*Paisley's POV*
My heart immediately kicked into over drive as my eyes shifted back and forth from Xander's face to the small black box. Xander was also staring at me intently and when my eyes connected with his they finally rested there. I bit my lip and watched Xander to see what he would do next.
Xander sucked in a big breath before slowly opening up the box. I gasped when I saw the beautiful ring that lay inside. The band was silver but the three jewels, one large and two small, were a beautiful shade of topaz blue. I watched with wide eyes as Xander slowly grasped my left hand and gently pulled me to my feet.
There was only inches between us and I couldn't help but to breath in Xander's comforting scent. A smile appeared on Xander's face when he watched me do this but he was soon back to his serious mask. I bit my lip and watched as Xander sucked in a large breath, preparing to speak.
"This is a promise ring." Xander began, gently taking the beautiful ring from the box and taking my hand in his.
"Paisley I love you. I love you more then I have ever loved anything in my life and with this ring I promise to love you forever. I promise to treat you the way you deserve and provide you with everything you'll ever need. I promise to remain faithful always and to never give you a reason to doubt me again. I promise to stand by your side and give you my support no matter what. I promise to make you laugh everyday for the rest of our lives together. I promise to love you unconditionally."
As Xander finished his beautiful, heartfelt speech he slowly slipped the gorgeous ring onto my finger. My vision was blurred as tears filled my eyes and as they began to stream down my cheeks a tender smile lifted my lips. I looked up into Xander's face to see him watching me with a smile of his own.
"Xander. That was beautiful. I love you so much." I whispered before throwing myself into Xander. My arms wrapped around his neck and he held me around my waist. I buried my head into his neck and sniffled.
When I first saw the ring I had thought Xander was going to propose to me and honestly I'm glad that he didn't. I'm not ready to get married yet and neither is Xander, were still only kids. But a promise ring is just as special, it's a promise that one day it will happen and I'm looking forward to it.
I lifted my head from Xander's neck and peered into his dark eyes. I was practically radiating love and the happiness I was feeling was impossible to explain. I leaned slightly forward and gently pressed my lips to my mates. Xander's arms tightened around me as he returned my soft kiss. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.
"I love you." I whispered for only is to hear. Xander's smile caused butterfly's to erupt in my stomach.
"I love you to angel." Xander replied. I closed my eyes and simply listened to the sound of Xander's steady breathing. We stayed that way for quite some time, taking comfort in holding one another.
"The stars are beautiful tonight." Xander suddenly whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning the side of my face. My eyes fluttered open and I tilted my head back, again taking in the wonderful sight. I smiled before nodding my head. I hadn't notice but Xander had begun waking towards the end of the garden, with me still in his arms. He stopped at a patch of grass before slumping to the ground.
Xander carefully laid on his back, bringing me down with him. I sighed and rested my head on his firm chest, snuggling in. We laid in silence for a little while, looking up at the dark sky above us, until my mouth opened and I began to speak.
"I really am sorry Xander." I spoke quietly. I felt Xander shift and I knew that he was staring at my face but I didn't bring my eyes to meet his.
"For what?" Xander questioned though I had a feeling that he knew what I was taking about. I sighed and bit my lip before continuing.
"For what happened between us. It was all my fault and if I hadn't of been so stupid, if I hadn't of jumped to conclusion then none of that would have happened." I finished angrily clenching my fists. Even though Xander and I had made up and worked through the problem it didn't change the fact that I was still furious with myself. I had not only hurt Xander but I had hurt myself and our friends and family. And all because I was to stupid to listen to what he had to say.
Xander sighed deeply before he began to gently pull me upwards until my whole body was laying on top of his. I frowned before crossing my arms and resting my chin on his chest, avoiding Xander's eyes. I felt a large hand cup my chin and softly pull it upwards until my eyes connected with a pair of dark ones. I tried to look away but Xander wouldn't let me.
"Paisley you don't need to apologize." Xander began but I cut him off.
"Yes I do! What I did was terrible!" I cried angrily. Xander gently shook his head and took my clenched fists in his hands, easily undoing them.
"No you don't angel. I will admit that what happened was bad but it wasn't only your fault, if anything it was more my fault then yours. The reason that it happened was because you didn't trust me enough, and that's not your fault, it's mine. I'm the one who made it so hard to trust me. I hurt you when we first found each other Paisley, I played around with girls in front of you and repeatedly gave you reasons to distrust me and you will never know how sorry I am for doing those things but your not entirely to blame, we both are."
