I don't know where to begin. I'm so incredibly thankful to the readers who have stuck with me from the very beginning of this novel, who have joined the journey as it was going on, and even the readers who've just joined! The fact that you're taking time out of your day to read my work means more than you can imagine.
I'd like to say a special thanks to beautlies who has always supported me, who has pushed me and also given me advice and feedback on this book. Thank you for everything, Sevvy. Without you, this book wouldn't have been possible <3
I want to say a huge thanks to CookiesnCream133, collaterals, ladymacbethian, _blossomchild, weirdoherelol who leave encouraging comments in every chapter and that really pushed me through some bad dry spells throughout the course of writing this first draft. I looked forward to seeing all of your comments when I posted a new chapter.
Thank you to everyone who has left a comment, voted and supported me!
Lastly, I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who has ever picked up this book and enjoyed it. Even the silent readers. Thank you for reading.
I thought it would be nice to give you guys a little idea of how writing this first draft of TWB was like so here goes.
I was supposed to work on Imperial Compass but I got this new idea a few days prior to the start of nano last year that I just could not shake off. So, of course, I had to pick it up and get the idea out and so I did it as my NaNoWriMo project instead of Imperial Compass. I started writing it on 01/11/18 and the words came flowing out. It was the first time I successfully wrote 50K words and keep in mind that I had a lot of uni work to do plus had exam prep for the end of the semester so this was a HUGE achievement for me.
After nano month, I started focusing more on uni because I had exams for the end of my first sem. Then I hit a block after. After some months of struggle, I managed to pull myself out of the rut, and shoutout to my readers who left such lovely comments that also encouraged me to push through.
When the ending neared, the words came flowing back. 16/08/19, I completed the draft. This book is 110K words long! This is my third complete novel and by far the best-completed novel I've written. I aim to keep improving and polishing up my writing skills.
This book challenged me because I hadn't really written anything like it before and I'm certain there are things that need a bit of fixing up and editing (this is a first draft after all) but damn, I'm incredibly proud of having written this story, created these characters and managed to finish writing this story.
+ Writing: 1st November 2018 - 16th August 2019
+ Posting: 1st December 2018 - 8th October 2019
To conclude, I want to ask two questions:
1) What did you think of this story as a whole in terms of plot, character, development, pacing etc?
2) If I were to write a few bonus chapters, what would you like to see in these bonus chapters?
Until the next book,
Anha xx
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