Part 44
"What are you doing here?" he asked stepping closer not taking his eyes off her...
With a vivacity in her eyes she wanted to stop her heart from beating so loudly, thank God the darkness around perfectly hide her blushing and fidgeting. She couldn't believe it was really him. She smiled at first but then she understood, every time he leaves her crying...
"That's none of your business" she firmly snapped at him and turned around. This must be the first time when she herself wanted to go away from him. It was awfully tough but she wanted to move away before she feels weak.
Veer was surprised at her reply, he met her after two months and here she's behaving so weird. He shook his head and walked after her before she reached a little house and turned around...
"You live here?" he kept the bag on the ground
"Stop sulking" she said... making him wonder if she went through some brain surgery....
That was adequate to raise his anger, the moment he saw her closing the door behind her, he pushed the door open and entered in closing the door behind...
"What the hell is going on with you?"
She turned around "with me?"
"Yes you...damn it...what are you doing here?" he touched her shoulder and she stepped back...
"Don't touch me" she said hissing at him to avoid making any sort of loud noises
He could see her face in the dim light of the lantern.... She was fuming with no tears in her eyes this time. He had no inkling of how to explain her, this was the most problematic part for him. Convincing, the word was out of his dictionary...
He rubbed his hand in his hair... "Aarti listen..."
"No, you listen to me Veer... just leave from here..."
This was becoming lurid for him. "Bloody hell" he murmured and stepped out of the small house...
Aarti closed the door... this was unquestionably not anticipated. But she wouldn't let him enter her life again, he won't comprehend her and there's no point.
Slowly she lay on the bed and closed her eyes.... ...
Next Morning....
She woke up with the clatter outside... she looked from the small window and saw Veer surrounded by some villagers and chit chatting. But he doesn't understand the language, quickly she opened the door and stepped out...
"We know Aarti dear, he's your husband"
Before Aarti could speak up Veer jumped in again "I have come to stay with my wife"
He said for the first time smiling at her...
With raised eyebrow she stared at him "really?" she shook her head and walked back
Kaka watched Veer "your wife is very sensible. Now you go, that's where she lives"
Aarti poured some tea in a cup... "Here"
She passed a cup of tea and some biscuits to him, he took it and looked at her sad face
"Please Veer... let's not say anything to each other...I don't want to listen to whatever" she said while putting the towel on her shoulder
"Where are you going?" he scowled
"To have bath..." she said picking up her pink suit "this is not city.... You go to the back side of the village, in the river to have bath"
She said and walked away...
"Either she's dropped her brain somewhere, or her brains got malformed..." he muttered sipping the hot tea...
He glanced around the poor place, how a girl like Aarti can live in such a condition. If she was doing to teach him a lesson, then she must forget it. Because major Veer will never get defeated by any enemy.
"What a scene" he looked out at the kids playing in the sand, a woman beating her drunk husband with her slippers and a lazy man pulling his cow...
Veer checked the signal of the mobile "damn place, no network"
"That's why I say, you must leave this damn place"
He turned around to look at her... this time he didn't wanted to turn away, she was drying her hair with the towel. Standing in pink suit salwar and thin white dupatta she looked extremely beautiful.
He stepped a little closer to her...
She stopped drying her hair and looked up at him, then looked away from his penetrating gaze...
She already was standing near the door, as he approached closer her back shut the door from behind "what happened?" she asked
"Nothing..." he whispered near her ear making Aarti loose her senses...
She closed her eyes not to melt again... "Fine, then move away"
"Do you want me to move away" he whispered again encircling his arms around her waist...
She closed her eyes feeling his touch after ages, she was dying for him...
"Hmm..." she whispered back...
Slowly he tightened his arm around her waist, pressing her firmly against his body. The light, delicate warmth of her body permeated his, as he continued to stare down into the depths of her eyes, she closed her eyes not to gaze at him anymore...
"Aarti Dear," a voice called out.
Aarti opened her eyes and turned to open the door but he pulled her back against his body not letting her open the door. He brushed her hair back over her right shoulder and lowered his head to nuzzle the side of her neck. He kissed her right ear, gently caressing the delicate area behind the lobe.
