note: has it really been 2 months since I've updated this story? I can't believe I've abandoned this story for that long but rest assured, I am back to writing! Sort of. I'm hoping to get back into it fully when my summer break rolls around. My finals have been pushed back to June so I had some time on my hands to write and I missed writing this story so here I am with an update! I'll be updating the next chapter soon too, I'm almost done with it ;)
I'd also like to give a special thanks to those who nominated this book for the Fiction Awards! It means so much to me. Thank you for the nominations and if you haven't nominated and would like to, nominations are open till June 3rd. If you haven't nominated your favourite authors and books, go nominate them on thefictionawards! Every bit of support to writers and their books matter so go support your faves!
With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Tune in tomorrow for more ❤
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London Liang was not always this impatient.
Today was an exception. Today was either going to be the best day of her life or possibly the worst. Today would be the turning point. Her life could improve any second now, or she could be just as she's been all these months. Nothing was certain and the wait — although not very long and quite a considerate amount of time, bearing in mind that they had heaps of other applicants — was surely going to kill her.
Chris had informed her that he'd call her on Saturday to give her the good news. He'd tasted her dish that day that she cooked for him, his sister who worked in the food industry and his husband who was the person opening the place. Chris loved the dish. It was evident in his satisfied look. His sister and his husband on the other hand — she couldn't quite tell. They had complimented her cooking skills but something was amiss. Their voice didn't peak with excitement, at least not as Chris' had, which led her to think that Chris' behaviour may have been out of pity. Was she that bad? Was she not as good as she thought she was? Or was she just overthinking it all?
Her pace quickened as she made her way up and down her flat, from the kitchen to the living room and then back again.
Then the phone rang.
She jumped, rushing towards it in an instant. She fumbled with the phone before she slid right on the touchscreen and answered the call eagerly, not bothering to check the caller ID.
"Tell me the good news," came an excited voice.
London immediately groaned and cut the call.
Her phone rang again and yet again her heart leapt.
Answering, she said, breathing nervously, "Hello?"
"Bitch, why did you hang up?"
"Gwen," London groaned. "I'm waiting for a call—"
"Oh, you didn't get it yet. I thought you would have heard by now," her sister said, feeling the need to cut in. She really was not helping London's nerves at all.
"I'm waiting for a call so—"
"Call me the instant you get it, okay?" Gwen said and though London could spot the eagerness in her voice, her annoyance only grew. She was nervous, her emotions creating a riot in her stomach, and Gwen being on the phone now — Chris could call any minute! — was not helping to settle any of her frantic nerves. "I'm not in Porte Orlands today because Inesh and I are away for a weekend getaway. You know, before his parents come and all hell breaks loose. We'll meet up as soon as I get back. But make sure to call me!"
"Goodbye Gwenyth," she muttered grumpily into the phone, ending the call before Gwen felt the need to input anything else into the conversation, not when she had another matter on her mind. She couldn't be thinking of Inesh's and Gwen's marital status if she was busy worrying about her job offer.
The phone rang again.
I'm going to kill you Gwen, she thought angrily as she swiped at the screen and answered. "What the fuck do you want now?"
The other end was silent for a few seconds, obviously taken aback by the harsh opening, and London, bothered enough, was about to remove the phone from her ear to hang up on her sister when the speaker spoke.
It was not her sister.
"Is this a bad time?"
"Chris!" London exclaimed, her eyes wide. She felt flustered all of a sudden. The situation was not in her favour. "Oh, er, Christopher. It's a perfect time. My sister just kept bugging me but that's a whole other story. Anyway..."
She mentally berated herself, her face pulling into a frustrated expression. She could bang her head against the wall if she wasn't on the phone and if she wasn't waiting for some news which she hoped was good.
"Right," Chris said. He sounded nervous, off tune, and London didn't need him to continue to know. "Obviously I'm calling about the job and how you did the other day. Look, London, you were great. I thought you were. My sister and husband think you did a good job too. It's just... there was someone who did a bang on job. Someone that we can't let go and I wish we could so that we get you but—"
"No, no, no," London cut in, feeling her eyes prickle and her lips wobble. "You don't have to do that or even feel that way. If someone else made the cut, then I congratulate them. They deserve it."
It was taking every ounce of restraint not to hang up and just cry.
"I'm really sorry, London."
"Yeah, well, don't be," she replied, laughingly. Clearing her throat, she asked, "Just be honest. I know you liked the food. You seemed very happy. But did your sister and your husband think it was any good?"
"They did like it. They honestly did. But... It wasn't spicy enough. A lot of Asians live here in Porte Orlands. It's a Spice City here. You've lived in London most of your life, only coming to Porte Orlands about five years ago for uni, and maybe you—"
"I know," London cut off, this time feeling offended. She hadn't lived in Porte Orlands her entire life but five years, going six, was a long time and it was plenty of time to acquaint herself with the tastes of Porte Orlands, which was very similar to the taste of London. She cut back on the spice because she expected the restaurant to be a high quality one, where they usually serve milder dishes, but there was no use explaining or grovelling for a second chance.
"I'm sorry, London," Chris said, his tone apologetic.
"It's all right," she lied. What else could she say?
"We should meet up some time," he said and by the sound of his voice he sounded hesitant. Maybe he thought now was not the best time to bring this up.
"We should," she agreed. "I'll call you when I'm free, yeah?"
"Sounds good," he replied. "Take care until then, London. And don't give up. Your dream is still waiting for you."
The instant the call ended, the phone slipped from her fingers, padding softly onto the couch as she crumbled onto the soft padding of the couch, curling into herself as ugly angry sobs tore through her throat.
Getting the job meant everything to her. It meant that she could push on, that was she capable of doing great things and achieving incredible things in life. Failing to get the job made her feel mediocre, still an amateur in training — she was done with it all. She wanted to move up the ladder, take charge of a kitchen, earn for a better living. She wanted more.
That was simply asking too much from life.
She was frustrated and angry and sad. This close. She'd come so close and in one second, one mistake, a doubt of spices, and all was messed up. She'd lost her chance. Trust your instincts, they always say. She barely ever did that because what if your instincts were wrong? You'd only blame yourself more. Either way, she was to blame.
Or perhaps fate was to blame. Perhaps her fate was to end up lonely, moving nowhere in life, stuck forever in monotonous boredom. Her audition lacked spice. Her life lacked spice.
Fucking spice.
This situation compromised her love for spice only for a split second before she leaned across the couch to the other end to pick up her phone. She thought of calling her sister but no way would Gwen be available. Though calling her sister would help, and she knew Gwen would pick up on the first ring no matter what she was doing, London needed tight hugs and some reassurance, something good company could give.
Her mind instantly went to Andrew and without a second thought, she wiped her face with the back of her hands, grabbed her keys from the bowl and made her way to his place, completely oblivious to the havoc that she was about to enter into.
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