*Paisleys POV*
My whole body was frozen. It was like I couldn't move, couldn't breath. The shock from what had just happened paralyzed my body, making it nearly impossible for me to do anything.
Xander had marked me, without my permission. He didn't even ask if I was alright with it, if I was ready to take our relationship to the next level. Hell I hadn't even decided if I had forgiven him yet.
My widened eyes lifted up to Xanders to see that he was already staring down at me, a look of worry on his face. My heart fluttered at the contact and I silently cursed myself, the bond was ten times stronger now.
You see when two mates find one another a bond is instantly formed between them but its not as strong as it could be, there are steps to completing the bond. First there's physical contact which is a very easy step, one that people do without even thinking about it, next is the marking. Some people choose to complete the marking when they complete the final step, the mating, but most choose to do it sooner.
A mating mark is a bite that a female wolf is given by her mate and it later heals to look like a cresent moon. The mark not only shows that the girl belongs to somebody but it also entertwines the two mates scents, making it obvious that they are indeed mates.
Now Im not saying that Im unhappy that Xander marked me because its in my nature to want to bare my mates mark but I am angry that he didn't even ask me if I was okay with it. The mark instantly strengthens our bond and I honestly dont know if Im ready for that.
I let out a shaky breath that got caught in my throat as soon as Xander raised his hand to my cheek, caressing it with his large thumb. The oh so familiar sparks instantly erupted from where our skin was touching but they weren't the same, they were much much stronger.
I gasped at the new sensation and my heart sped up when I saw the satisfied look on my mates face. Xander dropped his hand down and I suddenly felt cold but I still didn't say anything, I only stared into his eyes.
"Paisley?" Xander questioned cautiously. I could see the worry and unease in his eyes, he was worried about my reaction. I frowned and finally tore my eyes away from his.
"Why did you do that?" I questioned quietly. Xander was silent for a moment before he released a sigh.
"My wolf took over, I-I couldn't stop. Im sorry." He finally spoke out. I gulped and ran a hand through my messy hair. My thoughts were all over the place, I couldn't decided if I should be happy that I held my mates mark or if I should be angry because he didn't ask for my permission first.
"Are you mad at me?" Xander broke me out of my thoughts when he asked, sounding sad. My eyes snapped to him and my heart immediately melted at what I saw. Xander looked absolutely adorable as he stared at me, lips unconsciously pouted, and eyebrows pulled down into a frown. I could tell that he was sad because I hadn't yet given him an answer to his question.
I scooted my body closer to his and raised my hand up to rest on his cheek, holding in the sigh that wanted to escape because of the intense sparks. A small smile appeared on my face when Xander closed his eyes and pressed his cheek further into my hand.
"Im not mad at you, there's no way I could be." I whispered to him, not wanting to break our intimate moment. Xanders eyes slowly fluttered open before they rested on my own, searching to see if there was any sign that what I had just said was a lie.
A smile then lit up Xanders face as he suddenly reached forward and brought my body to his, resting me in his lap.
"Good. I was afraid that you were mad." He spoke as he kissed the top of my head. A small laugh slipped out of my mouth before I looked up at my mate.
"Oh I was mad for minute but then I saw the adorable look on your face." I teased. Xander frowned and looked down at me.
"I am not adorable. I am hot and sexy, not adorable." He stated firmly. I laughed and shook my head.
"You most defiantly are adorable. There's no denying it babe." Came my words. A low growl came from Xanders mouth before his lips were suddenly on mine. I gasped and Xander took that chance to slip his tongue into my mouth, exploring freely. My hands made there way to his hair and got tangled there while Xander hands grabbed my waist, flipping me so that I was straddling him.
The kiss didn't last long because Xander suddenly pulled away and started kissing down my neck. When his lips came in contact with my newly made mark it was like a bolt of lighting ran through my body. A loud gasp came out of my mouth and I felt Xander smirk against my skin.
"An 'adorable' guy couldn't make you feel like that." Xander said with a smirk as he pulled away from me. I could feel the warmth in my cheeks and my heart was beating rapidly.
I glared up at him before smacking his chest. "Shut up." Xander let out a loud laugh and rested his forehead against mine. I couldn't help but to smile at the sound.
We stayed in a peaceful silence for quite some time, just enjoying the feeling of being together and connected on a higher level then before.
"Its late we should probably head out now." Xander broke the silence. My eyes had been closed and I was halfway to sleep when he spoke so I jerked my head up in surprise. I rapidly blinked my tired eyes ,trying to regain my vision, and looked to see Xander staring at me lovingly.