His hands moved across her stomach. Again he lowered his head to place soft, kiss along her bare nape. Dropping his hands to her shoulders, he turned her around to face him.
She looked at him "Veer...let me go"
"Enough of your crabbiness" he whispered as he lowered his head to hers and captured her lips in a slow, gentle kiss. Tenderly, he moved his mouth on top of hers, gently exploring its depths with his tongue. He pulled her nearer.
She drew her hands up along his arms and shoulders. His hands glided up and down her back, drawing her impossibly closer.
Not breaking the kiss, he pushed the door back. Gripping her by the waist, he lifted her up swinging in his arms "have you lost weight?"
She chuckled "no, you've become stronger"
He stared passionately down at her, devouring the desire laden, half-lidded eyes and the lips inflamed by his kisses. She stopped him. "I need to go...please" she whispered, her hands fisted in his dark, wavy hair.
This time he let her go out of his tight grasp
Aarti quickly opened the door and rushed out, somehow she stood at the midway trying to sort out the enormous changes her body's reflecting in the past few minutes. She could still feel His tight grip around her waist as he was still holding her.
Turning around from the last step she saw his intense gaze, the one she wanted to see all these years. For the first time she felt herself vital in commandoes' imperative life, he had come all the way to take her back and this was enough for her...she knew he fails in expressing himself when it comes to love.
She smiled a little nodding at him, then sauntered towards the entrance of the house...
Veer stood near the lake listening to the conversation by the head of the village and Aarti who were explaining the villagers about their rights. He was impressed by her, finally she thought something beyond her own self. It was really hard to believe that the girl who was extremely stubborn, so much fashionable who used to think a lot about her hair, make up and ornaments today stood in this old village that didn't even had electricity in a traditional attire.
For the first time he wanted to embrace her tightly in his arms and pull her long braided hair.
"So we need you signatures on this piece of paper..." she handed the sheet to Kaka
"And we need your support to provide you with these basic amenities so that your family can stay well"
He heard the last words carefully, the rest he didn't listened as he was busy gazing the damsel standing in pink suit salwar and a nice white cotton dupatta hanging on one side on her shoulder.
She looked lovely even without nothing on her face, her fair skin, dark brown hair, pink lips and a very attractive figure. Well his eyes had never prudently examined her before but moreover she loves him and that was what matters...
After collecting the sheet, all the people dispersed back to their usual jobs but he stood at the same place watching the river flowing in its pace, his eyes scanned her walking back into the house...
In the past years she had been waiting for him, for him to love her. And that was all she needed, sadly that was the only thing he never gave her. To love someone was almost impossible for him. His missions, his country, his job was the priority but today he realized she was his precedence as well.
He looked at her bringing the plate towards him...
"What's this?" he queried looking at some rice pudding and lentils...
"Food" she said smilingly...
He shook his head "I am not hungry"
Feeling a little sad as she had tried her best to cook something nicer for him "ok"
She was about to leave, not surprised by his reactions...
She turned around and he took the plate from her hands. "Thanks"
He took few morsels when he realized she would be hungry as well... "You can eat with me"
She broadly smiled and without thinking started eating in the same plate.
This was the second time she was standing in the long queue to meet the collector. Veer glimpsed around the place that had cattle shed on one side, few men were standing with huge wooden sticks on the entrance to avoid commotion...
"Veer please don't give that mad look here" she whispered in his ear...
Veer's knitted brows as usual deepened staring around "why the hell are we standing in this queue?" he said...
"Sshh... can you lower your voice, this is not your enemy's base. It's a collector's office" she frowned...
Veer once more gawked furiously at the man standing with a wooden stick wearing white dhoti kurta... "This collector is just enjoying his time, and a mad girl like you is standing with all these dumb heads who think this collector can solve their problems."
"Stop it Veer, and believe me he will solve the problems in the village" she said softly
"'ll be old then standing with a stick in your hand like these farmers do" he retorted angrily...
Aarti shook her head, there was no point arguing with the hot headed man...
The man standing in the front furiously came treading towards Veer "what's the problem?"
Aarti intervened "nothing, nothing its really hot and he's new here..." she smiled and frowned at Veer... "Stop it..."
Veer moved Aarti behind him "should I explain you in detail, what my problem is?" crossly staring at the broad build man...
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