The weekend fed blissfully.
It's another week, a very bright Monday morning. I'm standing at the front yard, the sun beaming promisingly as Mr. Prescott's Mercedes pulls over. I've been excited since I wake, for Roshni and I are finally going to have our moment alone.
Unhurriedly, Mr. Prescott makes his reverent exit before opening the back door so Roshni can do the same. Smooth breeze blows my curls, my smile big. Roshni gets out with her handbag and a small box that reminds me of those used in bakeries when you buy a cake.
Has she brought a cake? I grin.
"I'm happy you've accepted my invitation," I say while marching closer.
"No problem. I was bored anyway," Roshni returns jubilantly, stroking the strands of her black hair off her face.
She looks radiant in her black jeans, blue long sleeve top, and a white camisole. Black wedges and her messy bun are a plus to her true beauty, no extreme makeup on her face. I love her simplicity, for she's already gorgeous as she is.
"Thank you, Mr. Prescott. Are you going back to Liam right away?" I quiz, given that the old man always picks my husband to and from work.
"I don't think so, Ma'am. Perhaps later," Mr. Prescott replies curtly, a small smile on his lips. "May I?" He bows courtesly, asking for my permission to leave.
"If you may." I smile at him.
"Thank you." Roshni tells him and it doesn't take longer until he's no more around us.
"Alright. Shall we, Lightness?" I drag the half-Indian inside the house, eager to have some quality time over our girls' talk.
It's been ages and I'm seriously missing Sam. This, by far, has been the longest time we've been apart and I hope everything is okay with her. But anyway, Roshni is here and I have a feeling she has a lot of things to say.
"Here. In my country, you can't visit someone's house empty-handed." She hands me that inviting white box, and now I'm positive it's a cake.
"You're sweet. Thanks." I take it as we walk through the front door.
"You've got quite a home, Mrs. Darcy. No wonder Liam hides you here," Roshni muses when we finally settle inside the living room.
Modern and sleek, I dare say I wish to change nothing in my living room. Maybe a few decorations to add, but the layout and furniture is more than okay for my taste. An L-shaped couch with enough pillows calls for our attention, and the large French window stare at us as I turn the gigantic TV on.
"Well . . . I truly I forget what's happening in the world as I keep bubbling myself in this house. I need more outings, I swear." I grin. Discovery Chanel pops on the screen, a reminder that it was Liam's last activity yesterday.
"But you love being locked up here, don't you? Because I wouldn't mind at all." Roshni chuckles.
Loving it? I guess I do. But I still need to get real and search for something meangful to do—wether it's studying or working—becauae being busy is part of my life that I never want to change.
"I'll get some drinks and snacks. Are you up for some junkies or you'd rather have something healthy? I'm off the diet today so I'll cheat big time," I say while getting up.
Roshni bursts out laughing. "Let's do the junkies. One day won't hurt, will it? Or two? Three? Honestly I need a serious diet for that matter because this winter is taking a toll on me. I just finished six doughnuts yesterday, only to earn myself a new name—foodie!"
"Let me guess . . . From Malik?" I see no one else as a nickname pro.
We both laugh heartily.
"You got it right, girl." Roshni sighs audibly, reclining back in an exhausted manner.
I get some of Mrs Prescott's beef bagels, chips and salsa, and a big bowl of guacamole. When I return our conversation proceeds. Lisa puts a box of juice and glasses before greeting Roshni, and soon after we're alone.
"So, how are you and Malik coping? I hope you're no longer pulling each other like cat and dog." I smile.
"We're okay," Roshni utters, taking the chips as her first option.
"Just . . . okay?" I lift a mischievous eyebrow at her, crunching a dry tortilla in my mouth as I chew it. Roshni flushes and I think there's something here. "I want you two to work out, honestly."
"What?" Roshni chuckles.
And she's really, truly, blushing now! My nosy subconscious doesn't let this detail pass her by.
"Something happened between you two, right?" I probe ingenuously, hoping that I'm right.
"Well . . . we kissed last night," Roshni breathes, biting her bottom lip shyly.
Woah! That's a big news.
"You kissed!" My voice comes out gleefully, my mouth into an 'O'. "How? I mean, how did it happen?" I urge.
