*Paisley's POV*
My eyes danced around the packed gymnasium, taking in all the familiar faces. The bleacher seat beneath me was cold and my bare thighs only made it worse. My parents sat to my right, hand in hand and to my left sat Xander's parents, Reed and Emily. All of my friends parents were also present, I mean I don't think that they would want to miss their children's graduation.
The metal chairs set up on the floor of the gymnasium were slowly being filled as the graduating students leaked into the room. After a few minutes of letting my eyes randomly scan the room I finally landed on my friends.
Seth, Lela, Perrie, Cole, Dylan and Blake were all standing in a circle by the left wall. They were all dressed in dark blue robes and caps, apart from Blake who currently held his new mate to his side. My eyebrows pulled together when I realized that my own mate was nowhere to be seen. I slowly looked from left to right, trying to find Xander but I couldn't seem to find him.
I knew that he was in the room, I could feel it. I sighed and leaned back as far as I could go without falling, only to come in contact with a hard object that caused tingles to erupt all over my back. I quickly spun around to see Xander sitting right behind me with a handsome smile on his face.
A smile of my own appeared before I leaned towards him and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. Xander chuckled before returning the hug. A small squeak escaped my mouth when Xander suddenly pulled my body upwards and settle me on his lap.
I shook my head but settled into him none the less. Xander's parents sat to our left and from the corner of my eye I saw then smiling at us fondly.
"What are you doing up here?" I finally asked, looking into Xander's dark eyes. He tightened his arms around my waist before answering.
"I wanted to see my angel." Came his simple answer. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner before pointing down to our other friends.
"You should be down there with them. I can't believe that your going to be graduating in less than an hour." I ended quietly. Xander didn't answer, he just looked down over the sea of people thoughtfully and started to stroke my thigh.
I contained the shiver that wanted to take over my body and thought, once again, about the future. Xander would be graduating in less than an hour, ending his schooling days for good, seeing as an alpha male can't go to college because of the pack. And after that we will be expected to complete the mating process and take over the pack.
That thought made my heart speed up by a few beats, something that didn't go unnoticed my Xander.
"You alright?" His hot breath fanned my ear as he spoke causing goosebumps to appear on my arms. I swallowed harshly before nodding my head. Xander tightened his grip on my waist and slightly shifted me to a more comfortable position.
Nothing was said after that. We simply sat in peaceful silence for about ten minutes before all the graduating students were called to their seats. Xander sighed and I felt a mix of nerves and excitement through our bond. I turned my head upwards to look at Xander. His eyes were scanning the room but they eventually turned down to me.
A small smile lit up his face before he gently scooped me up and placed me back in my original seat. I watched as Xander came down to the bleacher in below mine and squatted down in front of me. I smiled and rested my hands lightly on his shoulders before giving him a soft squeeze. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. Xander's arms went to my waist, completing the sweet hug.
Xander then kissed my mark, which made me shiver in return, before pulling away. He gave me a soft kiss on my lips before rising, turning and walking down the bleachers. The smile didn't leave my lips as I watched him go but a small blush did rise when I looked and saw our parents watching me with tender expressions.
Thankfully the principle of our school, Mr. Thompson stepped onto the stage and began speaking into the microphone.
"We all gather here today to watch as another group of our amazing students fly from the nest that is high school." Mr. Thompson began, earning a few laughs from the audience. He then went on to say what a great year it has been and how much they would miss the students.
The student body president then came onto the stage and gave a beautiful speech about how they are all going to leave this school and do wonderful things with their lives. The speech left a few parents in tears, including Xander's mom. I slightly laughed before turning my head back towards the stage.
They then started to call the students to the stage. The first of my friends to come to the stage was Lela. The gorgeous red head walked onto the stage with her chin raised and a large smile on her face. When she accepted her diploma I cheered loudly. Next was Seth. He had a large, goofy, smile on his face and when he accepted his diploma he fist pumped the air, which caused us all to laugh.
Perrie walked onto the stage looking as beautiful as ever, she was practically glowing. She accepted her diploma proudly and I didn't miss the blush that came to her cheeks when Blake cheered loudly. Then it was Xander.
My heart beat slightly sped up as I watched my mate walk onto the stage looking as amazing as ever. Power radiated off of him and his large frame suggested his high ranking status. The gymnasium was silent as we all watched our alpha or soon to be alpha accept his diploma. Xander willingly took the paper from Mr. Thompson, shook his hand and then turned back to the crowd with a large, breathtaking smile on his face.
I burst into cheers just like the rest of the crowd did after this. My heart swelled and I'm sure that every person in the room could feel the pride radiating off of me. The rest of the ceremony went by quickly. Cole and Dylan went after Xander. The rest of the students went and then it was over.
The students threw their blue caps up into the air and for the last time we all cheered. I then jumped up from my seat and began navigating my way down the bleachers. When I reached the ground the first people I saw were Cole, Dylan, Blake and Perrie. I came up to them and congratulated them. Perrie and Cole gave me quick hugs before I was off again.
I also ran into Seth and Lela who were to caught up in each other to really notice me. I laughed before waking away. I spotted Xander standing next to the stage talking to the principle and a few other teachers. Almost as if he felt my gaze on him he turned and our eyes locked. A smile lit up his face and he took a few steps towards me. A smile of my own was present as I quickly began walking towards him.
The distance between us disappeared and as soon as I reached him I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I slightly pulled back and looked up into his eyes. Xander radiated happiness and so did I. He brought his forehead down to my own and rested it there.
"Congratulation baby." I whispered. Xander smiled before closing his eyes and hugging me closer to him.
"Thank you angel." He answered quietly. I enjoyed the warmth his body provided and stayed silent because I could tell that he was in deep thought.
"I can't wait." Xander finally spoke. My eyes popped open and I gave him a questioning look.
"For what?" I questioned. Xander's eyes also slowly opened and he looked down into my own when answering.
"To start building the rest of our lives." Xander answered and I couldn't agree more.
Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update and I know that this chapter is super short but I just wanted to get something up. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!(:
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