In less than an hour every guild, mage and even forbbiden guilds were ready for war. Me, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Wendy Were preparing to leave for the capital. It takes 12 hours, but we were gonna use the exceeds to take us there. We won't stop to rest, eat, nothin'. We are heading straight to the Capitol. Hopefully we'll get there in a couple of hours.
"Ready?" Mirajane asks.
"Ready." We all reply.
"Good Luck..." Lisanna says.
We all hug each other in the guild, and from other guilds. As if we knew, this is a war, we might not be coming back from. I see Erza hugging Jellal, not wanting to let go, Wendy saying good bye to Romeo, Mest and Cheria, Even Juvia and Lyon hugged. Everyone hugged one another, Sting and Natsu, because no matter what happened in our pasts, it didn't matter. We were all still wizads, we were all still humans. And we'll fight for our kind. As we waited for Lucy and Natsu to finish kissing we all got in a horizontal line and all at once we exited the guild, with stern expressions and not looking back. When we heard the doors shut, we looked at each other and gave a nod. We ran to the Capital of Fiore, to rescue the love of my life.
~4 hours Later~
"It's 5 pm!" Wendy says breathless. the Exceeds already carried us half way, and we took a magic automobile, so we have 1 hour till war and an 2 hours till we reach our destination.
"Maybe...We..Should take...A break?" Lucy suggest. I stop and look at her, she was sweating and breathing hard. I look back to where we were heading. I could see the castle. But I see that our health is important as well. "Okay...a quick one though." I assure and sit down on the dead grass. My thoughs drift to Gray and before I know it, I fell asleep.
I wake up on white, soft clouds. A smile spreads on my face and I fall backwards landing on pure heaven. I make a 'cloud' angel and roll around.
"(Y/N)..." I look up and see Jakana and Seikun...
"Girls..." I whisper suddenly remembering my nightmare from not too long ago.
"We're scared! We don't want war!" Jakana says crying and runs into my arms, Seikun following after her.
"Your strong sissy...The best of the best! You'll win right? You'll bring peace back? Right? Right? Seikun asks.
I wrap my arms around their little bodies and whisper,
"Of course I will...and once I do, i'll come back and visit you guys...okay?"
"Okay...Thank you...We love you..." They say in unison and I look into their beautiful eyes.
"I love you guys, too..." Then they disappear in my arms.
I wake up again but this time in the guild.
One thing was different; there was no one here.
I head to the doors but I felt as if I was being watched. I trun around and on the stage was my mother.
"Mom. I-I'm sorry I left you.. it was my fau-"
"No. It wasn't...I always thought all you wizards were they same. After your father left us, I was angry at him. Angry that he knew he wouldn't return from his quest. He was selfish, but really all along, I was the one being selfish. I realized after watching you grow up, you need to make your own choices. And seeing you, and your family in Fairy Tail. I realized...that...that, I was wrong. You should be happy, and if being a wizard makes that happen, well I say follow your dreams." She says, letting a tear fall from her eye.
"Mother..." I run up to her on the stage and give her the biggest hug, i've ever given her.
"I love you sweetheart...I'm always in your heart...remember that...Goodbye.."
"I love you too mom...Goodbye.."
This time I woke up in my house.
I gulped as I got out of my old bed and looked around my old room. I looked around taking it all in, and I realize the rose I left on my desk was still there. Only thing has changed, its dead and around it rotting petals. I walk over to my desk, and the note was still there too. I heard a noise and looked around preparing to use my magic. I grab the jar of water on my belt and held on it for dear life as I slowly grabed the door knob with my sweaty palm. I turned it and in front of me was the table I used to eat at. Only thing is, someone was there.
"How's my sweat pea?" My father spoke getting up from the wooden table.
"F-Fine. Fathe-" And I Realized. Thats not my father. Thats a man who lied to me my whole life, the and who set war between my kind and his, and The same man who took my love, Gray.
"Why are you on the humans side?! You're a wizard too!" I shout, letting the anger in me control my words.
"Is that any way to talk to your father?"
"You. Aren't. My. Father."
"Well then. I wouldn't want such a bratty daughter anyway." he said and slowly got closer to me every so often.
"I'll ask you once more. Why are you on their side. There shouldn't even be a 'side'-we are all equal!" I say.
"You'll find out soon enough."
I didn't even notice he was about an inch from my face.
"Go to sleep."
I shut my eyes as he raised the knife.
I heard gagging sound, but it wasn't me.
I open my eyes and see a ice looking sword cut through his heart.
I stare in shock as his eyes, go dull with emptyness.
He falls to the floor and i move aside, while he falls face-foward.
i trun to my left and see Gray holding a sword made of ice.
He drops his sword and I run into his arms...
"(Y/N) wake up.."
I look at him with confustion.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up"
"WAKE UP!" Natsu was shaking me awake.
"Arg!! Wha-What the hell?" I stutter. Around me I realized I was only dreaming and I'm back into reality. "You've been asleep for an hour!" Wendy says.
"Wh-what? N-no that's impossible!" I exclaim getting away from Natsu's grip. I stand up and look at the sky.
A loud boom-like explosion rang so loud I bet all of Fiore could hear it. I look at Erza, and as if she read my mind she said,
"That was the point."
"It's Sunset..." Lucy says staring at the orange sky filling with black darkness.
We looked at each other and knew what that cannon represented.
It was dark now, and the war had just started.
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