*Paisley's POV*
The room was filled with a tense silence. I bit my bottom lip before slowly shifting my weight to my other foot. Xander wasn't looking at me, instead he was sitting on the edge of his bed, his elbows rested on his knees while his head was in his hands.
I got the feeling that Xander wasn't going to answer me anytime soon so I slowly began to walk towards him before taking a seat on his large bed, a few feet away from him. His head snapped towards me as soon as I sat down and I watched as his defenses went up.
"Fine. Lets talk." Xander finally answered me. My eyes slightly widened in surprise before I cleared my throat. I glanced down at my hands and began to fiddle with my fingers while I talked.
"Cole came to talk to me today. I- what he said to me really made me think things over and I've decided that I really need to listen to what you have to say." I said, glancing up at him. Xander had a frown on his face and his jaw was clenched tightly.
"I told Cole to stay out of it and you don't think?" Xander ended the statement sounding rather sarcastic. I had to fight off the small smile that wanted to appear because him being sarcastic was a step in the right direction.
"Well he didn't and its probably better that way, he really...knocked some sense into me." I replied quietly, looking down at the floor. Xander was quiet for a few moments and when he finally spoke he did so with a sigh.
"You completely misunderstood what happened." Xander stated, running a hand through his hair. My eyebrows pulled together and when our eyes connected I couldn't find the strength to look away.
"Then tell me what happened, tell me the truth." I demanded, never losing eye contact. Xander continued to stare for a few more moments before he looked away, biting his bottom lip.
"Fine. It's not a long story and I'm not to sure that your going to believe me but it is the truth." He stated. I nodded my head and motioned for him to go on.
"After I left you I went to find a bathroom but all of the ones on the bottom floor were being used so I ended up going into that bedroom to use the bathroom. After I was done and I came out I saw that girl stumble into the room. She was completely drunk off her ass and she was stumbling around giggling when she saw me. She asked me where the bathroom was and I pointed her in the right direction but when she was passing me she tripped and then did the threw up all over me and herself."
Xander paused, a shudder taking over his body, a look of compete disgust was on his face as he said the last part. He shook his head, as if to get rid of the thought, before continuing.
"I was obviously disgusted so I pushed her away from me but she ended up falling to the ground. I was frustrated and grossed out but I helped her and steadied her before I went to the bathroom again. I took my shirt off and set it into the sink because there was no way that I was going to wear it anymore. The girl also came into the bathroom, she took her shirt off and put it in the sink on top of mine before we both went back into the bedroom to look for clean shirts. That's when you found me."
Xander ended his explanation with an angry look on his face. Silence once again surrounded us as I was lost in my thoughts. His story was believe able but I didn't know if it was the truth. It made sense but I just didn't know if I could believe him. I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face, peaking at Xander from between my fingers.
My mate was watching me intently and from the look on his face I could tell that he knew how unsure I was.
"Paisley you have to believe me. I know that it doesn't sound very realistic but it is the truth. I would never do something like that to you, I love you far to much angel." Xander said quietly. I felt my doubts leaking out of my body as he talked to me. I sighed before looking him straight in the eyes.
"Do you promise? Do you promise that that's the truth?" I questioned. I was watching Xander's face intently and when he said his next words I knew that be was telling the truth.
"I promise angel." He answered and it only took me a few more seconds before I leaped forward and threw my arms around his neck. Xander was momentarily surprised before his arms went around my waist. His arms tightened around me, hugging me to him tightly, while my head rested on his shoulder. I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my mouth because it felt so good to be back in his arms again.
I knew that the problems between us weren't entirely solved but I banished those thoughts from my head because right then I just wanted to enjoy the moment. I felt Xander burry his head into my hair and a small smile appeared on my face.
When we eventually pulled apart I looked up into Xander's dark eyes and saw the happiness in them, the same happiness that I'm sure reflected in mine.
"Thank you Paisley. You have no idea how bad its been the past couple of weeks, I've missed you so bad." Xander admitted. I smiled softly before replying.
"I can imagine." I answered before tangling my hands into his hair and slamming my lips onto his. Xander was frozen for all of two seconds before his lips were working with mine. Xander swiftly pulled me onto his lap, pulling my body flush against his. I gently tugged on his hair and smiled when he groaned in response.
Xander pulled away from my lips and began kissing down my neck, biting and sucking as he went, he reached my mark and my body shuddered when he kissed it. I pulled his lips back to my own and began softly skimming my fingers up his back. Xander shivered before breaking away and resting his forehead against my own.
Our breathing was heavy as we looked into each others eyes. Our bodies were tangled together and electricity cackled in the air. And in that moment I felt whole.
"I love you." I murmured quietly. Xander smiled and tightened his arms around me.
"I love you too angel." He responded.
"Forever?" I asked in a whisper.
And I knew that everything was true.
Hey guys! I'm sorry that it took me so long to update, I've just been really busy with school, and I'm also sorry that this chapter is so short. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:
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