"It just happened, Kira. I don't even understand how." Roshni puffs some air, her cheeks looking hotter than before. "We were talking in the kitchen, and suddenly the mood felt intense . . . and just like that . . . we were kissing."
"Wow. I'm happy for you two!" I blurt, taking another chips hastily. Roshni winces back. "I'm serious. I feel like you'll make a great couple."
"Oh, stop it! It was just a one time thing. We'll be fighting everyday if that ever happens," Roshni utters dismissively, her eyes barely meeting mine as she sips her tropical juice nonchalantly.
"You fight a lot?" This is an interesting detail.
Roshni nods. "Pretty much. We always argue."
"Well, isn't that because you're both trying to know each other? I believe people who fight a lot tend to understand each other better."
"Kira!" Roshni chuckles.
"What! I'm only stating my point of view." I laugh gently, and I truly needed this moment.
"I don't know." Roshni exhales deeply while reclining back.
"Anyways. I have been meaning to ask you something for so long, but deep inside I know it's like an invasion of privacy," I say after a slight hesitation. "I'm going to ask, but you can refuse to answer if you don't want to. I won't mind."
"Hmm. That's scary," Roshni remarks dubiously, fixing her eyes more attentively. "What is it?" she asks.
I sit straight. "Were you forced in this engagement with Malik? I mean . . . understand how normal that is, in some cultures, but I was wondering if you had any option regarding the matter. Didn't you?" I inquire, finger crossed that Roshni answers this.
A short, easy silence prevails momentarily. Roshini seems to be thinking until she finally smiles softly.
"I can't say I was forced, but I also didn't have another option considering the situation I was in when I accepted this engagement," she replies, her voice mirthless. "I had to marry the man of my father's choice if I needed to help the people I love the most in this world. It was the decision I made out of my free will, if I think critically."
"Oh?" I'm stunned somehow, but unable to understand what kind of help exactly. "But how?" I ask patiently.
"I have two siblings, but we're only sharing the same mother," Roshni begins. "They have their own father who . . . Well, my mother's relationships have been a mess. She raised us by herself, almost, as the only support she got from my father was limited to only me."
"Because you're his blood and they're not?" I blurt out. Roshni affirms with a nod, our snacks abandoned. "I think it's understandable."
"It is," Roshni breathes. "Well, I had very little knowledge of my father while growing up, but he's a very wealthy man. And just like what you've said, it's understandable that he didn't support us fully, because he's no obligation towards the kids that are not his."
"I guess. But why exactly did you accept this?" I insist.
Roshni takes a long breath. "My young brother suffers from Acute Kidney Failure. He undergoes dialysis every month and the costs are not a child's play. Well, my mother is just a working woman, and I'm just the same. In fact, I had to quit college behind her back so that I could work and support for the daily expenses." She pauses, biting her lip in meditation or recollection of some unpleasant memories.
My heart withers.
Roshni smiles lightly. "And one day my father came with the marriage proposal. He wanted me to marry someone of status . . . like him . . . or better." She smiles bittersweetly, shaking her head. "Malik is a royal, after all, right?"
"Right." I nod.
But isn't that more like a business deal instead of a marriage? I still can't understand some practices.
"We had a specialist check on my brother's condition and he said it can be reversed, but the operation was too expensive." Roshni continues.
"And you're father used the opportunity to strike a deal?" I ask with wonder.
"No. I was the one who gave him the condition. If he was going to take care of all the finances; especially the medical bills and education for my siblings, indefinitely, then I was willing to go ahead with his plan. I'm not sure what I was thinking at the moment, but I realized the magnitude of my decision later on when I got to understand that I was going to be married to someone I don't even know."
"Yeah. That's scary," I comment on her last remark, completely touched by the previous one. "Do you regret it? I know you're not married to Malik, yet, but do you wish to turn back the clock?"
I'm fully aware that Malik is a wonderful guy any woman would want to be with; despite some minor details that makes him just human. Who doesn't have flaws?
"Regret?" Roshni mutters thoughtfully. "No, I don't. As long as my family is secured, I can do worse than this. But it doesn't mean I'm okay with it, either. In the end, both Malik and I didn't want to be on this spot and somehow I feel guilty that if I didn't agree to it, he wouldn't be trapped right now."
