Chapter 3
*SparkFurs POV*
I glance over to the camp entrance as DawnFlight, RoseFeather, FrostFang and PoolPelt enter, DawnFlight with a slight limp following behind FrostFang and PoolPelt as they head towards the medicine cat den while RoseFeather splits off from the group to get some fresh kill, "I'll be right back Kay" I mew once they enter the den, I get up and pad towards ShadeStar who was distracting DoeKit and FeatherKit with a game of catch the tail, "Xylo, Mitch is back and it seems something happened on patrol today" I mew loud enough from him to hear but quiet enough that there wont be any eavesdroppers, He looks up at me then to PoolPelts den which had DawnFlight padding out still with that slight limp, "Lets go then" He mews before standing up and turning to the two kits that were still chasing his flicking tail "I've got to go you two, Sorry" We turn and start walking to the den.
We walk into PoolPelts den glancing to different places for the tom, "Over here" came a low mumble from the herb storage, We padded over to the tom and sat down beside him but far enough to not get in the way of his sorting, "What happened? Collin was limping when he entered camp" ShadeStar questioned, PoolPelt sighed "Collin, Like the mouse brain he can be sometimes, Chased a squirrel over the ThunderClan border, He got caught but managed to get back to our side and to Bryan before anything severe could happen" He mewed grumpily, ShadeStar sighed before mewing back "I wish they trusted ShadowClan more, But MapleStar lost almost all the trust we had" I looked down sadly at the mention of our old leader 'He was such a good leader to the clan but he lost all the trust from the other clans to try help the clan' I thought sadly before looking up again to speak "The gathering is in about a week, Me and Xylo are going to chat about it and the "Situation" tomorrow, I'm guessing you will be joining us?" I mew, PoolPelt nods "I'm guessing this chat is over for now then, I'm going to go get some fresh kill" He mews with a hint of certainty in his voice before standing up and walking out of the den, Me and ShadeStar glance at each other before also leaving the den and going in different directions, Me to ViperTail and ShadeStar to the fresh kill pile.
ViperTail gets up and mews "You up for some hunting? The fresh kill pile is getting a bit low and I need to stretch my legs," I nod before changing directions to go towards the camp entrance, ViperTail rushes past me and though the thorn tunnel "Try to keep up Mario" She purrs as she passes, I chuckle before racing after her and through the thorn tunnel "Oh I will!" I mew as I pounce at her and send us tumbling over like kits, "Hey!" She purrs in amusement before climbing back onto her paws and walking into the forest her ears pricked and her paw steps quiet, I follow behind her just as quietly before freezing and turning to my left, There sitting under a small pine was a small mouse minding its own business, I lowered myself to the ground slowly and quietly inching myself closer, when i was close enough to pounce I tensed my muscles and with one jump I soared through the air for a second before landing on the mouse quickly finishing it off with a bite, "Nice catch" ViperTail purred when I entered her line of sight the mouse in my mouth, I nodded before laying the fresh kill on the ground and brushing some leaves over it, "Lets keep hunting" I purr as I start walking past her.
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