"Look who's here! Uncle Malik to the rescue!" Malik muses as we enter Sam's room. We've decided to visit her first thing in the morning.
"Wow!" Sam looks thrilled seeing a cute gift basket held by Liam, and a large bouquet of fresh roses in Malik's hold.
Given how my drama queen loves to be spoilt, I've got no doubt that she's highly content with this gentle display of affection from these men.
"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Liam inquires smoothly, and I'm right behind him—both me and Roshni.
"Hmm, I'm feeling great already." Sam beams, her eyes wide and bright.
The nurse smiles by her side while gathering her stuff. "All done. Now you're free to go," she tells Sam before excusing herself by jostling past us.
"Thank you," I whisper my gratitude and she nods softly.
The room feels smaller now that the five of us are here together.
"How are you feeling, gorgeous?" Malik asks after we all settle in.
"Great. Are those for me?" Sam eyes the flowers gleefully.
"Yeah." Malik hands her the bouquet with apparent pleasure. "And that, too." He takes the gift basket from Liam and places it on the bedside table, chocolates and strawberries the first thing to be seen.
"Hmm. Lovely." Sam sniffs the flowers, her lovely grin plastered on her pale face. "Thank you. Thank you all for this heartwarming gesture. I feel so—" A knock on the door interrupts her.
"I hope there's a room for more people here!" A new voice arrives when the door swings open. "Surprise!" My eyes widen in astonishment when I see a gorgeous blonde walking in.
"Natasha!" Sam exclaims joyfully.
"The one and only, baby!" Natasha replies and walks in, Jamal right behind her. They're both looking fresh and happy—the newlywed brand on their smiles.
"Wow, guys, this is so awesome!" Sam shouts in awe, her eyes glowing wonderfully. "I can't believe you guys are here!" She sits up straight.
"Believe it!" Natasha hugs her, and Jamal smiles from a distance, standing near the boys. "How can I miss this moment, huh? I missed you girls, and I'm glad you're fine, sweetie. What happened?" Her face falls into apprehension as she beholds Sam closer.
A few exchanges follow, filling the room with noise. It so happens that Jamal and Natasha are back from their honeymoon in Romania, and they decided to drop by in Las Vegas so Jamal can settle a few business matters, other than partying with us of course.
"Okay, ladies," Liam utters to interrupt our feminine moment. "We'll be outside." He and the boys are up, finding our company unfriendly for them.
"Sure. We won't take long," Sam assures them because she's already discharged and we have to go.
The boys give us the space we need.
"I'm glad everything is okay now. Liam spoke to Dr. Harper and there's nothing wrong," I say while bringing the bag l filled with Sam's clothes and essentials. Roshni and Natasha on the couch, and I sit back on the bed.
"I'm glad. I freaked out yesterday." Sam takes her feet off the bed, still in the hospital gown.
"Indeed. Were you really in pain, Sam? Could it be . . . you just imagined it?" I tease her. "Because I remember you used to do that a lot. Even if you get cut on the finger you'd start complaining about your head, your tummy, and even—"
"Okay, don't embarrass me, Kiki!" Sam says stoutly, and we all laugh including herself. She then takes a deep breath. "Maybe you're right. I got scared when I saw blood and I was like . . . this is what happens in the movies, and then dang! They lose the baby."
"Well, apparently that's scary," remarks Roshni while typing a text or something on her phone, finally making an input.
She's been too down today and I wonder if something's bothering her.
"I agree. I'd also freak out." Natasha crosses her one leg over the other, rummaging through her handbag.
"Well . . . I'm glad it's over," Sam says calmly, her fears unhidden even now.
I'm glad she's bonded with her baby. It's all I desired to see in her.
"Good. Start getting ready, I brought you the clothes, makeup, everything!" I hand her the bag.
"Better. I'll change right away and get the hell out of here," Sam replies and starts doing as much by slipping a pair of jeans on. "By the way, congratulations, Natasha. I wish you all the best, sweetie." She smiles sheepishly at the blonde.
"Thank you, babe. Weddings can be quite a headache no matter how small you want it to be," Natasha remarks, flushed.
"Tell me about it," I mutter ingenuously, sighing at the thought of how my wedding preparations are proceeding as we're speaking.
