*Paisley's POV*
My mouth slightly hung open and a thousand thoughts were running through my head as I stared at the two people standing in front of me. I had always known that I had an aunt and I had also always known that my mom and her never got along. So that left the one big question in my head, what was she doing her?
My mom cleared her throat and looked at me expectantly. I plastered on a fake smile and took a step towards aunt Adrianna. I stuck my hand out for her to shake but she ignored that and pulled me right in for a hug. I was startled at first before I cautiously put my arms around her and hugged her back.
"Oh my! You have grown so much since I last saw you! Look at you, all grown up!" She exclaimed as she pulled away from me. I honestly don't remember ever meeting this woman in my life but I decided to go along with it.
"Ha, ya." I replied with a smile. I looked to see Perrie smiling at me happily and it made me want to scratch somebody.
"It's nice to see you again Perrie." I said with a fake smile. Perrie smiled at me largely before nodding her head.
"I had no idea that you were my cousin!" She exclaimed happily. My mom let out a light laugh and stood next to my dad.
"How did you guys meet?" She asked. I sighed before answering.
"We bumped into each other in the lunch room, that's all." I quickly replied. At the moment I wanted nothing more then to leave the room and try to forget about my newfound cousin. There was an uncomfortable silence that lingered in the air for a few seconds before my dad spoke up for the fist time.
"Paisley, your aunt Adrianna and cousin Perrie have decided to join our pack and they will be staying with us until they find a house to live in." Dad stated with a tight smile on his face. My dad didn't like aunt Adrianna one bit, I have never been able to figure out why but I knew he didn't.
I mentally groaned at the news before forcing a smile on my lips.
"That's great!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could. I could tell that my dad saw right threw my falseness and gave me a questioning look but I simply shook him off.
"They will be staying in the spare guest rooms so if you would show Perrie to hers that would be great." My mom asked as her, my dad and aunt Adrianna walked out of the room. I closed my eyes for a second before putting on another fake smile.
"I'll show you to your room." I said as I turned towards Perrie. She smiled happily before following me up the stairs. We walked in silence until we reached the room she would be staying in.
"We'll this is it." I said as I awkwardly twisted my hands behind my back. Perrie nodded her head and stepped towards the door.
"Thanks for showing me where it was." She said with a genuine smile. I nodded my head before turning around and walking down the hall to my bedroom. I opened the door and quickly entered the room, shutting the door behind me. I let out a frustrated sigh before throwing myself on my bed. I can't believe that my mated new 'toy' just so happens to be my cousin. And the worst thing about it is that Perries really nice and I'm having a hard time disliking her.
I was torn out of my frustrating thought by the buzzing of my phone. I reached I to my back pocket and pulled it out, lifting my head up so I could see the screen. It was an incoming call from Lela so I answer it.
"Hello?" I spoke quietly into the phone.
"Hey!" Came Lela's chirpy voice on the other line. I slightly chuckled at her enthusiasm before speaking.
"What's up?" I questioned. Lela let out a sigh before continuing.
"I just wanted to call and tell you that Seth and I can't give you a ride to school tomorrow because were going to be running late." She said apologetically. I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair.
"It's okay, I'll just have my mom take me." Was my simple reply.
"Okay. Sorry about that again we just have some family stuff to take care of, nothing big." She said. I suddenly heard her moms voice from downstairs yelling at her.
"Oh hey I gotta go, my mom wants me. I'll talk to ya later." She said hurriedly.
"Okay, talk to you later." I replied before hanging up the phone. I rolled off of my bed before grabbing my book bag and pulling out my binder, I had a lot of homework so better get started on it.
A half hour and a few assignments later my mom called me down for dinner. I got up from my chair and jogged down the stairs. When I got into the living room I saw that my parents along with Adrianna and Perrie were already seated and waiting for me. I took a seat next to Perrie and looked at the table. My mom had prepared a delicious looking chicken meal.
"Looks good mom." I said happily as I grabbed a plate from the center of the table. My mom smiled at me before getting her dinner. I piled my plate up with a bit of everything before digging in. The three adults started a quiet conversation between the three of them and Perrie and I sat quietly by ourselves.
"So Perrie, how did you like your first day at school?" My mom questioned kindly. Perrie raised her head and smiled largely at my mom.
"Oh it was great, I've already got quit a few new friends." She explained. I bitterly thought about how one of her new 'friends' was my mate.
"Paisley?" My mom asked. I snapped my head up and looked at her.
"Ya?" I asked. She had a questioningly look on her face and I got the feeling that I had missed a question.
"I asked you of you had any classes with Perrie." My mom repeated. I didn't have any classes with Perrie because she's a senior and I'm a sophomore.
"No I don't, but I think Seth does." I responded. Mom nodded her head and continued.
"Oh I see." She replied. An awkward a silence settled over the table before Adrianna decided to speak up.
"So Paisley, have you found your mate yet?" She asked interested. As soon as the words left her mouth my whole body tensed along with my parents. My wolf whined at the thought of our mate and I simply replied with shushing her. I looked up at aunt Adrianna to see that she was giving me a questioning look. I cleared my throat before looking down at my plate.
"Yes I have found my mate." I said quietly. My parents both sent me worried looks and I smiled reassuringly at them. I raided my head again and looked at Adrianna. She had a smile on her face.
"Oh that's great! Who's the lucky young guy?" She asked kindly. I sighed and picked at my nails under the table. I hadn't told anybody besides my friends and family about what happened with Xander and I definitely didn't want Perrie to know.
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My parents obviously saw my uncomfortable situation and jumped in to help me.
"Um it's kind of an uncomfortable subject to talk about." Mom said quietly. Aunt Adrianna threw her a confused look before looking back to me.
