Author-Chan [PROTOTYPE]
[Character owned by TheCatCafe]
Fighter Type: Puppet Master
First Round/Time-Out Victory:
Time-Out Defeat:
Intro Quotes
Victory Quotes
Time-Out Quotes
- Victory:
- Defeat:
- Light Punch: Quick slap.
- Medium Punch: Horizontal baseball swing.
- Heavy Punch: Soul Projection punch.
- Light Kick: Quick knee strike.
- Medium Kick: Double spinning kick.
- Heavy Kick: Soul Projection backhand.
- Grab: Author-chan attempts to grab her opponent with her soul projection. If she succeeds, she'll slam the opponent left to right, then hurl them away.
- Forward Dash: Cutesy skipping.
- Back Dash: Quick backhop.
- Get Them!: Author commands her pet bat to attack her foe. The bat surrounds the opponent, immobilizing them for a brief moment.
- Swing!: Author swings at her foe with her bat. Can be followed up with:
> Uppercut!: Author performs an upward swing with her bat, knocking the foe upwards.
> And Away!: Author performs a fierce horizontal swing, knocking the foe back.
> Lights Out!: Author hits her foe over the head with her bat, stunning them for a brief moment.
*If Soul = Unity is active:
- Spirit Hold: Can be done in mid-air. Author commands her soul hands to grab the opponent. The hands may toss the opponent in any of 5 directions (8 if done in mid-air).
- Spirit Spikes: Author projects a spirit portal on the ground, as several spears emerge from it, impaling the foe from below. Distance depends on input intensity (Light: In front of Author, Medium: Midscreen, Heavy: Opposite end of screen).
- Spirit Claw: Author claws at her opponent with her spirit hands. Hold to charge-up. Charged attacks knock opponents upwards.
- SOUL MANIFEST: Author kneels down, as her soul takes human form. For a limited time, all of Author's attacks gain a damage boost, and her dashes allow her to teleport short distances. When her Soul gauge runs out, the soul returns to Author, as she regains consciousness and stands up.
- HOMERUN!: Author imbues her bat with her soul energy, charging it up. She then swings at her foe with staggering force, sending them flying high up. The foe takes damage from both the strike, and the fall afterwards.
- Soul = Unity: Author can call her soul to fight at any time, granting her access to special attacks. This trait makes use of a special gauge, which continuously goes down as the soul is active, and regenerates while inactive. Depleting the gauge will lock Author out of using her soul abilities for a brief time, before the gauge starts regenerating again.
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