But I'm sure Eleanor has everything covered—lucky me.
"That's why I don't want a prepared wedding!" Sam muses with her usual speech. We just laugh. "And your honeymoon? How was it? Is Romania beautiful?" she asks Natasha, and all ears stay attentive.
"Oh, yes. Jamal fell in love with Transylvania right away," Natasha answers with glee. "Well, I grew up there, but going back after such a long time felt so different. It was wonderful." She smiles and sounds fulfilled.
"Hmm, now you make me want to visit that place," I utter matter-of-factly, for I've got a long bucket list of the places I want to see; Romania being one of them. "I'm so crazy about places with a historical touch and amazing nature."
"You can find all that in Romania," Natasha replies. "Dracula's castle, mountains, the Black Sea, Gothic churches, and many other interesting stuff. Unfortunately I'm more of a big-city girl. I couldn't fit in."
"Me, too. I can't imagine myself living in a place surrounded with history and forests," Sam blurts out, and again everyone laughs heartily.
Maybe I'm the only weirdo here.
"But they're ideal for a nice and relaxing vacation," I purr. "After a hustle in the city for months, a calm place is all I need to relax."
Not that I'd mind living in a calm and quiet place. I'm not fond of a freakish lifestyle—traffic jams and noise don't really excite me as nature does.
"Absolutely." Natasha takes an audible sigh while fixing her makeup. "That being said, how about a party for the single lady who's soon to be married?" She awakes the sass, eyeing us hopefully.
"Um, sure." I smile, cool with the idea. "But Sam is—"
"No, no, no, Madam! I'm not sick, and I wasn't forbidden to have fun. We're having the party tonight, just as I planned before," Sam announces, and there's nothing I can do against the two blondes, is there?
"As you wish. As long as you follow each and every instruction the doctor gave you," I state.
"Sure, Mom." Sam puts on a loose top.
We leave the hospital about twenty minutes later, but unfortunately Natasha and Jamal have to take their own path as they have other things to do this morning. Now it's just the five of us riding in the large SUV in which Malik's driving.
"How about breakfast, guys? I'm starving," I whine, my food goddess pursing her lips sulkily.
"Oh, me too, Professor. You don't even need to ask." Malik grins through the rearview mirror, and the destination is decided.
Nothing major goes on from this point, other than heavy breakfast as everyone is indeed starving. Given the doctor's order that Sam needs enough rest, we decide to cancel all other plans for the day and go back to the hotel so as to give way for the party night awaiting.
I'm super excited, honestly.
"Must it be in the club, Kira?" Liam complains. We are seated in the hotel lounge, a newspaper taking up half of my fiancé's focus.
"Yes, Liam. Why? Do you think I'll be stolen or something?" I cajole him, but he stays indifferent. Jeez! "It's supposed to be the bachelorette, Liam, don't tell me you want to tag along? No, you can't." I force my eyes into his gaze.
"Ugh!" he grumbles softly, throwing the newspaper aside. "I don't think I like the idea," he confesses and it's not like I expected anything less from him.
"Come on, baby! It will be fine, okay? It'll be the four strong ladies." I smile sheepishly at him. He only rolls his eyes in response. "Can you stop being grumpy?" I chuckle.
"Okay. But I'll be calling every twenty minutes," he states clearly.
"Twenty?" I'm forever awed by his fastidiousness. He nods affirmatively. "How about two hours?" I negotiate.
"Thirty minutes," Liam argues.
"One hour."
"Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Darcy," I mutter, teasing him with a handshake.
Laughing, Liam says, "Not quite a pleasure with me, Ms. Jones. But I can compromise."
"You're grouchy." I purse my lips at him, bursting with joy inside..
"What are you two plotting about?" Malik asks, taking a seat with us after a phone call that had him excused.
Sam and Roshni are into their own conversation, seated on the next sofa, their eyes stuck on the travel magazine.
"A perfect way to escape this arrangement of yours," Liam replies, once again clutching his newspaper. "Tell me, are we also going to have a party in the club, or is it the ladies only?" He glances at Malik.
"Of course we'll have a party, Brother," Malik answers. I cock an eyebrow at that. "It's going to be spectacular, full of drinks and . . . well, surprise." He grins.
