Day 5
"AHH!" I bolt up.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!?" I hear someone calling me. I can't open my eyes, I'm just too afraid...I feel arms grab me and I struggle to get away.
"Its Me! Open your eyes!" I do what I'm told and see it was only Gray. Releaved, I grab Gray and pull him into my grasp. I hug him, to scared to let go.
"Sh.. it's okay. Only a nightmare.." he whispers in my ear.
"Gray- I-I can't...I feel so scared...Please...I need you..." I mumble and he wraps his arms around me.
"I'm here...I'm here (Y/N)...and I won't ever leave." he pulls me away and we lock eye contact.
"Don't be afraid. I know you're strong. Sometimes we all feel fear. Don't worry though, I'm here. Your family is here. If you're afraid of this war, don't be. A war won't even happen. We'll convince your father, I swear.." I hug him once more."
"Thank you, Gray..." some how I could hear his beating heart, beating faster and faster.
We heard a knock. Gray gets off the bed and heads to the door. When he opens it, I see 2 familiar faces.
"Natsu, Lucy. What are you guys doing here?" Gray asks letting them come in.
"Gramps wanted us to come and get you guys. We all need to prepare for this war. He came back early and looks like the Magic council agreed. IF the war happens, we need to be ready to defend. And if (Y/N) can't convince her father, we will fight. That's a fact. So we need to go to the guild hall, it's where Lamia Scales, Quatro Puppy, Blue Pegasus, Saber And Mermaid will be there training with us. This isn't an option of weather to go or not. Besides, Gramps wants our team to make up a stratagey soon. We have 25 days." Natsu says leaning against the wall, eyes closed with folded arms.
"Come on guys... This is..." Lucy couldn't finished her sentence. She was just as scared as all of us. Even if Natsu is strong, he wouldn't hurt innocent people. But he wouldn't let his friends die by the humans who were tricked. We were all worried. Because we knew this wasn't really for survival. This was murder. "Gray, we told Gramps what you told us, ya know. About the humans given wrong information. Makes me wonder which letter is fake...or if they both are fake.." Lucy spoke looking at her black boots.
"Come on." Natsu said. Even if Gray or Lucy couldn't see it, I could. A tear stroke Natsu's cheek. We all don't know whats wrong or right anymore. But one things for sure. If this war happens...We won't stop without a fight.
"Script Magic : Iron!"
"Shawdow Dragon : Roar!"
"Lightning Blast!"
"Dark Ecriture: Pain!"
"Requip:Heavens Wheel!"
"Sand Blast!"
And I could hear more spells being cast as I walk in the back area outside of the guild. They were training hard, and most were out of breath. But they kept fighting their dummies. I guess they think they need to keep fighting, to be stronger, for our sake.
"H-Hey..." Lisanna came up to us, she was sweating and breathing hard.
"You okay? Don't push yourself..." I lightly touch her arm.
"There you guys are." I heared the master's voice call out from someone near. I turn around and Gray does the same.
"Come inside. Your team is waiting."
"How about we just strom in there? I can knock em all out!" Natsu says lighting his fist's in flames.
"Stealth first Natsu. Now here's how this is going to go. You guys will leave on the 25th day. It takes 12 hours to get to the capital. On the 29th day you guys will camp outside not too close to the castle. On that same day we attack. But we will need a distraction. Erza, thats you. You enter through the front and knock out the guards at the doors. When you enter, more gaurds will be at the lobby ready to attack. While Erza fights them all off, Natsu you shall go up the stairs to the 2nd floor. There you will knock down as many guards as you can. Lucy, I want you to stay outside of the castle. Make sure no guards leave for back up. Wendy I want you to make sure no one sends a signal to start the war early, you need to also not be seen. I want you to disconnect all communication to the civilians. That means all technology, letters, I want them gone. Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir!" The 3 shout.
"Master what about-"
"(Y/N) and Gray. I saved the most imortant part of this mission for you. I need you, (Y/N) to convince your father to give up this silly war. Lives are at stake! Gray, I want you with her for back up...just in case...things don't go as planned. Plan B...well. Plan B, Is War."
We all look at each other. Then Me and Gray lock eyes.
If We Don't Do this Right. It'll Cost Us Our Lives.
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