note: 8K reads and 1K votes! Thank you lovelies for your support. The comments on the previous chapter were super motivating as well so don't hesitate to comment. I appreciate all the feedback. I'm going to try and keep to a twice a week update schedule now. Which of the following work well for you?
1. Tuesday and Friday, or
2. Wednesday and Saturday, or
3. Thursday and Sunday?
With that said, have a good weekend and enjoy the chapter!
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London didn't remember the last time she woke up smiling on a Monday morning.
Her co-worker, and current sous chef at Tollerz, was due to leave at the end of this week for a new restaurant where he'd be the head chef. This time next week she'd be standing in his shoes. The feeling was surreal. Exciting yet scary. She couldn't wait to visit her mother today, get her favourite flowers and update her on life's happenings.
Perhaps it was weird talking to a dead person on an almost weekly basis but it helped London power through, especially these days, when she finally realised that the days do get brighter eventually, but only if you yourself decide that you've had enough of it.
London hadn't learnt to move past her mother's death, not until Gwen and her reconciled their differences over her death, mourning together, moving forward together, like they should have done all those years ago. It was silly now that London thought about it, how life seemed to be stuck in a loop. But she'd come to realise it was that way because she let it be that way. She let the sadness consume her, she let it dictate her life. Her mother wouldn't have wanted to see her like that — she knew and yet it truly hadn't registered until recently.
Her life would only change, would only move forward, if she not only wanted it to but also worked for it. That power of change vested in her and her alone.
She lay in bed, listening to the running water as Andrew took a shower. She'd been staying over a couple of nights. He stayed over at her place some nights too. They both had clothes and a few other belongings at each other's place, and London had never felt more comfortable in a relationship. She always imagined that sharing a bed with a man would be weird and though she had done it before, she had never done it without the expectation of sex.
With Andrew it was different. Most weekdays he worked himself to the bone and on the days he worked very late he'd come to her flat since it was closer. He'd kiss her, tell her about his day and listen to her as she told him about hers. He'd cuddle her and then they'd fall into bed, comfortably falling asleep in each other's arms. The weekends, Sunday to be specific, were when they got energetic and when they had time for themselves to go out for dinner, or to go rounds on end of sex at night.
She smiled to herself, heat rising to her neck when she thought of what happened in the kitchen yesterday. Let's just say that dinner was forgotten and they ended up having dinner in the bedroom. One of the many reasons London was smiling this Monday morning. And starving.
A ringtone cut through her thoughts and she lifted herself up from bed, her hand reaching for her phone. But it wasn't hers that was ringing. Andrew's phone vibrated, the ringtone still going off as Talia's name flashed across the screen.
A bitter feeling sunk into her stomach and she didn't feel so good anymore. Talia rarely called Andrew, and the last time London had talked to Talia, Talia confessed why she was being the way she was acting and though London felt that Talia could do much better than strip Andrew from his daughter, she did understand where Talia was coming from. She understood, but she didn't approve. There were better ways to go about things.
"Baby," London called out loud. "Talia's calling."
There was no response at first and London was about to pick up his phone and head into the bathroom when he called back, "Answer it, will you? I'll be out in a few."
London sat upright, looking down at the phone for two more rings. Telling herself that staring at the screen would not make the anxious knot in her stomach any looser, she slid her finger across the screen and picked up the call.
"I'll make this quick," Talia said, her voice slicing through the instant London answered the call. "We're moving away from Porte Orlands."
The anxious knot tightened in her stomach.
"Hello, Talia," London greeted, keeping her voice light. "Andrew's in the shower right now so—"
"Could you pass along the message then?"
London frowned. The uneasiness heightened. "No," she replied, finality in her voice. "This is between the two of you so you should tell him. I'm not getting dragged into the middle of this."
"Honey," Talia said sweetly, her voice angelic as always, but her words devilish. "You got tangled into all this drama the instant you followed me out after dinner that Sunday. No, wait. You got tangled up in all of our lives the instant you decided to get involved with Andrew."
London sighed, her good mood nowhere to be seen anymore.
