note: second update of the weekend! Enjoy lovelies 💕
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Andrew got home early, dropped his briefcase at the entrance after he shut the door and then quickly removed his shoes before heading to the shower. Half an hour later, freshly showered and dressed in a pair of casual jeans and a shirt he hoped was date-worthy, he plopped down on the couch and called the house number.
The phone picked up on the third ring.
"Hello?" said a small soft voice.
"Aurora, sweetheart!" Andrew exclaimed, a smile capturing his lips instantly as he adjusted himself on the couch. "How are you doing?"
"I got two gold stars in class today!" his little girl told him enthusiastically.
"That's my girl," he commented. "So smart."
She giggled. "Mum thinks I should have gotten more than that other girl, Cassie, but Cassie is like some super genius."
"Cassie is an alien."
"Oh my god, that makes so much sense."
Laughing, and leaning back on his couch, Andrew said, "Have you finished your homework?"
"Yes, it wasn't so hard. I waited for you to call. I'm glad you did. Mum said you might not call since it's almost bedtime."
Andrew frowned. "I'll call everyday, even if it's just to say goodnight. Ba got held up at work which was why I couldn't get home sooner. And traffic today was ridiculous."
"I forgive you, Ba," she said in that small soft voice that usually made Andrew want to wrap his arms around her little body. His arms ached, empty.
"This weekend is going to be amazing. We're going to have so much fun," he said and then heard some commotion happening in the background. He had a sinking feeling in his chest and when Talia's voice became only slightly clearer in the background he knew he was right. He hated when his gut feeling was right. Why couldn't it ever be wrong?
"I have to go. Mum is telling me to take a wash and go sleep," Aurora said into the phone, the dismay in her voice evident.
"It's not so late," Andrew protested, trying to sway his daughter though he knew he wasn't about to have his way. "We can talk for five more minutes?"
He could hear Aurora asking, "Five more minutes, Mummy?" He heard her sigh before her reply and knew that her mother had just denied her permission to talk to her father. Her father. For fuck's sake, it wasn't as if Aurora was on the phone with a stranger.
"Mum says it's getting late," Aurora said. He could sense the sadness in her voice and the frown on his lips only deepened.
"That's all right, sweetheart. We have this weekend all to ourselves. You and I are going to have so much fun."
"Can't wait," she squealed and he could hear the shift in her voice. Relieved, he allowed himself to ease up his worry and to smile. "Goodnight Ba."
"Goodnight, Aurora. Sweet dreams, sleeping beauty," he said into the phone, wishing he could kiss her forehead and see her eyes close shut as she fell into peaceful slumber. But his physical presence was not possible, not with Simon fucking Allerton in the house.
"If you want to call your daughter perhaps you should call earlier," Talia sniped as she picked up the line from Aurora. He was certain their daughter was not within earshot, otherwise Talia wouldn't be so harsh with him.
"I got home late from work," he explained, his excuse poor.
"Yeah? That's always the case for you, Andy," she scoffed.
"Excuse me?" He sat up, his grip on his phone tightening. No parent liked to hear what a horrible job they were doing, especially if that parent invested a lot of their concern into their child. "If you have some other shit to say just fucking say it, Talia."
"I'm just saying," she casually continued, "If you want to make family top priority stop saying you're a family man and act like one. Make time for your daughter. Relax with work. You've been working towards the promotion for ages but face it, Andy, that financial director position is just not going to be yours."
"So supportive," Andrew sniped back, his tone bitter. The scowl could clearly be heard from his voice but he was not trying to conceal his emotions. He had no need to hide his distaste towards what Talia was claiming.
"Take my thoughts however you want, Andy. I'm right at the end of the day. Aurora also told me about this weekend. Why didn't you inform me?"
That stumped him. "A lot was going on and we made plans on the spot. I was going to tell you. It's not like I was going to steal her away for the weekend without you noticing." His excuse was poor but he hoped it was enough. The truth was he was afraid Talia was going to cut his plans short or not allow them at all — and, of course, his gut feeling had to be right again.
"Next time you'll think about informing me well beforehand before you aren't taking our daughter anywhere this weekend," Talia announced, like her word was the new decree.
"What? Talia, no you can't—"
"I fucking can," she hissed through the phone. "Who got physical custody over our daughter? I did. You signed those papers. You agreed to the terms—"
"What the fuck, Talia?" Andrew exploded, jumping to his feet, anger quickly bursting within him. "That is not how this works. We agreed to weekend visits and if you were that concerned about Aurora all you had to do was drive five minutes from the house to my flat to see your daughter."
"And I'm all good with that... if you inform me beforehand. Which you didn't, Andrew."
"Come on, Talia," he begged, falling back on the couch. His body sagged, tired all over again. He had a date with London and while he was still waiting for her text he thought he could have a talk with his daughter. How long did one have to wait for an address? He'd have to leave, location-less to pick her up in half an hour.
