Part 41
Senses sharpened with adrenaline, Lotiya held his breath, straining to hear with every ounce of his concentration. Not quite silent. Cool air whispered around the sand dunes as he stood out from the rocks.
This was not as easy as he thought it could be. After waiting for some time his eyes fell on the lantern at some distance, so she was here he thought and walked to her.
Lachi's eyes popped open so hard she couldn't blink, holding the lantern in her hand walking in the dark keeping her bare feet on the cool sand she didn't felt safe, safe for his life.
So far she thought he was brave enough to save himself but now a notorious fear kept orbiting her day and night making every second miserable for her.
She would definitely die if anything happened to him but then another thought came shooting down her mind, if Lotiya could kill that officer like he killed so many others then he would stay alive, may be forever.
Her long skirt flew on the sides with the cool wind, she adjusted her dupatta on the side and tug her hair behind her ears to have a clear sight of him waiting for her...
With her jewels tinkling around her body she made sure there was no noise as the army was very alert to any sounds these days and you never know from where and when another bomb would take his life...
"what took you so long?" queried Lotiya with tremendously irritated look at Lachi who gawp equally at her lover who didn't seem to bother about her at all... only she knows how did she actually managed to escape from the sight of her Father, villagers and not to mention the army and especially the commanding officer who had already taken oath to kill him in any circumstances...
"Here, eat this" she handed a small container in his hands angrily and was about to turn away when he hold her hand
She didn't look at him "Leave me Lotiya"
Lotiya pulled her closer, she could feel his breaths closer to her ear "you know I can't. You are my only weakness"
As usual she melted in his arms
She lay on his side with her head on his bare chest whereas he looked up in the sky, his mind getting prepared for something big... her eyes fell on his feet tied up with a bandage "what's this?"
He got up wearing his clothes... "These army men don't understand it's not easy to kill a tiger"
Almost scared Lachi picked up her clothes lying on the side and slowly wore them... "I have seen that officer, I spoke to him. He's brave and he's not afraid of anyone"
Lotiya's eyes filled with wrath and he pulled her rough hair making her look into his eyes...
"Lotiya...leave me. Stop hurting me"
With the other hand squeezing her neck he pushed her on the sand "how dare you talk to that b**tard? How dare you tell me about his bravery? You bitch"
Lachi could clearly see the glare in his eyes as if Lotiya would kill her, his anger turned him into beast in no time, she cursed his fury day and night that held responsible for him turning into a criminal...
"Lotiya...leave me. You coward"
She could hardly take out words from her mouth as he squeezed her neck with his strong hands....
But then something stopped him and he ripped off her blouse and pulled her in the corner towards the rocks...
Keshav rubbed his eyes as he woke up with Lachi's shrieks but stayed in his place.
"I will show you my bravery now"
Bigha and Senu came out from the little cave hearing the shouting but no one dared to stop Lotiya from misbehaving with Lachi...this was not the first time she was forced, everyone knew by now, even Lachi knew his anger would cause her ache, especially physical.
After a long time
Lotiya came out of the corner of the big rock wearing his shirt and walked in the cave leaving Lachi lay on the sand in a bad condition...
Slothfully she picked up her skirt and torn blouse, she tried to cover her body with the dupatta and hide her face that would clearly show the bruise around her lips where he bite her... she knew crying won't help as Lotiya behaves like an animal when he's angry but couldn't help as she was in love with him.
Tears automatically came out of her eyes and she tried to wipe off, not letting anyone see the pain in her heart and body.
Lethargically she tried getting up as the morning sun was about to rise and she wouldn't like to become a show to the villagers. She must leave before everyone wakes up.
She got up terribly as her thin body had already given up... she sat for some time and then put her whole effort to walk out of the rocks...
She didn't forget to cover her face and head with the dupatta. Lachi already prepared an excuse that she had to give to her Father for the bruise on her face.
Morning sun wouldn't bring joy in her life, so she didn't bother if it was morning or night. Every day was the same, she had lost her heart way back and now her mind stopped working. From far away she saw the soldiers doing some work. She saw them putting bunkers around the area.
She should have warned Lotiya, she regretted. He was planning to come tonight and God forbid if he got killed. No, she must go back and let him know... her legs ached, due to the physical torture she experienced last night but then she must save him...
She was about to turn when her Father called her... she turned around to see her Father standing with the commanding officer looking at her...
Kavita couldn't believe she was sleeping in a village. She looked around to see Arjun sleeping on the bed next to her. People had already started their early morning, small path had few people walking, some going for the fields to work, women usually were seen with pulling the cattle to graze.
"Arjun, get up"
Kavita looked for her slippers and stepped out of the small house to look for Aarti who was not to be seen anywhere...
Time can change anyone, but love can transform someone so much, it was hard to believe. Kavita viewed Aarti teaching small kids in the nearest school and smiled at her friend.
She couldn't believe it was same Aarti who used to fight for little things and was always so childish. Even though she grew up in luxury she left everything just to live in this village only to forget Veer... but it won't be easy for her.