"You really want to cause problems, don't you?" she scoffed, unable to help from lashing out this time. It was out of character for her. London was always the calm and collected one, the one who stuck to her principles, the one who always empathised. At one point she was bound to crack and this precise moment seemed to do just that.
"Leave Andrew alone," she continued, the momentum of a rant building up. "You preach about good parenting but stripping your daughter away from her father, a father who, by the way, brings no harm, who loves his daughter more than anything else in the world, who would die for her — it doesn't make sense. Why would you want Andrew out of Aurora's life if he is what is good for her, if she loves him? I'm not saying you're a bad parent, though, truthfully, you can be a little restrictive at times, but Andrew is a brilliant father. He's a good parent. He'd raise Aurora to be one goddamn amazing woman and you know it. So the fact that you're moving away to separate the two of them is just so fucking stupid. Do you think distance will sever their bond? You know Andrew. You know how far his love goes for Aurora — it's endless. Do you think moving to a different city or country is going to stop him from being with his daughter in whichever way he can? Think again, honey."
A pregnant pause.
Then a cackle followed from the other side of the line. "I knew all that sweetness was just a façade. You're a mean bitch who hides behind the veil of humbleness."
Still heated, London shot her next words with fire. "Well, this mean bitch just spoke the truth. And you didn't deny anything I just said. Also, being humble wouldn't kill you, Talia. Maybe you should try it. It would do wonders for your character."
"God," Talia huffed. "Arguing with you is almost as bad as arguing with Andy. You two belong together."
Though it was meant to offend, London matched Talia's sickly-sweet voice and said, "Thanks, we appreciate the approval."
Talia sighed. "Whatever. Just tell him I called and that we're moving. He'll come the instant you mention that."
Before London could get a word out Talia had cut the call. And just like in all those dramas London loved to watch, Andrew came strolling out of the bathroom, towel around his waist and another towel in his hand, drying out his hair.
"What did Talia have to say?" he asked, going to his drawer and pulling out a pair of briefs. London would have admired his taunt backside had the earlier phone conversation not put her off.
London didn't reply. She just watched, a little numb perhaps. She didn't know what she was feeling but whatever it was made her dread the future, what came next, because instinct told her it was bad.
He tucked his shirt into his trousers, looking up at her. "Did she have anything important to say?" he asked. The hopeful tone in his voice could not be missed and she knew that his thoughts were running around Aurora and perhaps gaining more freedom in their relationship. It hadn't been all sunshine and roses getting Aurora to spend the weekend with him. She spent her fair share of time with Aurora, her fondness growing for the little girl over time. Every Sunday she'd come over for lunch and they'd all cook together, like they were family. It was such a simple act but it gave her a sense of security. It must have provided Andrew with more security because she knew he was a stickler to routine and this — Sunday lunches, followed by tea before Aurora had to leave, then some alone time for the two of them — was becoming a new routine for him.
"Your silence is scaring me," he said, fixing his tie before slipping on his wedding band ring. If anything, that made her feel even more terrible. She had never commented on his ring, how that was the one thing he couldn't go without. She tried to convince herself that he just didn't want to let go yet, but her empathy only stretched so far.
He never wore it on the weekends, which she did appreciate, and she trusted that he didn't love Talia anymore. Anybody could see the resentment between the two. But that ring reminded her that Aurora would always come first in his life, that she was a part of the reason he couldn't fully stop wearing the ring. And though London admired his love and dedication for his daughter, she wanted something more now.
Something more concrete. But Andrew wasn't ready for that. Not when he couldn't even take off his goddamn wedding band.
He grabbed his socks and approached her, worry written into the crease of his forehead. "London," he said gently, his hand enveloping hers, the one that still clutched his phone. "What did Talia say? You look sick."
"She's moving."
Deafening silence and then —
"She said that she's moving and that I needed to pass along the message and that I was a mean bitch and that once I told you about her moving you'd rush there because we all know that she means she's taking Aurora with her." London paused, her breath a little shallow as she tried to collect herself and stop speaking in run-on sentences. She was being paranoid. What had gotten into her? One minute she was over the moon and now she was on edge.