"Be more responsible then," she chided him, scolding him like he was a growing teenager who refused to take accountability for his actions.
"Look, Talia," he started, sighing. He didn't think he had energy left for his date tonight but hopefully London could change his mood around. "I'm sorry. I should have informed you earlier. There's literally three more days for the weekend, I thought I had more time but I'll tell you way more in advance next time. I promise."
"Keep to your promise and I might just let her stay over next weekend."
"Talia," he groaned. "You can't do that."
"I can," she replied and he could hear the victory grin in her voice. "I have physical custody, remember?" She waved that around like it was a prize — what use was joint custody if she didn't allow him to see his daughter. He knew it didn't work like that and Talia was twisting the law.
"Fuck you," he spat, hanging up and tossing his phone to the other side of the couch. He was seething, completely consumed by anger. His blood felt hot and his eyes burned. Talia had to ruin everything. He knew there was something wrong when he signed those papers. Sure, he felt relieved and great when the whole thing was done but the paranoid side of him always whispered 'what about Aurora' and it turned out he had been right. He hadn't been overreacting. Talia was going to steal Aurora away from him, was going to cut him from his daughter's life.
Needing fresh air, he grabbed his phone and shrugged on his jacket, heading outside. He could wait for London's text while he got some fresh air and calmed his anger. At least today was not totally bad. He was going to see London, go on a date and most probably have fun. He was going to drop her home and he'd promise to call her later. Maybe a kiss, but a kiss on a first date? Andrew hadn't dated in a long, long time. He was so out of the game that not only did he not know what the rules were but had also forgotten what they had once been.
Did he kiss Talia on the first date? He couldn't remember.
His phone rang and a lightness spread through him when he saw London's name glow up his screen. He answered instantly.
"Hey," he greeted, "I've been waiting for a text so I could come pick you up." Did he sound too eager? Now he was nervous, the anger flushing out of his system to give way to his somewhat squeamish nervousness.
"Yeah, about that," she started and her tone told him that the news she was about to deliver wasn't good at all. "Andrew, I swear I was looking forward to tonight. As weird as it sounds I had a cute dress picked and whole great outfit. I don't know if I'd be over-doing it—" she chuckled "—It's been a while since I've gone out. I wouldn't dare cancel if it wasn't important but something super important came up. And I need to cancel."
"That's all right," Andrew said, lying through his teeth.
"No, it's not. Really, I know I'm terrible for cancelling. It's not all right, don't lie," she sighed and he could tell that she felt guilty for cancelling on him tonight.
"As you said, you wouldn't dare cancel if it wasn't important so it is all right," Andrew said, meaning it this time. London was a rare woman. She was oddly honest. He'd met a fair share of honest people in his life and yet something about London seemed different to him.
That's because you're attracted to her, you dumbarse, a voice piped in his head.
"Thank you for understanding," she said, sounding relieved on the other side of the phone.
"Thank you for not standing me up and calling me first," he said, chuckling to ease whatever light tension seemed to be between them.
She laughed before she gave him a brief explanation. "Truth is, I don't know exactly what I'm getting myself into tonight," she confessed. "I do have a good idea though. It's my sister. She needs me. She frustrates me but she needs me and I've got to be there for her."
The fact that London found it necessary to tell Andrew what this important matter was made a smile touch his lips. "You're amazing," he said, the words slipping out of his mouth before he could stop them. Then, as an afterthought, he added, "You're a great sister and a great person too, London."
She laughed lightly. "Where's this coming from?"
He laughed nervously, leaning back on his car and inhaling the fresh air. "I don't know but it's the truth."
"You're really sweet, you know that?"
He smiled, his heart giving a little jump. "Thanks, London."
"I hope cancelling this date doesn't mean we can't reschedule it because I'd really love to go out with you, Andrew Cai, recently divorced happy man."
He laughed again. She always said the right things, though she wasn't quite right about the happy part. He was upset minutes before her call. Now, even though his plans for the night had been cancelled, he felt undeniably a lot better.
"I'd love to take you out on a date, London Wan Liang," he said, his accent pronouncing her name just the way it's supposed to be said. For some reason, the little giggle he got from the other side of the line made his heart tingle again. Was it too soon? Were things moving too fast? Andrew didn't mind slow. Slow sounded good.
"I'll text you when I'm free," she said.
"Good luck with your sister."
"Thanks." A pause. "Goodnight Andrew."
"Goodnight London."
He waited, hearing her short breaths until the line went dead. With a silly smile on his face he returned back inside the building, a new feeling of determination filling him. He was going to play Talia's game since that was what she wanted. He'd play by her rules. He could do this. He could do anything so long as it meant not losing Aurora.
His brilliant little girl.
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