"What do you mean? You said you found your mate." She asked. I sighed and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans.
"I did." I answered back. From the corner of my eye I could see Perrie looking at me questioningly.
"We'll then, go ahead and tell us about him." She said cheerfully. I clenched my jaw together, I was starting to get frustrated with her because she obviously didn't realize that I don't want to talk about it.
"He's nothing really-" I began but never got to finish my sentence.
"We'll he's your mate so he has to be something." She interrupted me. I let out a small growl before blowing up on her.
"He doesn't want me okay! Ya my mate doesn't want me, that's all there is to it!" I exploded. The whole table fell silent and you could practically hear a pin drop. I sighed before pushing myself up from my chair.
"I'm done." I said to no one in particular before turning around and running to my bedroom. Once I got to my room I slammed the door behind me before climbing into my bed and letting the tears a fall, because the truth hurt. The truth was that my soul mate, the person that was made entirely for me, didn't want me and there was nothing I could do about it. I don't know how long I cried for but I cried until I fell into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning I was awoken to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and slammed my fist down onto it. I laid in bed for a few minutes after that, savoring the feeling of my bed, before pulling myself up. I slowly walked towards my bathroom, I wasn't exactly excited to see myself because I was sure I looked a mess, and sure enough when I looked in the mirror I saw a monster.
My previously straightened hair was a rats nest and I had dried mascara lines on my face. My eyes were puffy and red from crying and I had slept in my school clothes. I sighed before running a brush through my hair and stripping out of my dirty clothes. I turned the shower on and waited a few seconds for it to heat up and once it was I stepped into it. My once tensed muscles immediately relaxed and I smiled happily as the warm water hit my body.
I stood in the water for about five minutes before getting to work washing my hair and my body. About ten minutes later I sadly turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I shivered as the cold air hit my skin and quickly grabbed a towel, wrapping it around myself. I walked quickly into my bedroom and towards my closet. I didn't really take any time deciding my outfit, I just grabbed the fist thing I touched.
I put on my undergarments and them pulled on the pair of white shorts I had grabbed. They reached about mid thigh and they had a roll on the end. I matched it with a light sleeveless turquoise shirt that fell off my shoulder on one side. I then slipped on my white gladiator sandals. Walking to my bathroom I pulled my blow dryer out and got to work on my hair. My hair, being extremely long, took forever to dry but when it was I put my midnight black hair into long loose ringlets that fell down my back.
I then did makeup. I applied the usual, light eyeliner and a swipe of mascara. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt satisfied. I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed out of my room. Half way down the stairs I remembered that Seth and Lela couldn't come get me today so I had to get a ride from my mom. I quietly made my way to the kitchen where I knew my mom would be.
Just as I had guessed my mom and dad were both in the kitchen but so were my aunt and cousin. I kept my head down, not making eye contact with my aunt or cousin and made my way to my mom.
"Hey mom, Seth and Lela can't come get me today so will you give me a ride?" I questioned. She had opened her mouth to respond when I heard another voice from behind me.
"I can give you a ride. You know save gas and all." Perrie said happily. I slowly turned around to see Perrie smiling at me.
"Oh that's a great idea!" My mom said. I slowly nodded my head.
"Ya that would be cool." I said quietly. I then walked over to the counter to make myself some toast. Halfway through my toast I heard somebody come up next to me.
"Listen Paisley, I'm sorry about last night. I didn't know and I shouldn't have pushed at you." Aunt Adrianna said. I looked to her and gave her a small smile.
"It's okay, you didn't know." I replied. She smiled thankfully at me before waking away. I finished off my toast and looked to Perrie.
"Ready?" She asked. I nodded my head and then turned to my parents.
"I love you guys, see you after school." I said.
"Love you to!" They answered at the same time. I followed Perrie outside and go into her black Volvo. She pulled out of the driveway and I took the time to look her over. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white lace shirt with a blue tank top underneath. Perries naturally blonde hair was perfectly straightened and she had on light eye shadow and eye liner along with mascara.
All in all she looked beautiful and I could see why Xander liked her. That small thought pained me to think but it was the truth. We pulled into the school parking lot about five minutes later and I jumped out of the car. I turned to see that Perrie had also gotten out.
"Thanks for the ride." I said as we both walked towards the school.
"Ya it was no problem." She said with a smile. Suddenly I felt another person join us and by his scent that was making my wolf go wild I new of was Xander.
"Hey Perrie." He said as he put an arm around her waist. She smiled brightly up at Xander and scooted closer to him.
"Hey Xander!" She exclaimed happily. Xander flashed her a smile before his eyes traveled to me. I saw an emotion flash in his eyes but I could t tell what it was because it was gone so fast.
"Oh! This is my cousin Paisley." Perrie said. I resisted the urge to role my eyes.
"Ya we've already met countless times." I told Perrie not breaking eye contact with Xander.
"Wait she's your cousin?" Xander asked. His eyes were still glued to mine but I couldn't tell if he was asking me the question or not.
"Ya! I just found out yesterday to." Perrie exclaimed. This time I did roll my eyes and I saw Xander smirk largely.
"That's quit interesting. It seems like you to come from a family of very beautiful women." He stated with that smirk. I glared at him and felt jealousy burn inside me when he said that Perrie was beautiful.
" Why Thank you!" Perrie said happily before leaning up and kissing Xander right on the cheek. I had to hold in a growl and to keep myself from doing anything stupid I simply turned around and started to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Perrie called from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see her giving me a confused look.
"I have to go, sorry." I answered turning around but not before I saw Xander smirk at me again. It was like he enjoyed hurting me.
Hey guys! So I tried to make this chapter longer and I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!(:
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