Part 7
"How do you know... that I am a crime reporter? I never told you?" astonished at him
He finished his food... "Aarti I have to leave, it's important. I will meet you later"
She nodded her head... she wasn't staggered by his acts... he must be busy with his business. She ate slowly, then thought of calling her mother...
"I am fine... but how's Kirti and Dad..."
"You have to come next month, Kirti and Vikram are getting married"
"Wow, that's a good news Mom...where's Kirti?"
"She has gone for shopping, but you come soon now" Rama demanded
"Yes Mom... I will try..."
She finished her food and left for home... she still thought about the officer who saves so many lives every day. And no one knows where he is and what he does...her mind was still anxious...
"It must be huge traffic from this side..." she said to herself and turned the car to the other was quiet....
The street was lonely.... It was only after a few minutes of drive when she saw a girl standing alone in the middle of the road and four goons were trying to strip her... she stopped the car...
The goons lured at her...
"Another beautiful girl...go get her" said one of the goons...
Before they could reach near the car... Aarti took a gun out... "I will shoot you bastards...leave her"
She stepped closer to the goon who was holding the girl... "Leave her...or I will shoot you"
Scared at the gun point the goons left the girl and ran away...
Aarti saw them running...and smiled...
Then she looked at the tender girl almost on her knees... she looked fragile...
"Come I will drop you home..." Aarti smiled and gave her lift...
She drove past the silent street
"How did these guys caught you and..." Aarti was still asking when the girl burst out crying loudly...
Aarti stopped the car ... "I am sorry... are you alright?"
"Thanks for helping name is Nisha... I live in Delhi, came to meet my friend at the party from where these goons picked me up."
"Oh...don't worry...I can drop you home" said Aarti and started driving...
"It's good you keep a gun" said Nisha..
Aarti laughed "this is a toy gun... but yes I keep for my safety.."
Both laughed and Aarti dropped Nisha...
"Take care" said Nisha
"Thanks... it was nice meeting you" Aarti smiled and started driving...
After sometime...
She reached her apartment... the moment she opened the door she saw him sitting on the couch...
"You scared me? How did you get in?" she asked
Veer nodded "you know me, isn't it"
She smiled... and kept her bag on the table...
"But why are you so late?" he queried...
"You won't believe..." she opened the fridge and poured some juice in the glass...
"Some goons were harassing a girl... and I rescued her" she said and gulped the juice...
"You?" he asked
"Yes me....I helped her..."
She smiled "ok, let's imagine you are a goon..." she stepped closer...
"Who wants to strip me..." she whispered... "And I will show you how to rescue"
"Ok" he agreed
He pulled her in his arms... and took off her scarf... Then pulled off her jacket...
She took out the gun from her pocket... and placed it under his chin "don't move or I will shoot you"
"Aarti... where did you get this toy from?" he smiled
She frowned at him "toy. This is not a toy"
"Ok then shoot, cause I will not stop" he said...
She smiled "ok, how did you know it's a toy?"
"I play with them... so don't ask me?" he smirked
"You play with guns...but you said you do business..." she asked confusedly...
"Well, import export of guns..." he added
"What?" she said shockingly "are you a smuggler?"
He looked at her "whatever you think"
"Veer... be serious..." she threw the gun annoyingly...
"Ok" he lifted her in his arms and walked towards the bedroom...
"What are you doing..." she whispered
"Making you sleep..." he lay her on the bed and lay next to her...
"You will sleep here" she queried
"Yes just sleep...close your eyes now" he embraced her tightly in his arms
After few minutes they were in deep sleep...
Next morning...
Aarti woke up and saw Veer sleeping next to her... he looked even more handsome while sleeping... she saw his arm wrapped around her waist and his leg on her legs....she was in a tight embrace... slowly she tried getting out of his clasp without disturbing him...
She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind so he could sleep a little more... she walked towards the kitchen to drink some water...
Just then she heard something vibrating... she walked towards the couch and saw Veer's mobile... she picked up the phone and answered
"Sir, it's urgent..."
The moment she said "hello?" the call dropped.
She saw Veer standing at the door...
"Veer... someone asked for Sir." she said softly
He seemed if she did something wrong "why did you pick up the phone?"
"Veer. It was ringing... and I thought"
"What did you thought...? time don't pick my phone" he said angrily and left
Aarti could not believe he would feel so bad. She knew he was angry but she didn't do anything, she thought. What if she answered the phone, her head was spinning....
She sipped another cup of coffee.... She thought of apologising but then she didn't do anything bad... he should understand her...
She looked at the clock... she was already late...
Few days later...
She thought of leaving the week after for her hometown... it was Kirti's wedding and she definitely need some break... but should she inform Veer... no, when he doesn't care to call or come why will she call him and tell anything...
She was missing him badly... it was almost five days since he left last time and did not call back ....she was worried for him, but he was angry...
She heard the knock at the door... she looked at the clock ... it was 2:00 am... "Who is it?"
She was still asking when the door opened and she was shocked to him...
"Veer... what's happened...?" she said aloud shocked to see his condition...