"Okay." I answered when his words finally registered in my mind. A yawn came out of my mouth as I slowly climbed to my feet. Xander was standing a few feet away and when I slightly stumbled he chuckled and came towards me. He placed his arms around me before effortlessly lifting me into his arms.
I sighed happily and wrapped my arms around his neck. My head rested on his chest and I felt content. When we made it back to the car Xander gently placed me in the passenger seat before jogging around to his side.
The ride home was pretty much spent in silence and when we finally did arrive at my house Xander took the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the car. He opened my door and grabbed my hand, helping me out.
I smiled when Xander clasped my hand, interlocking our fingers. We walked up to my door in silence and stopped on the porch. I turned to my mate and let a big smile come onto my lips.
"I had a great time tonight." I spoke honestly. Xander grinned down at me before clasping his arms around my waist and bringing my body to his. I smiled and placed my hands on his chest.
"So did I, even though you cant ice skate to save your life." He joked. I gasped and frowned up at him.
"I thought I did pretty good." I stated with a pout.
"Mmhmm." Xander answered before lowering his head down to mine. My breath caught in my throat as he gently placed a small and tender kiss on my lips. He then dropped down to my neck. Xander took in a deep breath of my scent before laying a feather light kiss to my mark.
A shudder ran threw my body and I felt him slightly smile. Xander pulled away and smiled down at me.
"Ill see you tomorrow?" He spoke in a whisper. I nodded my head before bringing my lips to his once again.
"Goodnight." I spoke quietly once we pulled away. Xander tightened his grip on me before slowly letting go.
"Goodnight angel." He replied before turning on his heals and walking back to his car. I watched him drive away before I opened the door to my house. I leaned against the door, eyes closed and with a smile on my face.
I was happily leaning against the door, enjoying the light and happy feeling in my chest, when I heard the clearing of a throat. My eyes snapped open to see my mom and dad standing in front of me with different emotions on both of there faces.
My mom looked beyond happy, with a large and giddy smile on her face, while my dad on the other hand looked angery. I gulped before looking down at my feet. Anybody is going to be able to tell that Im Xanders mate now because my scent is heavily mixed with his as well as his with mine.
"Hey guys." I finally spoke, breaking the silence. My mom let out a small squeal before coming forward and taking me in into her arms, squeezing me tightly.
"Im so happy for you Paisley!" My excited mother spoke. A small laugh left my lips as I hugged her back.
"Thanks mom." I answer when she finally pulled away. She smiled before stepping back to my fathers side. I frowned and looked down at my feet, I could feel my dad staring at me but I didn't want to look up.
"Paisley." My dad started. I sighed and rested my eyes on him. He didst look angery anymore but he did look worried.
"What?" I questioned. He sighed and ran a hand through the dark hair that we both shared.
"Are you sure that your not moving to fast?" He finally questioned. I nodded my head.
"Im sure." I answered after a moment. Dad smiled at me before taking me into a hug.
"Im glad that you're happy but you better hold off that mating for a while or Im getting out my shotgun." He spoke teasingly burns I could hear the slight seriousness in his voice.
I blushed bright red and pulled away from my father.
"Dad!" I whined embarrassed. My parents simply laughed at my embarrassment.
"Im going to bed." I said with a huff. My dad chuckled before answering.
"We love you." He said, smiling at me.
"I love you guys to." I answered before running up the stairs. I popped down on my bed and closed my eyes. I had just began to feel the tiredness taking over when my phone rang.
I slightly jumped before quickly snatching it up and answering it.
"Hello?" I spoke grogily. There was a chuckled heard through the phone and I immediately knew who it was dew to the way my heart raced.
"Did I wake you up angel?" Xander questioned. I smiled and shook my head.
"Nope. Now why are you calling? Miss me already?" I teased. Xander laughed before continuing.
"Maybe I do but thats not why I called. Im picking you up tomorrow." Xander stated. I raised my eyebrows.
"Oh really? And who decided this?" I questioned even though I didn't have a problem with it.
"I did." He answered cockily. I rolled my eyes and slightly giggled.
"Fine." I gave in a few seconds later.
"Oh and angel?" Xander spoke again.
"Hmm?" I questioned.
"Wear your hair up tomorrow. I want everybody to see that you are mine." Xander spoke possessively before hanging up. I rolled my eyes.
Hey guys! So here it is. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:
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