I turn speechless. And yes, sometimes people tend to make the hardest decisions, neglecting their fear, and just accept whatever's on the way. Maybe that's the case for Roshni as well.
"But at least the man you've encountered is someone nice. It's good luck, don't you think?" I grace my attention back to the food by grabbing a bagel, extra something for my cheating day.
"Good luck? You think?" Roshni laughs, taking her glass of juice with ease.
The tension seems to be gone now.
"Oh, come on! Don't tell me you feel absolutely nothing for Malik." I resume eating.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Roshni blushes, discarding the topic by asking, "Have you talked to Eleanor? I really miss her."
"Um . . . not in three days. I miss her, too. We can call her later. It's still too early in Montana right now."
The day proceeds smoothly and on the big TV begins 'Sleepless in Seattle', one of my all time favourites movies which steals our combined attention.
"I never got the chance to watch this movie properly. It has such a nice story," Roshni says.
"My dad adored it. We'd huddle on the couch and watch over and over again until I almost memorized each and every dialogue." I chuckle, missing Mr. Jones.
How would life be if my parents were still alive? Lately I don't want to know.
Liam and Malik return around six in the evening. Roshni rolls her eyes when Malik's loud laugher hits her ears, and I gigle gently. We sit straight as the boys walk in, accompanied by Mrs. Prescott who's beside Malik, his hand on her shoulder.
"I'll have a very big bite, Nana. Don't ever compare me with Liam who's busy watching his figure," Malik says.
Now it's my husband who's rolling his eyes.
"Okay, dear. Let me get back to the kitchen. I'm so happy to see you." Mrs. Prescott dashes away, seemingly overjoyed with Malik's presence.
That's Malik's effect.
"Hi, Professor!" Regarding us, he gives me a kiss on the cheek and then moves towards Roshni. "Lightness," he murmurs, staring at her unresolved on what to do.
Awkward! My subconscious murmurs, and I know it's the kiss they shared. I've been there before.
"Hi," Roshni breathes, averting her gaze from him.
The two of them float on a sweetly awkward bubble as I leave them to finally have a piece of my husband.
"Hey." I amble closer to Liam.
"My love." He hauls me for an embrace and kisses me smoothly on the lips. "How was your day?" he queries.
"Wonderful. As you can see I'm in one piece and ready for you." I grin with pleasure, my Monday turning even brighter. "Yours?"
"Better, now that I'm home with my stubborn wife. But I'm starving." He tugs the strands of my hair behind my ears, both of us oblivious of the royal couple's banter behind us.
"You'll have to wait for a few minutes, grumpy Mr. Darcy. I'll go help Mrs. Prescott setting the table and whatever that's left to be done. Lisa has left early," I say while playing with the collar of his shirt.
"I see." He smiles and eventually we glance at Malik and Roshni.
"What's going on with them?" I gaze up at Liam.
He shrugs. "I don't know."
"Really? Are you sure you're not hiding something?" I narrow my eyes quizzically, for he has this dubious smile that suggests something.
"Come on, I know nothing except that they're probably doing better than before," Liam utters, dismissing the issue. "I'm going upstairs. You coming?" His lips teases mine as he asks this, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.
This horny husband of mine! I know what that smug smile entails.
"No, Liam. You are starving, so I'm going to the kitchen and sort that issue." I pull away from him and he laughs knowingly. "Guys, I'll be back when dinner is served. You're all at home."
"Do you need a hand?" Roshni stands up abruptly.
Okay. Is she trying to escape Malik?
Noticing the tension engulfing Roshni's demeanor, I decide to nod. "Sure. Let's go."
Mrs. Prescott's special bucatini clams casino and a bottle of wine adorn the table. The smell is terrific and I have no doubt about the taste. The old lady knows what she does in the kitchen. We all sit down.
"They got me two invitations. You going?" I overhear Malik asking Liam.
Invitations? For what?
"No, I'd rather not," Liam replies while serving himself some pasta.
"Because of Kira?" Malik throws a glance that I catch subtly.
I feel Liam's gaze as he replies, "Mainly. I don't want any misunderstandings."
This is disturbing. I don't get time to focus as I hand the bowl of pasta to Roshni, who slides me the sauce. However, our dinner turns out splendid and I dare say that it's a total success. I couldn't be any proud.
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