Kavita watched Aarti who was deeply in love with Veer and who wanted to deliberately stay away from him just because she can't risk to lose him again. How irrational can this be?
She looked at her beautiful friend standing in a white suit salwar with red dupatta, even though she looked simple with no makeup yet she looked so pretty. Her long hair touched her hips and they even grew little more now... Kavita now had no intention to take her back. She would be happy to see Veer coming back to her one day.
"Kavita...why are you standing here? Go talk to Aarti now" Arjun watched Kavita standing like a statue outside the house at only few steps from the school...
She looked at Arjun who was confused at Kavita "why are you smiling?"
Kavita shook her head "look over there"
She pointed at Aarti...
Arjun looked at her "so?"
"So? Can't you see?"
"What? Aarti? I can"
"Dumbo. Can't you see she's camouflaged herself? And I know she won't come with us" Kavita sat on the nearest stair...
"And how do you know that?" Arjun asked
Kavita took a deep breathe... "Because she's deeply, madly in love. I have heard people changing in love, but I am practically watching for the first time"
Arjun confusedly gawked at Kavita "have you had alcohol?"
"No...can't you see. Aarti has built her own identity because of her love and we cannot take her back"
"So no one can get her back now? She will live her whole life over here?" Arjun snapped back...
Kavita gave a broad smile "he won't let her..."
"Who? Kavita you're confusing me"
She watched Arjun and pulled his cheeks "stupid, only Veer can bring her back"
Arjun gazed in her eyes, placing a peck on her nose... "I Love you" he said softly
She kissed him on his cheek "I love you too" she whispered
"Love can change everyone, then why Veer is the same?" Arjun queried...
Kavita wondered something "well, I am sure it must have affected him. More or little but love missile must have hit in his heart by now...."
"You're right and will keep on hitting him until he comes back to Aarti..."
Both giggled....
Lachi tried not to look at her Father and Veer who was standing at a distance, and covered her mouth with the dupatta.
"Where were you Lachi?" Ramcharan observed her Daughter's torn blouse that she was trying to hide under her dupatta...
Without saying anything she walked past them towards her house...
The moment she walked in the house, she burst crying on the floor...all her hopes of making Lotiya a better person were going waste. He wouldn't listen to her and she won't be able to protect him from the bullets that would end up shooting in his heart...
While changing her clothes, she saw the scars on her arms and waist. He was not less than an animal. His anger will kill him one day, she thought. But then she didn't reacted because she was sure he only loved her and never looked at any other girl in his life...
Observing the gun with bullets he pointed upwards towards the blue sky, Veer was least concerned about the gangster's personal life, all he wanted was a gunshot straight into his head. He watched his team carrying the work perfectly to capture the enemy from all sides....
The gunshots cracked into the air as loud as thunder but without the raw power of a storm. The noise reverberated in the ears and rang out far over the hills.
"That was a good shot Sir" said Yashpal who was standing at some distance from his major observing the bullet shots....
Lachi woke up looking at the afternoon sun worrying about Lotiya... then a thought about his hunger came in her mind. Although she knew Kasturi was with the gang to cook for them.
Kasturi, Keshav's wife who Lachi had sent two months back to look after Lotiya and the whole gang lived in the big rocks above the hill.
But hearing the gunshot made her freeze at one place. She must inform Lotiya about the army's attack tonight or she would lose him forever...
Aarti's last NO made it very clear to Kavita. Sitting near the river with her bags packed Kavita was waiting for Aarti to speak her heart out, but Aarti pretended to serve the village....
"You never liked salwar suits" Kavita taunted looking at Aarti who kept planting small flowers on the edge of the path... her hands and suit dirty with mud.
"Hmm...I know" she replied softly.
Kavita observed her friend "don't you miss Uncle and aunty?"
She stopped for a while then picked up a mug of water and poured around the small plant "Not really" she answered softly not looking at Kavita
Kavita knew the answers won't be so honest "and Veer?"
Aarti stopped and looked at Kavita in her eyes "No"
Kavita knew it was big lie as Aarti wouldn't forget Veer even till her last breathe...
"I will feel bad for you not attending my wedding" Kavita changed the track of her conversations looking at Aarti's sad face whose expressions change just with one name.
Aarti earnestly watched Kavita "My wishes are with you. But please Kavita I can't leave this village. This village has become my home now and I am happy here"
Arjun watched the two friends "I think we all must forget our worries and behave the way we were in college..."
Kavita smiled and hugged her tightly "I can understand. I want you happy as well. My wedding is next month if you still think over to come. We all will miss you"
"Me too" Aarti said softly and waved at her friends who sat in the boat to cross the river...
Aarti watched them leaving, she was happy for her friend who got the love in her life. Not everyone does get the love they want...
She walked back towards the village fields to check if the new grains had come or not, she had to visit the town as well to meet the collector for the Chakkittapara electricity project.
No matter how hard she tried to forget him, some moments were impossible to erase off her memory.
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