*Paisley's POV*
"Paisley it's time to get up!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I looked over to the clock that sat on my nightstand and groaned. It was only ten and that's way to early to wake up on a Saturday. I tiredly drug myself out of my bed and into the bathroom. I looked a mess. When I got home from the party last night I was really tipsy and I only changed into a pair of pajamas before I passed out on my bed. My hair was a mess so I started with that, I brushed threw it and then pulled in into a messy bun on the top of my head.
I then brushed my teeth and washed my face so it was clear of any makeup. I was wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top so I, being the lazy person that I am, decided not to change out of it. I put on my fuzzy pink slippers and headed down stairs. Before I entered the kitchen I heard multiple voices and one of them being somebody I hated very much, Xander. I walked into the kitchen and everybody stopped talking to look at me. My parents along with Xander's and of course himself were seated at the table.
I raised my eyebrows and cleared my throat. Slowly the adults went back to there conversation but Xander stared at me. It wasn't weird that they were here because every once in a while my parents invite them over for breakfast and same with them. I walked over to the stove and grabbed a plate filling it with the delicious food my mom had cooked. I could feel Xander's stare burning holes into my back the entire time and it was making me a bit uncomfortable.
I turned around and scanned my eyes over the table, noticing that the only available seat was next to Xander. I silently groaned before slowly walking towards the table and taking my seat. It was silent in the room and there was a somewhat tense atmosphere. After a few seconds of the unbearable silence my mom started up a conversation.
"So Xander, how have you been recently?" She asked kindly. Xander tore his eyes from me and focused his eyes on my mom.
"I've been really good. How bout you?" He replied with a smile that, I'm not going to lie, made my heart beat faster. Suddenly I heard a loud grunt come from across the table, and with questioning eyes I looked up at my father.
"Ya I bet you have been having a good time while my baby girl has been heart broken." My dad muttered under his breath but everybody at the table heard him. From the corner of my eye I saw Xander clench his jaw and his fists balled up.
"Look I think I should just put this out there right now, I regret nothing. I was just doing what I felt was right." He said harshly. I was a bit confused now because just last night he had said that I was his and only his. Suddenly my dad slammed his fists down onto the table startling everybody.
"Your nothing but a piece of scum, and its a shame that my daughter got stuck with you as a mate." Dad spit out. There were gasps heard from the other three people at the table but I was to surprised to say anything. I looked over to Xander and saw that his eyes had turned black and a loud snarl came out of his mouth. My dad stood up also and it looked like the two were about to fight.
"You two stop it RIGHT NOW!" Alpha Reece yelled. Xander immediately sat down in his chair and bowed his head but it did nothing to my father. My mom quietly stood up and put a hand onto my dads shoulder.
"Honey, calm down." She spoke quietly. Dad instantly relaxed and took a seat. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with anybody at the table and I was assuming that nobody else could either.
"I'm sorry for my foolish behavior, I was out of line." Dad said truthfully. Reece nodded his head and we all continued to eat our breakfast. Again silence fell over the table and this time nobody took it upon themselves to break it, that is until my dad opened his mouth again.
"What the hell is on your neck Paisley?" Dad asked in a hard tone. My eyes widened and my hand flew to my neck. I winced when I touched my neck because the skin was still sore. I raked my mind for an excuse and said the first thing I could think of.
"It's a...bruise." I said quietly. My dad let out a snort and rolled his eyes.
"Paisley I'm not stupid, I know a hickey when I see one. Now who gave it to you?" He demanded. I opened my mouth to respond but quickly closed it when I actually thought about it, I can't just tell them Xander gave it to me. My eyes flickered over to Xander and I noticed that he was tense. Apparently my dad saw my eyes flicker to Xander because his head snapped in his direction.
"Was it Xander?" He asked. My silence answered it all though.
"Ridiculous." He muttered as he glared at my mate. Xander had just opened his mouth to reply when my mom jumped in.
"Alright that's enough. Honey how about you and Reece go up into your study and discuss what he came over here for?" She asked, directing her question at my dad. Dad stiffly nodded his head and him and Reece got up, walking out of the room.
"Thank goodness." Mom muttered as she let out a sigh. Emily, Xander's mom, let out a quiet giggle nodding her head. I slightly turned my head so that I could see Xander only to notice that he was already staring at me. I snapped my head back before grabbing my plate and standing up.
"I'm done, so I'll just take this into the kitchen." I stated. Mom nodded her head before returning to her conversation with Emily. I walked out of the dinning room and into our kitchen, gently setting my bowl in the sink. I went to turn around and rammed right into a hard chest. I stumbled backwards but right before I fell a strong muscled arm wrapped around my waist.
Sparks exploded everywhere our skin touched and I had to hold in a happy sigh. Xander slowly brought me up and positioned me on my feet. He was standing only inches away from me and I knew that if I was to look up I would be in the perfect position to kiss him.
I slowly rose my head up, and just as I had thought his lips were inches from mine. I stared into his warm brown eyes and felt my breath catch in my throat. Xander slowly leaned towards me, his face inching closer to mine, and just as I thought he was about to kiss me he leaned around me and set his plate into the sink.
Xander looked down at my flustered face before backing away from me. He started walking away from me and I let out a relieved sigh, but he stopped right before he exited the room. He turned around and stared right into my eyes, a cocky smirk making its way onto his face.
"Remember what I said last night, your mine and only mine." Xander stated, and with that he walked out of the room leaving me with my thoughts. My crazy confusing thoughts about my crazy confusing mate.
Hi guys! I'm sooo sorry that I haven't uploaded in such a long time, I have just been really busy. I know that this chapter is short and in sorry about that, I tried to make it long. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:
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