He was injured badly... she quickly closed the door and helped him towards the bedroom...
She took off his jacket and saw blood all over his left arm.... There were some scratches on his body... and bruises on his face "Veer please lie down, I will be back..."
She got some ice and cotton... and slowly wiped the blood...someone hit him with knife on the arm and chest... she was shocked, she thought of calling the doctor.
"I must call a doctor or take you to the hospital" she was about to leave when he held her arm... "No doctor"
After sometime...
She made him eat something and gave some pain relief tablets.... "This will make you sleep..."
She quietly sat next to him ... "Please tell me did you get hurt?"
"Nothing, someone stabbed me...that's all" he answered softly
"That's all? Do you think it's a small scratch?"
"Aarti, let me sleep, please"
She was in the kitchen making tea when he called her
"Veer..." she sauntered towards the bedroom "How are you feeling now?"
"Hmm... better, I have to leave soon" he murmured
She quickly checked his arm and chest.... "You need rest"
She knew Veer was strong and these injuries were like nothing to him... but she was worried for him... "As far as I know you, no one can dare to stab you... then how come these injuries?"
He looked at her.... "Don't worry, I am ok but I am very thirsty"
"Oh" she nodded "I forgot to ask you..." she quickly offered him a glass of water....
"I have made breakfast for you... I have to leave, otherwise my boss will get annoyed"
She smiled and hugged him
VOC Chambers
Sanya threw the report away... "But where the hell did you go?"
Aarti apologised for leaving the site without informing...
"I think Aarti... you lack capability of fitting into this job" she flipped the pages of the file and threw the report...
"Make this report again... and explain the reason why you left from the site without informing..."
Aarti sadly left the cabin and walked towards her desk... she thought of leaving the job... the VOC was the best place to work in the whole Mumbai...
She must talk to Mr Oberoi...
"Hi Riya"
"Hi Aarti"
"Is Mr Oberoi in today?"
"No, he has left for some meeting...will be back shortly"
"Oh...alright thanks"
Sanya looked at the picture again and hugged it closer... "You have no clue how much I love you" then kissed the photograph.
Sanya still reminisced the day when she saw him first time...
Abhi knocked at the door... "Hi Sanya"
"Oh hi Abhi... please come"
"You were busy?"
"No....thinking about someone" Sanya kept the photograph back in the drawer.
"Oh your hero?" said Abhi
"Right..." she smiled...
"I just hope to meet him again...You know Abhi, he's just different... from everyone..."
"Is he still in Singapore?"
"I don't know...I don't have his contact no..."
"Tell me something Sanya, why do you behave angrily with Aarti"
"No Abhi, nothing like that... I think her work style is still not professional, just teaching her. That's all"
Abhi smiled at her "are you sure?"
"Of course...I have nothing against her" she smiled
"Ok...anyways, I came to give these can send them for editing"
"Sure Abhi..."
Aarti took the keys to open the door.... Turned on the lights... he wasn't there, he would never listen... her eyes fell on a small note on the fridge "Aarti, I am leaving for few days. Don't wait for me. Tare care"
She took off the note....looked at it again and again.... Don't wait for him...well that's what she has been doing all these years, she thought...
A small tear occupied her eyes... she quickly wiped and drank a glass of water... she was worried for him. He said he was doing some business but she was totally unaware of what kind of business he was doing... was it something to do with dangerous weapons... God forbid if anything happened to him, she will die this time.
She didn't feel like eating anything and thought of talking to Sheetal...
"But why didn't you ask him about his family and all?"
"No sheetal... I will never force him to take words out from his mouth, if he's fine, he will tell me. I will not ask him again"
"But Aarti...ok tell me when are you coming to Bathinda?"
"Very soon"
It was a bright day, hopefully it doesn't rain. She quickly ambled up the stairs of VOC....
"Hi Riya" Aarti greeted...
"Oh hi Aarti"...
"Is Mr Oberoi in today?"
"Yes... you can see him now" said Riya
Aarti kept her bag on the table and swiftly treaded towards Mr Oberoi's office...
"May I come in Sir?" she glimpsed a little after a soft knock...
"Of course you can Aarti" said Mr Oberoi ecstatically.
"So how's work going on Aarti?"
"Its ok Sir" she said with a sad face
"What happened? Is everything alright?"
"Yes Sir... I just came to apply for my leave. My sister's getting married in three weeks, and I have to leave"
"Congratulations Aarti..."
"Thanks Sir"
"You must go... I will talk to Sanya"
Aarti gave a broad smile "thank you so much Sir"
"My pleasure, please enjoy yourself"
Aarti nodded with a big smile...
Sanya watched Aarti working on the report... and walked to her desk "Hi Aarti"
"Hi Sanya"
"I read your report... The one that you completed today... I am impressed..."
Aarti looked at her with a surprise "was it all good?"
"Absolutely did up to the mark" Sanya smiled and left...
Aarti was least Sanya was satisfied with her work...she looked beautiful when she smiled, Aarti thought. Sanya was a complete professional and she did understood today...
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