can't believe we actually got to see the Legendary Beasts!" Elsu said excitedly.
"And I got a picture to prove it!" Eric cheered.
I turned back to see that Micheal was starstruck.
"Aren't you glad you didn't wander off?" I asked.
"I'm sticking with you kids from now on." he said with a smile.
I couldn't help but chuckle at the young man's words.
"So, are we not going to talk about what happened to Yūrei?" Rina asked.
"Yeah, she just disappeared with the three Legendary Pokémon," Eric said, "You don't think she was... a ghost, do you?"
What Eric said made our eyes widen.
"A g-ghost?" Rina stuttered, "Y-You're kidding. There's no way!"
"How else did she get in front of me at the entrance?" Kat said, "You were all looking in my direction, and she just... appeared out of thin air!"
The thought sent a chill down my spine.
"Let's get outta here, you guys," Elsu said, "This place is starting to give me the creeps."
Agreeing with our native friend, we climbed the ladder and walked out of the Burned Tower, the orange sun setting behind it.
"Let's spend the night over at the Pokémon Center." Kat said.
"Good idea." Nina said.
As we walked to the Pokémon Center, I stopped and turned around to look up at the Burned Tower.
A ghost, huh?
When I looked at the entrance of the ruined building, I saw Yūrei waving at me. When Libby and I returned the gesture, the young girl walked back into the tower and disappeared.
Yūrei's more of a guide and historian to me, just waiting for people to ask about her city's history...
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