Get a grip, London! she silently berated herself.
She spied the shock on his face. She watched as the shock turned to anger. Then he sighed. His hands came up to cup her cheeks, his lips pressing against hers in a chaste, reassuring kiss. "She called you a mean bitch? She's the one who's always been a mean bitch," Andrew said softly.
Is that what he thought she was upset about?
"You should go," she said, trying to hide the bitter feeling from her voice. "I'm all right but what Talia said is worrisome so go."
He looked at her, doubtful.
"Andrew, I know all you're thinking about is what Talia said so go to her and sort this out," she advised, placing his phone back into his hands. "I'll lock up after I shower and change. I need to see my mother as well before I head to work so I'll be out soon."
He still didn't look convinced but his worry over Aurora must have won over because he leaned down and kissed her lips. "I'm so sorry. We'll talk about this when I get home," he said, quickly turning and pulling on his socks. He turned back to her and kissed her again, not caring that she hadn't brushed yet. He kissed her slow and she returned the kiss.
He was trying to tell her how sorry he was for leaving now and she understood.
Minutes later he left and London rushed to get ready, emotions brewing inside of her. She rushed to the flower shop, picking up her mother's favourite yellow tulips, the florist already had it ready for her as always, and made her way to the cemetery.
Only when she reached the cemetery did she slow down, her steps towards her mother's grave sluggish. Part of her knew the reason why she suddenly slowed down and the other part refused to acknowledge it. She didn't want to face whatever storm was stirring up inside of her.
She placed the flowers gingerly atop her mother's grave and spread out a blanket to sit on. She knew she was going to be here for a while so might as well sit and talk rather than strain her legs. Words flowed easily at first when London talked about her job, about all the good things that have happened. She brought her mother up to date. Told her about Gwen and her having lunch the other day, how Christmas was coming up and she'd have to see Dad soon which she had mixed feelings about.
"You're probably wondering why I've talked about everything but Andrew," London sighed, rolling her head up so she could look at the sky. Stormy clouds rolled in. Rain was predicted today but she found that she didn't mind sitting here with the possibility that she might get soaked before she even got to work.
"We didn't even fight. I don't think we've had a proper fight yet and maybe that's what's making me weary now." Her mind always freed whenever she talked to her mother and she let her thoughts go wild.
"I hate that he still wears that ring. It's been over a month now that we've started dating, over a month since he's gotten divorced. I'm trying to be understanding, I truly am, Mum. But... when will he start seeing me? We're dating, yes. He likes me, yes. I know what we have is honest, and passionate and something I haven't found in someone else ever before. Something I doubt I'll find in anyone else. I wanted simple but I went ahead and got involved with him. I don't have any regrets because, well, I think I'm starting to love him."
She blinked, feeling prickly heat by her eyes. "Yeah, Mum, I know," she laughed. "It's stupid. It's probably because I get attached easily, but it's true. I'm falling for him. Hard and fast. But he's being held back. He wants his daughter in his life more than anything else in this world and it just makes me wonder if I should step back, if I should let him handle this mess first. Or if I should just—"
She cut herself off, feeling her mother's non-existent glare.
"You're right," she resigned. "There is no use thinking about what-ifs and possible scenarios. I'll face if it comes. Plus, I don't think I can let him go. I promised him I wouldn't leave and it's a promise I intend to keep, because I want to keep it, not because I have to. He's a good man, he does me good. He supports me."
His support meant more than he could imagine. Every time he hyped her cooking, or tried cooking with her because it made her happy, or reassured her that she was a fucking brilliant cook, made her heart stir. It made her fall deeper.
The way he was with his daughter made her fall in love with him even faster.
He was a good man. She wanted him to be her man, now and always.
But perhaps, it was too soon. Perhaps, fate had other plans. Fate was never on London's side.
Even as London bid her mother adieu with a smile on her face, her gut feeling told her that things were about to get messy, especially after Talia and Simon dropped their engagement bomb.
After all, there was always drama with proposals.
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