Xander stated. I took in his words and knew that he was right. It was like a load of guilt was lifted from my shoulders and I was able to breath again.
"Thank you." I said and before Xander could reply I pressed my lips to his. Xander smiled before quickly returning the kiss. Our lips moved in perfect harmony and my hands were quick to make their way to Xander's thick hair. I gave it a gentle tug which Xander returned with a husky growl. My left hand dropped from his hair and began traveling down his arms and then to his well sculpted chest.
My touch was feather soft and as I ran my fingertips across Xander's lower stomach he shuddered. Suddenly the world shifted and I was now lying on the grass while Xander hovered over me. I broke away from him, gasping for air. Xander moved to the base of my neck and placed a light kiss on my mark, which made me shiver, before resting his forehead against his own.
Our breath mingled together and our noses touched. Xander grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers, we were connected in almost every way possible. I sighed happily before turning my head and glancing back towards my house. I knew that our parents were probably starting to wonder where we were and with that thought on my my mind I gently pushed Xander off of me before climbing up off of the ground.
I raised my eyebrow at my mate as he sprawled himself out on the lawn before offering him my hands. I had trouble hauling Xander up but when he was back on his feet I again intertwined out hands and began leading him back to my house. We walked in silence and when we entered I noticed that our parents were still in the living room taking.
I quietly began leading Xander towards the stares and when he gave me a questioning look I simply smiled at him. We had made it half way up the stairs when I heard the voices of our parents.
"And where do you think you two are going?" My dad questioned from the bottom of the stairs. Xander and I both froze before slowly turning around to see all four of our parents staring at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed over their chests. I bit my lip and nearly laughed when I glanced at Xander. My mate looked like he was about to pass out. I knew that Xander was afraid of my dad but I didn't know that it was this bad.
I slightly shook my head and fought off a smile.
"Uh- um we were just- um." Xander began to stutter and I couldn't help but to laugh. Xander shot me a dirty look but it soon morphed into a smile as he laughed along with me. Our parents were all smiling to, except for my dad.
"We were just going to my room." I stated when we finished laughing. My dad raised his eyebrows.
"And why's that?" Dad questioned firmly. I sighed and pursed my lips, I knew that I was going to have trouble with this.
"Because Xander is going to stay the night." I replied confidently. My dads eyebrows shot up.
"He is?" Dad questioned.
"I am?" Xander asked after. He sounded surprised but I could see the happiness in his eyes. I turned back to our parents.
"That is if you allow it." I said. I knew that my mom would have no problem with it but my dad was going to be hard.
"We don't mind as long as its okay with your dad." Reed stated. I smiled at him before turning back to my father.
"I don't thin so Paisley." My dad said. I frowned and came down one step. I dad just opened my mouth to speak when my mother spoke up.
"Oh come Saxon, let the boy stay the night. You and I were sharing a bedroom when we were their age." My mom said, trying to convince my dad. And it worked to because a few seconds later my dad sighed and slumped his shoulders.
"Fine. But no funny business. And I mean it." He said. A blush rose to my cheeks and my eyes widened.
"Dad." I whined causing him to chuckle. I quickly turned away from them and began pulling a chuckling Xander up the stairs after me. We word through my bedroom door together just as a yawn escaped my mouth.
"Tired?" Xander questioned. I slowly nodded my head and glanced to the clock, which read ten twenty seven. I released Xander's hand and walked over to my dresser, retrieving some pajamas.
"I'm going to go change." I told him before going to the bathroom and quickly pulling on the shorts and tank top I had grabbed. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before exiting the room. I lifted my head up and my eyes widened as I stepped back into my bedroom because there laid Xander, on my bed, in only his boxers.
Xander saw my surprised face and chuckled before motioning for me to join him. I slowly made my way to the bed before climbing in and letting Xander pull me flush against his body. He pulled the covers over us and turned off the stray lamp that was still on.
We simply laid in silence and just as I was beginning to drift to sleep Xander spoke.
"I love you." Xander whispered in my ear. I shuddered before turning my head upwards so I could see his face.
"I love you too." I replied, placing a small kiss on his jaw. Xander smiled before hugging me closer, the sound of his heart beat beneath my ear lulling me to sleep.
Hey guys! So I decided that I couldn't wait to update so here it is! What do you think? A lot of you thought that he was going to propose but I decided that that was a bit to cliché. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:
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