Women? Stripers? My subconscious whispers sneakily.
"Oh no, hold up!" I say stoutly, interrupting my own thoughts. "What do you mean spectacular?" I giggle at the things imagined in my head.
They're not thinking of those naked stripers and stuff, are they? I fail to rule this out, for we're in Vegas dammit! It's a home for sinful pleasure.
"Why, my love? Don't you want me to have my spectacular bachelor party as well? You're going to have yours, right?" Liam asks mockingly, earning himself an audience from Roshni and Sam.
"What are they mumbling about?" Sam asks Malik.
"They want to be glued together, for better for worse." Malik shakes his head, amused.
"For better for worse?" Roshni erupts into laughter, and so does everyone.
"Okay, problem solved, lovetigers! We'll have one party so that you won't die with anxiety disorder!'' Malik says.
"That's better!" Liam and I utter in unison.
"Ew! That's boring." Sam is not in favor.
"No, it's not," Liam retorts.
"Jeez! You two need to get married ASAP!" Sam laughs heartily. "But for now you're going to have separate parties and that's final! I'm in charge of this one, so you better think of—"
"Malik!" A feminine voice disrupts our funny moment, forcing everyone to turn their eyes around.
"No, this is not happening," Malik mutters while getting up, and I nearly roll my eyes at the sight of our new guests.
"No, ma chérie, you don't need to get up." Monique and Scarlet approach. Just great! "I'm glad I found you here," the former says.
Malik looks displeased. "Monique, what are you—" He starts and the brunette stops him with a kiss on the cheek.
Startled, Malik's eyes collide with Roshni's as she's seated across from him. Her face is expressionless, but the hint of discomfort contours the bridge between her eyebrows. She quickly looks away and I can't blame her.
"You didn't answer my calls and I got worried. Is everything okay? You left in such a hurry last night," Monique asks Malik in a soft voice, the one that could easily take it for a concern.
But Malik knows better to understand her game, it seems.
He gets up and whispers, "Please, don't make a scene."
"I won't. Relax." Monique chuckles. "Hi, Liam." She now faces Mr. Darcy. He gives her a curt nod, no word spoken. "Oh, we meet again." She eyes me.
"It seems." I give her a brief goofy smile, and then my eyes shift toward Scarlet.
She is standing aside, discreetly staring at Liam with a sad face, and it's so evident that she is not as talkative as her friend. What's her deal, though? She's done with Liam, no? I don't like the look she gives him at all.
"How about introducing us to your friends, boys?" Monique proceeds, caring so little that she's making everyone uncomfortable. "I already know . . . Cara, right?" she asks me.
Just shut it, bitch! Cara yourself.
"Kira. Kira is her name, not Cara," Liam says, deadpan.
Oh yes. That's my man! I reel inside, highly pleased.
Sam's eyes search for my gaze immediately with a questioning eyebrow.
"Oh. My apology," Monique says, her tone as fake as her eyelashes. "I'm Monique, by the way—a very good friend of Malik. And that's Scarlet, my best friend . . . just like Liam and Malik." She's regarding everyone with her introduction.
"I see," Sam remarks crisply. "And are you here for business or something?"
"No?" Monique frowns incredulously.
"Oh, don't tell me you came to congratulate Liam on his upcoming wedding then! That's very noble of you," Sam says, that bitchy tone of hers perfectly used. I smile. "I'm Samantha, by the way. The bride's best friend. And this is Roshni—"
"I think I need to rest." Roshni gets up suddenly, interrupting Sam, and Malik stares at her with a worried expression.
Not good at all. Roshni is affected by this and I wonder what it entails.
"Me too. I shouldn't ignore the doctor's orders, right?" Sam gets up, yawning, and the two leave together afterwards.
Now Malik looks way more agitated than ever before, throwing a scornful glance at the French woman. "What do you think you're doing?" he barks.
"What?" Monique plays innocent. "I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"
"Baby, why don't we go back to our room?" Liam tells me in a low voice.
"Sure," I oblige with a smile and we get up instantaneously.
"Malik. Ladies. Have a wonderful day." Liam gives them a curt smile. "Let's go, my love." He places his hand around my waist and together we stride away.
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