Ryan Hymiri
Ryan Hymiri
[Character owned by Male_Blanc]
Fighter Type: Charge-Up
Stage: ???
Intro: A shadow forms on the ground, as Ryan emerges from it. He notices his opponent, then assumes a battle stance.
Victory: Ryan walks up to his beaten opponent, kicking them once to check if they're still alive.
First Round/Time-Out Victory: Ryan simply stretches a bit, and smirks.
Time-Out Defeat: Ryan collapses to his knees, as he begins to fade away into a cloud of darkness.
Taunt: Ryan creates a small statue of his opponent, then crushes it in his hand.
Intro Quotes
- "Uhohoho~ If you don't die today, You might be fun to kill later~."
- "Never seen you before... Let's hope it's not your funeral tonight~."
- "I'd rather destroy stuff with you... Okay, Winner gets to destroy this wretched world." (VS Spirit of Decay)
- "Your whole presence disgusts me you high and mighty jerkwad." (VS Cytex)
- "I won't kill you, I'll let you see me destroy this world in front of your eyes... Then kill you..." (VS Colleen)
- "What now? You ate your own tongue~?"(VS Neko)
- "J-Jeez... You just never fail to make me proud do you...? D-Don't you dare disappoint me! Although... I know you won't..." (VS Kyobi)
- "Oh... You... Think you can stop me? I won't be holding back at all..." (VS Ryuuen)
- "A human eh..? Should be easy and delish to eat." (VS Trey)
- "Look, I got nothing against you, But sometimes I can't make exceptions... One of us will leave conscious while the other will be deep asleep with some bruises." (VS Wilhelm)
- "Sorry Me, I'm getting so busy that I can't even look after 'Myself'. But don't worry, we'll play a lot after this~." (VS Reiner)
- "What an awkward situation... Sorry mi'lady, I believe force is the only option here, but don't worry, I promise to be gentle~." (VS Hanako)
Victory Quotes
- "Hey? Dead already?"
- "Where's your arrogant attitude now!?" (VS Cytex)
- "Hehe! You did great today! You really are growing stronger! Keep it up and you'll beat me one day." (VS Kyobi)
- "Seriously Neko... Quit getting in my way!" (VS Neko)
- "How shall I torture you first~?" (VS Trey)
- "You thought I would let you win...? Don't even dream about it..." (VS Ryuuen)
- "Remember~... Don't die until you see this world get sent to Hell~." (VS Colleen)
- "I won't say I didn't warn you, But I'm sorry, I did warn you!" (VS Wilhelm)
- "That was simple, Now be a good dog and get lost!" (VS Criterion)
- "Looks like I'm a better world destroyer than you are~" (VS The Spirit)
- "I'm terribly sorry Mi'lady, I beg you to forgive me..." (VS Hanako)
Time-Out Quotes
- Victory: "Time is just my game~"
- Defeat: "How come I run out of time!?"
- Light: Quick open palm punch.
- Medium: Darkness knife slice.
- Heavy: Darkness katana downward slice.
- Forward Light: Quick low kick.
- Forward Medium: Darkness leg coil.
- Forward Heavy: Darkness leg drill.
- Down Light: Quick jab.
- Down Medium: Darkness knife stab.
- Down Heavy: Darkness club strike.
- Down-Forward Heavy: Darkness chainsaw sweep.
- Air Light: Quick open palm chop.
- Air Medium: Darkness knife toss. Projectile.
- Air Heavy: Darkness chain swing.
- Power: Relief. Ryan can restore his stamina if held down. This leaves him vulnerable to attacks.
- Grab: Ryan summons a chain made of darkness to grab his foe. He then kicks them down to the ground, steps on them, and chokes them with the chain, to then release them and kick them back away.
- Forward Dash: Quick forward leap, in darkness form.
- Back Dash: Quick backward leap, in darkness form.
- Darkness Blade (236M): Ryan does a horizontal slash with a straight sword made of darkness.
CHARGE: Ryan uses a greatsword instead, dealing higher damage.
- Darkness Lunge (236H): Ryan lunges forward with a dark spear.
CHARGE: Ryan uses a lance instead. Can break guard.
- Darkness Dance (214M): Ryan does a double spin motion with a dark katana.
CHARGE: Ryan uses a long curved sword instead. Spins three times, with the third hit knocking the enemy backwards.
- Darkness Crush (214H): Ryan does a overhead smash with a dark warhammer.
CHARGE: Ryan uses a greataxe instead. He first knocks the foe upwards, then slams them back down as they're falling.
- DARKNESS TYPHOON (236236P): Ryan summons a dark sword whip, and swings it around in a spinning motion, hitting anything near him.
- DARKNESS SURGE (214214P): Ryan channels the power of the dark into his body. For a short duration of time, charged attacks are less exhausting for Ryan.
FEED THE DARK: Ryan kicks his opponent down to the ground, as a shadow appears below them, restraining them with dark tendrils.
Ryan then steps on his foe's neck, slolwy breaking it. The shadow then swallows the victim whole, leaving no remains.
- Force of Dark: Ryan can charge up his special attacks, receiving super armor when the charge attack is ready, and dealing more damage with some extra effects. This will exhaust Ryan, however, as using these will start depleting his Stamina meter. If it reaches 0, it will punish Ryan with a -5% health penalty, then reset the bar.
The second time will be -10%. The third time will be -15% plus being unable to use charged attacks until the next round.
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